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Chapter 4507: Su Mu, you have a bad temper 2

Ye Xun stopped speaking, obediently in her arms.

"Go get the little schoolbag, we're going to school." Su Mu's voice is slightly hoarse: "Mom will tidy up for you tonight, then go to grandma's, okay?"

Ye Xun stared at her, her face a little tight.

Su Mu knew that he was a little bit reluctant and insecure, so he coaxed: "If grandma stays with his mother for one night, then mother will stay with Ye Xun for one night. On Saturdays and Sundays, mothers will also bring Is Ye Xun going home, OK? Mom tries to change to a bigger house. When one day, when my mother is enough to protect Ye Xun, we will live together forever, OK?"

Ye Xun gave a cry and lowered his head, but he always felt a little downcast.

Su Mu rubbed his hair again and smiled warmly.

Ye Xun put her shoulders on her shoulders, went to her room and took the small schoolbag over and carried it on her back, "Mom, I'm all right."

Su Mu adjusted for him and squatted down: "Little man, how slouched, this is not good."

Ye Xun looked at her, his expression was indescribable, more helpless.

Su Mu smiled slightly, said nothing, patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, let's go down."

Ye Xun let out a cry and obediently went out downstairs with her.

When they went down, Ye Xiangnan had already leaned against the car and smoked about two cigarettes. Seeing them coming over and looking at the table below, but did not say anything else, they opened the car door and let Ye Xun sit behind.

When Su Mu was about to go up, he stopped and raised his eyebrows: "Sit next to me. I have something to tell you. Let's talk while walking."

When he said that, he opened the door of the co-pilot, which was very powerful.

Su Mu glanced at him, and got in the car without saying anything.

Ye Xiangnan closed the door, went around to the other side, opened the door and got on the car and quickly started the car.

Time is getting late.

The car drove a bit faster, but it did not prevent him from talking to her, and he seemed to have thought about it: "This nursery school will go to the end of this semester, and I will find him a private school again."

Su Mu turned his head and said, "This nursery is very good, and Ye Xun is also very used to it."

Ye Xun was behind, hesitating to speak but stopped.

Ye Xiangnan said with a cold voice, "Really, good...Do you really think it is good? Su Mu, Ye Xun surnamed Ye, you know that Ye family’s children have been to aristocratic schools since they were young and accept the best There are bodyguards for education, even entry and exit, you..."

"But he lives with me now, and I also have the right to decide on his affairs. I don't want him to be... the same person as you." Although it was difficult, Su Mu still said it.

Ye Xiangnan's face suddenly became a little difficult to look, and he was silent for a while: "Our circle is complicated that you can't think of. Anything can happen. The reason why my mother doesn't mention it is because it is not easy to talk about these things You still need me to arrange. Do you really think that Ye Xun's surname will be able to grow up by your side? Even if I get married in the future and have other children, but you think it really has nothing to do with Ye Xun?"

This is also the reason why he wants to marry Su Mu. He likes Ye Xun, and the elders in the family also like it very much. Not surprisingly, he is the future heir. How can he marry someone else? The next boy is not for Ye Xun. It's fair, and Ye Xiangnan doesn't seem to have that great desire to get married and have children.

A ready-made child is here, why should he make such a move?

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