Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4525: Qin Xuan and Bai An'an have fragmented 2

Bai Xueli and He Huan were already familiar with each other, and they were even more happy to see their success. They had already got together to discuss the details of the wedding.

Bai An was speechless, looking at Qin Xuan——

Qin Xuan also stared at her, and suddenly Bai Anan found it difficult to look at him directly.

Her face suddenly became a little hot.

Suddenly, the heroine ran upstairs...

Bai An'an was embarrassed, this is probably the first time.

Qin Xuan didn't catch up. With so many elders, he was still somewhat measured.

He grew up next to Qin Mo and He Huan since he was a child. Among the three children, he is the most beloved, so he is usually picky. So many blind dates are almost unattractive to him.

Bai An'an, I can't say that I like it much, but it's not annoying to get along with each other.

If she is arranged in a box, she will not be his ideal type except for her looks.

After discussing for a whole afternoon, it was finally decided that Bai An'an should not take medicine and get married if she is pregnant. If she is not pregnant, it is up to them.

When this happened, Bai Anan felt that his reputation was almost over.

The elders left, but she was still there, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, and watched TV with snacks without doing official business. Qin Xuan came over and glanced at her: "You look like you are unwilling?"

Yesterday they went to the banquet and then went to the party together. They all drank fragments. They didn't remember how they got here, what happened later, they woke up in the night, and fragmented again...

Unexpectedly, He Huanhui came to care for Qin Xuan early in the morning, and the day after Shen Ting and Qin Yihuan got married, shouldn't they care for the new couple?

Shen Ting felt very abusive. He took a cold beer and sat beside Bai An'an. He took a sip, and then stared at Bai An'an: "Before you are sure if you are pregnant, are you going to stay with me and not leave? Must be pregnant, so want to marry me?"

Bai Anan's eyes never left the TV, she still filled her mouth with food, and said, "If I go back, my mother will take tests for me every day, at least not here."

She said, looking at the beer in his hand, kicked him: "Go cook dinner and drink, didn't you drink enough last night?"

Qin Xuan frowned: "I am not your servant."

Bai Anan snorted softly and kicked him again, "I'm hungry."

Qin Xuan put down the beer in his hand, and when he got up, he dropped a sentence: "If you think about it, you will get pregnant if you stay here."

"I live in the master bedroom, you are free." She said a little overbearing.

Qin Xuan walked to the kitchen: "Lawyer Bai, are you pursuing men like this?"

Bai An'an didn't answer, Qin Xuan turned around, she sat there eating snacks again, as if she didn't hear what he said...

Qin Xuan shook his head. How could he think she was angry or sad just now, and Bai An'an wouldn't be sad. She was like an iron strike, and nothing could affect her.

She has liked Brother Shen Ting for many years, isn't she also very free and easy in the end?

When opening the refrigerator, Qin Xuan's fingers felt a little strong, and the door of the refrigerator slammed shut.

Bai An'an glanced sideways and said nothing.

She just continued to eat snacks and watched TV. After a while, she took two sips of beer.

After drinking it, he discovered that this was what Qin Xuan had drunk. [Add another chapter tomorrow~~]

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