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Chapter 4527: Qin Xuan and Bai An'an fragmented 4

Bai An'an indeed called a car. She waited at the door of the villa for a while, when a taxi came over and got on her.

Instead of going back to her apartment, she stopped at a pharmacy in the city and she went in to buy medicine.

For the first time, with no experience, she bought a box of all kinds of medicine, and then called Yaren after he brought it up: "Please help me find out which after-effect medicine is the most effective."

Secretary Ya over there was stunned, and for a long time he stammered and said, "Lawyer Bai, who are you with... that one?"

Bai An'an didn't say a word, and hung up the phone, she didn't even want to mention Qin Xuan's name now.

He didn't want to say why he had to say something about getting married with a child. He didn't even plan to get married, or he didn't care about her. Naturally, Bai An'an wouldn't lick a face and move in.

She stood under the blazing sun for a while, feeling top-heavy, even a little cold sweat.

Secretary Ya called, and he hesitated for a while before he said: "It's called Y Ting, I heard that I eat this."

She guessed and asked, "Is it President Xiao Qin?"

"Don't speak out." Bai An'an snorted.

She didn’t know, this incident was photographed by the paparazzi, especially when she came out of Qin Xuan’s villa and bought a lot of after-effects. It was quickly searched, and it was quite exposed, at least overshadowing Shen Ting and Qin Yihuan got married in the limelight.

In addition, the love history of Bai An'an and Shen Ting, Qin Yihuan and Ye Xiangnan, and Su Mu's were released together. There is a carnival gesture. Starlight and KING Entertainment joined forces to suppress Bai An'an, but those who are interested can still know Bai An'an. The relationship with Young Master Qin is ambiguous.

Bai An'an stopped a taxi, and after getting in the car, he flipped through the pile of medicine to find the kind that Ya Ren said.

After watching for a long time, then put it down.

When she arrived at the door of the apartment where she lived, she got off the car and went back with a pack of medicine.

Qin Xuan's car also stopped and the window slowly lowered. He stared at Bai An'an and the bag in her hand.

Does she have such a stupid thing, this is medicine, does she buy so much for food?

After thinking about it, Qin Xuan opened the door and got out of the car, and walked quickly to stop her before she got on the elevator.

Bai An'an was about to go in, caught her hand and turned around.

Qin Xuan stared at her, frowning: "Are you really going to take medicine?"

Bai An'an was speechless, "Did you come here to get your clothes back, or did you take too much medicine? Wouldn't it be nice to have no children?"

At that time, he said that when the child was born, she really throbbed, but it turned out not to be.

It turned out that Young Master Qin was also impulsive, and almost nothing that a man said when he was impulsive.

After Bai An'an finished speaking, Qin Xuan whispered, "What are you doing with so many medicines?"

"Can I save it for the next time?" Bai An'an snorted and then walked into the elevator.

Qin Xuan followed in.

Bai An'an stared at him: "Xiao Qin can rest assured that I will take the medicine and will not rely on you."

Qin Xuan frowned: ‘I said, you don’t need to eat it. ’

Bai An'an didn't make a sound, but smiled slightly, somewhat mocking.

Qin Xuan furrowed his brows more severely, and squinted his eyes, "You are going to kill an innocent child like this?"

Bai An'an couldn't bear it anymore: "Qin Xuan, are you an idiot? Where is the kid from? ’

"Aren't you going to kill it now?" He stared at her, and then held her shoulders with both hands, "Bai An'an, I said it could be born."

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