Lin Lu was so cold, she sat there from head to toe and she didn't even have the courage to take a look at the man she loved.

Yes, she loves Ye Xiangnan very much, because his appearance is fascinated by his power. When Qin Yihuan used to be there, she didn't even dare to think about it, because Qin Yihuan couldn't tolerate it, but Su Mu appeared, and she was inferior to her in every respect. woman.

Lin Lu thought that as long as she gave birth to a child, she would definitely be much better than Su Mu's in all aspects. At that time, Mrs. Ye would be her name sooner or later.

She can bear it and can wait.

And she will definitely do better than Su Mu, she can ignore Ye Xiangnan's lace news.

Just go home.

Lin Lu's thoughts were not well hidden. A man like Ye Xiangnan grew up in such an environment since he was a child, but he would not worry about it.

He didn't care about Lin Lu, it was just an employee plus a woman who was a warm bed, and he never dared to disobey him, she was docile enough. This was the reason why he didn't care about her this time.

In the final analysis, he didn't care about Lin Lu, but Su Mu was not that important in his heart.

As for Ye Xun, Thaksin will be long in the future.

After sending Wen Yuan away, Ye Xiangnan finished the meeting. Of course, Lin Lu's face had been ugly and had been distracted. Ye Xiangnan bluntly named her several times.

This embarrassed Lin Lu.

When Ye Xiangnan went out, Lin Lu stopped him: "Night club."

Ye Xiangnan turned around: "Manager Lin, what's the matter?"

Lin Lu knew that many people were watching her, she shouldn't come out at this time, but she really couldn't help it.

She is just an ordinary woman.

Biting his lip, he said softly: "Nightclub, I want to talk to you."

Ye Xiangnan's gaze swept over the crowd, and finally said calmly: "Go to my office in ten minutes."

Lin Lu felt relieved and smiled, "Okay."

Ye Xiangnan walked out directly, and the middle and high-level people who remained were all transformed into three aunts and six poems, and talked about what happened this morning.

"The president's wife is really angry."

"Of course, my dear grandson is living outside. I heard that Miss Su is very spineless."

"Yeah, if you don't get married, you really won't get married. Unlike some people who are said to be like this, they can never enter the door of the night house, and they don't give up, and they rush to talk to the nightclub."

"It seems that the nightclub really doesn't care too much, and didn't help to say a word."

"Men, women are like clothes. If the clothes are broken and old, they can be replaced. Of course, the wife and the child are different... After you look at it, I don't know what is going on. I guess the nightclub will pay this one."

Lin Lu couldn't listen anymore, biting her lip and left.

She went to Ye Xiangnan's office, and the secretary opened the door for her, looking at her with strange eyes.

Lin Lu knew it. The whole company knew about her and Ye Xiangnan. Wen Yuan gave her a look today. Many people are now watching her jokes behind the scenes.

Lin Lu didn't care, but had to endure it.

She went in, in the majestic office, Ye Xiangnan was flipping through the documents, and heard the footsteps and did not look up.

Lin Lu walked to him and bit her lip: "Nightclub."

At this time, Ye Xiangnan raised his eyes and glanced at her. Then he opened the drawer with one hand and took out a cheque book from the inside. He wrote a set of numbers with a golden brush.

Lin Lu was dumbfounded, her lips trembling: "Night club?" [Four chapters in the afternoon~~]

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