Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4447: We will not divorce 1

When Su Mu got out of the elevator, he saw a young and beautiful secretary standing at the elevator entrance: "It's Miss Su, President Qin is in a meeting. You can wait for him in his office first."

Su Mu nodded, and then followed the secretary to Ye Xiangnan's office.

The office of President Starlight is naturally large and luxurious, and the sun shines in and it is warm.

The second secret is very decent, "Miss Su, please sit down, I will help you pour tea, coffee, black tea, or plain water?"

Su Mu smiled: "Boiled water is good, thank you. ’

The second secretary nodded, walked out briskly, and soon turned around holding a beautiful cup in front of Su Mu: "The nightclub has ordered, let Lawyer Chen come over and take a look at Miss Su in the file. You can sign when you come back after the meeting."

Su Mu suddenly raised his eyes.

The second secretary didn't think anything was wrong with her abrupt performance, but still had a decent smile, "Miss Su!"

Su Mu closed her eyes slightly, "Thank you."

When the second secretary went out, she always felt that something was wrong with Miss Su.

Waiting for her to leave, Su Mu didn't have the mind to look at the luxurious surroundings, she just sat quietly.

She was a little bit ashamed.

It was like everything between her and Ye Xiangnan was exposed to others, Ye Xiangnan didn't care, but Su Mu did. She was just an ordinary person.

However, she could not tolerate her resistance.

The gap between her and Ye Xiangnan is too big.

Su Mu's mental balance is relatively good. It is good if someone takes care of Ye Xun after getting married.

After all, before, she was alone with the child, all she wanted was to survive and survive, and she had never had a chance to think about other spiritual things.

Su Mu adjusted his mentality. At this time, Lawyer Chen also came over and smiled slightly: "I have been waiting for Miss Su for a long time."

The other party's identity is special, Su Mu stood up: ‘Hello, Lawyer Chen. ’

Attorney Chen's first impression of Su Mu was pretty good. Although he was a little bit ordinary, he looked very decent and polite. Old people, he didn't have harsh demands on appearance like young people.

Lawyer Chen made a gesture: "Miss Su, please sit down."

He sat down with a familiar posture. He wanted to do this for Ye Xiangnan and his relationship with Ye Jia was also very close.

The second secretary also gave Lawyer Chen a cup of snow-topped oolong, and then decently withdrew. In the huge office, only Su Mu and Lawyer Chen were left.

Attorney Chen took out a document from the document bag and handed it to Su Mu: "Miss Su, this is a prenuptial agreement. You can see if there are any problems. If there are any, you can modify it."

Of course, Su Mu would not say that there was no problem. After all, it was carefully prepared by Lawyer Chen. She would not respect people if she refused to read it, so she read it carefully.

This is a prenuptial agreement, it's very detailed, not harsh, at least it's better than she thought.

In addition to the fact that Xingguang’s shares clearly indicated that they did not belong to her, Ye Xiangnan also divided about two properties and several facades for her, and even had an atlas with some jewels on it.

Su Mu had only seen these on TV, and was a little stunned for a while.

Attorney Chen kindly explained: "These are almost all jewelry handed down from the Ye family. Miss Su will take good care of them in the future and wear them when attending some important events."

Su Mu lowered his eyes: "I may not need it."

She is not inferior, but she feels that she and Ye Xiangnan are not people in the same world. He should have a secretary to accompany him to attend the event.

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