Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4555: Serve her down 4

Ye Xiangnan's finger originally wanted to leave, but he fell back and placed it on her forehead.

"Is it painful? Was it particularly painful then?" That's why I was so thin.

He even thought of the poor puppies on the side of the road, barking and wanting to eat, but nothing.

They can only shrink in the corner and endure the hunger and cold.

The imagination of the nightclub is very good, just think about it and substitute yourself in it.

He took Su Mu into the lounge and let her sleep in the quilt, and she made a fuss to come out.

In the end, he had no choice but to hug her.

Su Mu was still very cold, and finally settled down in his arms.

Ye Xiangnan took a look at the time, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Wen Yuan, telling her to pick up Ye Xun, he couldn't leave here, and Su Mu was sick.

Wen Yuan was worried and wanted to come and have a look, but Ye Xiangnan said quietly that there was no big problem.

Wen Yuan later thought about it, for the sake of Su Mu's reputation, he endured forbearance and prepared to pick up Ye Xun.

After picking up Ye Xun, Wen Yuan took him back home.

Starlight headquarters.

After get off work, the employees went off work one after another, but Ye Xiangnan’s car was always there.

After Mrs. Ye went up, she didn't seem to have come down.

After eight o'clock in the evening, the personnel on duty for the last round walked past the parking lot, where the nightclub car was still there.

Wow, so strong, the nightclub hasn't rested yet.

The president's office at the top level is quiet.

When Su Mu woke up, it was almost ten thirty.

The reason why he didn't wake up was that no one bothered, Ye Xiangnan turned off his mobile phone.

When she moved, Ye Xiangnan woke up too, looking at her with his eyes open. ,

There is no light in the lounge, and the light is good during the day, and there are floor-to-ceiling windows.

At this time, he woke up, and the opposite was half of the night view of City B, and the room was dark with only faint light.

It's pretty beautiful. If you switch to a couple, it's romantic, but unfortunately they are not.

Su Mu bit her lip, and her voice was a little soft: "What time is it?"

Ye Xiangnan's arm was about to numb, stretched out, and turned on the bedside lamp, turning it a little dark without piercing his eyes.

He raised his hand and looked at the time, "It's past ten o'clock."

Su Mu immediately sat up, and he pulled her down: "What anxious, my mother will pick up Ye Xun. ’

Does he seem to be someone with such a low IQ?

Su Mu let out a long breath, feeling that he was all sweaty and uncomfortable.

Ye Xiangnan felt it too, and sat up a little bit and looked at her sideways: "Go take a shower, I'll send someone clothes over."

It's okay here, she can't wear his clothes when she goes out.

Su Mu looked at him.

He took out a shirt from the cabinet and threw it at her: "Wear this first."

He adjusted the temperature to 28 degrees.

Su Mu was completely awake, and rushed for a while, and Ye Xiangnan rushed along, and made a call after coming out.

"The clothes will be delivered in a while, take the medicine first, and come to my place for one night tonight." He whispered, his voice was a little low, and he seemed a little gentle in the middle of the night.

When Su Mu was ill, he was filled with alcohol again, and it was all soft right now, without much resistance.

She didn't insist, it was not too late anyway.

Or maybe the gentleman before him.

Ye Xiangnan curled her lips: "Miss Su, don't think too much about it, I still dislike it for a handful of bones."

Su Mu glared at him, but he had a very good temper: "I will go out to eat in a while."

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