Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4534: Get the certificate, Mrs. Ye 6

Su Mu didn't feel it. In her heart, this was just a matter of getting a certificate.

Otherwise, there will be no change.

She still lives there, and Ye Xun is still carried by Wen Yuan. As for Ye Xiang Nan's private life, she still wonders if she will ask him to change the certificate to green after some time. Two unrelated people have a certificate, which is always not good.

She didn't want to get involved with Ye Xiangnan, and didn't like people calling her Mrs. Ye.

Of course, Su Mu didn't expect Shen Wenxuan, she had experienced too many things, even though she still had good things left for Shen Wenxuan, but it couldn't match reality.

Her most important person at this time is Ye Xun.

She thought, she didn't need to report to anyone to explain, so she didn't have the idea to talk to him, let alone Shen Wenxuan already knew.

Su Mu got on the elevator, there were only three of them in an elevator, and Secretary Li who came down.

Secretary Li has a bright face. After all, she has done everything the nightclub confessed, and she heard from the financial department that her bonus this month is really huge, with six figures, just thinking about it makes people feel particularly good.

The elevator stopped at the 18th floor, the elevator opened, and lawyer Chen stood outside.

Also, Shen Wenxuan.

Shen Wenxuan looked at Su Mu, and so did Su Mu.

The eyes are facing each other, which is actually quite plain, but in the eyes of the other two adults, it feels full of treacherousness!

Su Mu pursed her lower lip and nodded to Lawyer Chen.

Attorney Chen also felt that this pair of children was abusive, and he didn't know what method Xiangnan used to break them up alive. Okay, now I need a visa, and the nightclub won.

It really has enough means.

He turned his head: "Wen Xuan, take care of the matter just now, and I will discuss it later when I come back."

Shen Wenxuan nodded calmly and took a step back.

From beginning to end, his gaze kept on Su Mu's face.

Attorney Chen thought secretly in his heart that it was really abuse.

Ye Xiangnan was expressionless, and Ye Xun called Uncle Shen. Young people have learned to observe and feel that Uncle Shen is very unhappy, much like a broken love on TV.

He likes Uncle Shen very much, but... he doesn't know why he is like this.

No matter what, the elevator door closed.

There was one more person in the elevator. Ye Xiangnan and Attorney Chen were discussing signing matters for a while, which was quite simple.

On the top floor, Secretary Li said, "Nightclub, Miss Su, the office staff have already been waiting in the small meeting room, please here."

A few people went in together, but Ye Xun was taken away by Secretary Li. In this kind of scene, a few-year-old child seemed a little inappropriate, and he couldn't escape the feeling of getting on the train first and making up the ticket, although it was.

After entering, after a few words of politeness, the staff took out two blanks for them to sign and took photos.

It just so happened that today's clothes were suitable. When the two took pictures, the staff kept them closer, and later said that Su Mu's expression was not well managed.

Su Mu was also very helpless, signing for a few seconds, but it took half an hour to be satisfied with the photo.

She didn't know why Ye Xiangnan was so picky, it was not true anyway.

Ye Xiangnan saw that she was impatient, and stared at her: "This is my first marriage."

"Just apply for a certificate." Su Mu couldn't help reminding him.

The staff smiled: "Mrs. Ye, this is legal!

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