Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4451: Quarrel at the head of the bed, and 1 at the end of the bed

She dragged her like this, Ye Xiangnan was probably unhappy. He got out of bed and walked over. He crossed his hands at the door, watching her quietly: "Su Mu, you are not a little girl anymore."

Of course Su Mu knew that she was just not ready.

Holding the pajamas in his hand, it took a long time to raise his eyes.

Ye Xiangnan looked at her.

Su Mu said softly: "I'll take a bath."

He glanced at her again and went back to the bedroom.

This time, Ye Xiangnan didn't read the magazine, but took a look at the next day's work. About ten minutes later, Su Mu came out of the bathroom.

She didn't wear slippers, she was just a cotton pajamas, and she walked slowly towards him.

Ye Xiangnan put down the phone in his hand and looked at her quietly.

Su Mu bit her lip, almost bleeding.

She sat down carefully by the bed, hesitated, reached out and turned off the bedside lamp.

Ye Xiangnan did not object, nor did he speak out.

He doesn't like talking to her, especially at this time.


Early in the morning, when Su Mu woke up, it was already eight o'clock. The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows were unknowingly opened, and the sunlight came in, a little dazzling.

She sat up, grabbed her messy hair, and wanted to see Ye Xun.

At this time, the door of the dressing room opened, and Ye Xiangnan came out from the inside and saw her wake up and his eyes fell on her.

Su Mu's slightly scorching gaze made Su Mu very uncomfortable. They... actually were strangers, and she didn't know why he suddenly...

Su Mu looked down to see if there was something wrong with him, and at this time Ye Xiangnan had already said quietly, "Ye Wei called just now and asked you to try the wedding dress at 3 o'clock in the afternoon."

Their wedding was arranged by Ye Xiu, and all matters were also handled by Ye Xiu. Ye Xiangnan just relayed it, but this also shows the fact that Ye Xiu knew she was here with him and lived together.

Su Mu's head dropped, feeling indescribable.

Ye Xiangnan can probably guess her thoughts, "We will get married right away, and there must be a process. Besides, we have children. Isn't this kind of thing normal?"

Su Mu's face was flushed, and she bit her lip without making a sound.

Ye Xiangnan didn't say anything else, just glanced at her and then left.

Su Mu let out a long breath, did not get up immediately, but leaned against the bed in a daze.

His face was a little hot, and then there were some palpitations.

She didn't dare to think too much, and soon got up, and Ye Xun happened to wake up too.

The little guy asked while putting on his clothes, "Mom, can I have breakfast with my dad now?"

Su Mu smiled slightly, "Of course."

Although she didn't want to face Ye Xiangnan, especially today, she could not deprive Ye Xun of happiness.

Su Mu took the little guy to brush his teeth and wash his face before taking it downstairs.

Ye Xiangnan seemed to be in no hurry to leave today, sitting at the dining table and reading a morning paper. Breakfast was over.

Hearing the footsteps, he raised his eyes to look at Su Mu, as if waiting for her intentionally.

Su Mu arranged for Ye Xun to sit down. Of course, Ye Xun's breakfast was very rich, and Aunt Wang made it carefully.

Su Mu was really not interested in milk bread. She went to the kitchen to cook a bowl of millet porridge for herself. Because she used a pressure cooker, she made it in a few minutes.

In the restaurant, Aunt Wang said uncomfortably: "Ms. Su seems to be very opinionated with me. She doesn't eat the breakfast I made."

What made Aunt Wang more shocked was that Mr. and Su Mu actually slept together last night.

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