Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4458: Found that she was taking birth control pills 4

After I finished the meeting at night, I went back to the villa after socializing outside, and found that the house was empty before remembering that Su Mu was in the hospital.

It was already twelve o'clock at night, so he naturally wouldn't call a patient's cell phone, so he looked for night fennel.

Ye Wei answered the phone with a sheep voice in her voice: "Brother."

Ye Xiangnan's voice was faint, "Are you in the hospital?"

Ye Xun’s voice was a little confused: "No, I’ve already gone home. By the way, Ye Xun is here with me. My sister-in-law said Ye Xun’s bronchus is not very good and he is prone to allergies in the hospital, so I took it home at night. Mom took care of it."

Ye Xiangnan rubbed his brows: "Meaning, Su Mu is alone, isn't it?"

Ye Xiu nodded: "Sister-in-law said she is all right, and insisted that we come back."

"I see. You go to sleep." Ye Xiangnan wanted to light a cigarette, a little annoyed, he didn't know what it was for.

Later, he thought about it, Su Mu didn't have any serious problems, so he washed his stomach, and staying in the hospital for one night was nothing.

Thinking about it this way, it calmed down. I stretched out my hand to open the drawer to get a lighter, but saw a medicine bottle.

I haven't seen it before, and I want to know what the **** is it.

With a long hand, he took it, looked at it for a while and dropped it into the trash can accurately, no longer in the mood to smoke, but went downstairs to prepare for some supper.

He drank alcohol tonight. Lin Lu drove him back. He knew Lin Lu's thoughts, but he was not in the mood and he would not take a woman home.

When I went downstairs, Aunt Chen was not asleep yet, and the old man was secretly chasing the TV.

Seeing Ye Xiang going downstairs, she was shocked and patted her heart: "Sir, why don't you sleep so late?"

Ye Xiangnan walked over slowly and sat down: "Can't sleep, go and give me a bowl of noodles, Aunt Chen."

Aunt Chen was surprised, "Sir, you didn't like noodles before."

She suddenly remembered that the last time Miss Su ordered a bowl of noodles, which was quite fragrant, but she didn't dare to do it, but it was strange: "Why didn't Miss Su come back?"

"She's in the hospital." Ye Xiangnan let out a sigh of relief: "I'll be back tomorrow morning. I will ask the driver to pick it up tomorrow."

Aunt Chen reacted instinctively: "Just leave Miss Su in the hospital alone, then she will be lonely."

Ye Xiangnan looked at Chen's wife and felt that she was talking too much.

Sister Chen didn't dare to speak any more, and immediately went under the kitchen.

Within ten minutes, a bowl of fragrant noodles was brought over, and a glass of milk was poured. Ye Xiangnan ate a few mouthfuls. He always felt that it was not as fragrant as Su Mu's noodles that day, but he couldn't say that he looked at the ardent eyes of the old man. What, finish eating quietly.

Aunt Chen is satisfied with the book, "People can change. Sir, you don’t like noodles before, but it’s not very fragrant now."

Ye Xiangnan frowned, "Aunt Chen, how do you think these words have other meanings."

"No, no, absolutely not." Aunt Chen shook her hand: "My old man is just talking about noodles. There is no other meaning. I definitely didn't mean you to Miss Su. Sir, I was asleep."

Ye Xiangnan snorted coldly: "Your old man is so good at talking, it's better to talk more."

Where did Aunt Chen dare to stay, she waved her hand and went back to her room.

Ye Xiangnan thought about it carefully and felt that it was the opposite. Su Mu had only been here for two days. His sister, his mother and Aunt Chen spoke for her. What are her advantages?

Can't find the advantage, is it an advantage?

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