Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4462: Ye Xiangnan, we broke the marriage contract 1

He frowned, put down the phone in his hand, and bowed his head slightly to the people in the conference room: "Go out and make a call."

Lin Lu looked at him.

But Ye Xiangnan walked out directly.

After going out, he dialed Su Mu's phone number. Although they were unfamiliar, they always had the phone number.

When the phone rang, Su Mu looked at it and didn't want to answer it, but in the end she answered it.

"Something?" She asked coldly.

Ye Xiangnan was silent for about ten seconds, and then said coldly: "Where are you?"

Without waiting for her to answer, he continued to speak: ‘Now go back to the villa and call the old man to tell him you are back. ’

His tone and language were almost rude, completely command tone, regardless of cause and effect, just commands, and she executed.

Su Mu was in a daze, and said lightly, "Why?"

"Because Aunt Wang is a person next to the old man, this face must be given to the old man, and Su Mu, you are not a child, and you were hospitalized with medicine yesterday, and today you took Ye Xun away from home. Did you take your children like this? Can you be more sensible?" Ye Xiangnan pulled off his tie, his tone is really not good.

Su Mu chuckled softly: "Home?"

"Whose home is that, mine?" Su Mu smiled faintly: "Ye Xiangnan, I am hospitalized and I am not good, but I don't want Ye Xun to watch my mother being insulted every day, I want to Ye Xun Can understand me too."

In the end, she said a little hard: "I live in a hotel, and I will rent a house in a few days."

Ye Xiangnan smiled coldly, the laughter was disdainful, "Su Mu, don’t forget that you don’t work now, what do you take to support Ye Xun, and we will get married soon, and you want to let my son live. Is it outside?"

Su Muwei closed her eyes: "I still have some savings, Mr. Ye, we don't need to get married. Ye Xun doesn't have to live a life of rich clothes and food. If it is like that, we would rather be the same as before."

It's a little harder, but you don't need to be looked down upon.

Also, a man who treats her without asking Qinghong, is she sure she can bear it?

I'm afraid it can't.

After Su Mu finished speaking, she hung up, fearing that he would call her again and shut it down.

Ye Xiangnan listened to the voice coming from there, looked at the phone, and later realized that she had hung up the phone.

He grinds his teeth and no one has ever dared to hang up his phone.

When you call it again, it shuts down!

She was so angry that she almost smashed her phone.

He exhaled a long breath, then looked at the time and went to the meeting again.

When the meeting was over, it was already noon, and he called Ye Xiu to let Ye Xiu handle the matter.

Ye Xiu found it quickly, and called: "Sister-in-law took Ye Xun to stay in the hotel. Don't worry, brother who is in a good environment, I will persuade her when I turn back."

She changed her conversation: "But Aunt Wang is too much. I heard Aunt Chen say that Aunt Wang has a big opinion on her sister-in-law, and she seems to look down on it. Brother, do you want the old man to leave Aunt Wang with him? Father and son like it tightly, do you feel good about it?"

"Do you think I don't want to?" Ye Xiangnan let out a sigh of relief: "The old man just let her be with me."

Ye Hui muttered a few words in a low voice, "You really listen to him, he's always confused."

"What did you say?" Ye Xiangnan asked.

Ye Xiu shook his head immediately: "I don't know, I don't know anything."

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