Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4536: He wants to do a fake show 1

As he went down, he made a phone call.

Su Mu said softly: "I can't."

"I'll teach you." He finished the call, and the mobile phone was ready, and then the nightclub was dissatisfied again: "This mobile phone is too old, how can I turn it black? Change it to a new one."

Su Mu let out a cry.

He dialed another call and went out. In less than ten minutes, the store staff came over and took some of the latest mobile phones, "Mr. Ye, this is the latest model, and the configuration is all top-notch. Mrs. Ye can take a look. Which one do you like."

Su Mu hadn't spoken yet, Ye Xiangnan spoke: ‘Leave it all, go to Xingguang to find my secretary and pick up the check. ’

The staff thanked and left.

Su Mu looked at the boxes on the table, a little speechless.

She doesn't like this.

It is very convenient, it seems that she can get everything she wants, but these are not what she deserves.

Ye Xiangnan's gaze also dropped, falling on those mobile phones, and smiled slightly, "Which one do you like?"

Su Mu bit her lip, "I don't want it."

Ye Xiangnan looked at several mobile phones on the table, took a box and opened it, then took her card down and put it in.

Then I opened it and downloaded some necessary software for her, and then opened the game and started playing. The RMB player was cool, and Su Mu felt cool watching it by the side.

Ye Xiangnan was playing, seeming to forget that he still had a lot of official business.

Su Mu reminded in a low voice, "Are you not dealing with official business?"

Ye Xiangnan glanced at her, and then said quietly, "That, let's talk about it tomorrow."

With that, he continued to play.

Su Mu was speechless. Did he play the game for her, or he wanted to play it himself.

Because it was a RMB player, two hours later, it was cleared.

Ye Xiangnan threw the phone to her, and said dullly, "It's too simple."

Su Mu was even more speechless. She wanted to change the card back after taking the phone. She didn't want to accept anything from him, but Ye Xiangnan directly threw her old phone into the trash can.

Su Mu:...

"Well, this is considered to be paid to you, and these parts are calculated as interest." He said, pushing two boxes to her again, leaving an elegant black one.

Su Mu found it strange.

Ye Xiangnan raised his hand and looked at the following table, "Ye Xun is over, let's pick him up from school!"

Su Mu followed him and walked to the door of the nursery.

The children came out in groups, very neat, and all the little faces were very cute.

Probably because the genes are better, it feels a little uniform.

Ye Xiangnan and Su Mu were standing side by side, waiting for Ye Xun to come out. This feeling was very strange, he and she had never had it.

Ye Xun’s class was the last to come out, and Ye Xun was very happy when he came out, jumping around: "Mom and Dad."

The two were waiting, but he still chose to plunge into his mother's arms.

Ye Xiangnan watched him get tired and crooked for a long time, and dragged him out, "Well, such a big boy can't stick to his mother all day long.

Ye Xun said a little squeamishly: "I only stuck for a while."

Ye Xiangnan glared at him.

Ye Xun was a little unhappy.

Su Mu glanced at Ye Xiangnan, then hugged Ye Xun, she gently comforted her son.

After a few clicks, Ye Xun came down obediently, with a blushing face holding Su Mu's hand in one hand, and Ye Xiangnan's hand in the other. Ye Xiangnan was slightly speechless: "This kid, why do you listen to you like this, I If you don’t listen, they talk back to me."

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