Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4562: We shall be real husband and wife 2

After getting out of the car, Su Mu went upstairs. She took out the small mirror from her bag to tidy up herself, but unexpectedly found that her wallet seemed to be bulging a lot.

He stared blankly, then opened it.

There are about four to five thousand yuan in it, a thick pile.

She remembered the way she wanted to pay the bill last night, and said she was pitiful.

Su Mu pursed her lower lip and stared at the direction outside for a long time, always feeling strange in her heart.

She went to the newspaper to report that the society here is Wen Yuan’s acquaintance, but the society is not big, and the editor-in-chief has the final say.

The editor-in-chief is called Zhang Fucai, and he is called Uncle Cai.

After Su Mu passed, he was quite polite and assigned her to the social news group.

When it was over, Zhang Fucai personally led her outside, pointed to the seat, and introduced her to his colleagues: "Today I came to a new colleague, Su Mu, let's call her Xiaosu in the future. She is a newcomer and has no experience, so bring her more. "

He said, pointing to a middle-aged woman in her forties: "This is Sister Hong. From now on, you will learn more with her, and ask if you don't understand. This is Xiaowen who is half a newcomer, so get along well in the future."

What the editor-in-chief can introduce so solemnly must have a background and a strong background.

Xiaowen immediately understood. After the editor-in-chief Uncle Cai left, the chair turned and his voice was slightly low: "Su Mu, are you the editor-in-chief or the president?"

Su Mu didn't understand, so he sat down and looked at Xiaowen.

At this time, Sister Hong on one side coughed, her voice slightly stern: "What is the editor-in-chief and the president? No one is useful. You have to be able to work here. Have you done anything I told you? "

Xiaowen stuck his tongue out: "Yes, Sister Hong, I'll do it right away."

Sister Hong shook her head: "The society is looking for unreliable relationships."

After speaking, it seemed that I just noticed Su Mu: "What will you do?"

Su Mu shook his head: "I haven't touched it before."

Sister Hong's face was even worse, she asked casually, "Which university did you graduate from?"

"I've been studying in my sophomore year. I'm a major B." Su Mu said softly.

At this time, Sister Hong turned her head and looked at her somewhat unexpectedly, "Sipping school? Can you drop out of college B, Su Mu, you didn't make an international joke? How did you finish it?"

Su Mu didn't know how to answer.

Sister Hong looked at her up and down again: "Are you married yet?"

In fact, Su Mu looks quite young, but Sister Hong just thinks that she... looks like a woman between her eyes.

Su Mu thought about the marriage certificate and about the child, so he nodded: "Married. The child is four and a half years old."

After speaking, everyone in the office looked at her in a little horror.

Xiaowen asked weakly: "Su Mu, how old are you? The child is only four and a half years old, and he was pregnant when he was an adult?"

Su Mu didn't want to say Ye Xiangnan's name, and it was really not glamorous anyway.

She whispered, "Children are legal."

There was still no sound in the office, and the eyes looking at her were strange.

Sister Hong broke the peace: ‘You are in charge of whether they have children or they are married. Business is the most important here. Whoever can’t do it will get out. ’

Sister Hong is absolutely emboldened to say such things.

She brought the social new group, which was originally unpopular, but Sister Hong is particularly capable and has the name of Iron Lady in the industry. Not to mention the editor-in-chief of Uncle Cai, even the society also respects Sister Hong very much. If the Sun Daily is missing, it cannot be red. sister.

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