Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4565: We shall be real husband and wife 5

Su Mu wanted to refuse, but Ye Xiangnan insisted.

Wen Yuan also warmly said from the side: "Let's send it to Xiangnan, it's quite late. There is no bus outside, and it's hard to get a taxi. He has to go back if you want to, and take the road.

In fact, it was not easy to follow, Wen Yuan knew.

But for the convenience of her son, she opened her eyes and said nonsense.

Su Mu refused any more, she found that after she and Ye Xiangnan got the certificate, everything had changed.

Some things are clearly what she thought, but they were still different.

She and Ye Xiangnan have an inextricable relationship, which is no longer the same as before.

Su Mu followed Ye Xiangnan to get into the car, the car was about to start, and Ye Xun ran over again.

The little man was reluctant, buried in Su Mu's arms, his voice was very soft, "Mom, I want to sleep with you."

Su Mu also reluctant to bear the little guy, but she is not good to stay here.

Wen Yuan will not be upset, but she can't always trouble others.

After all, she and Ye Xiangnan are not a real husband and wife, and she cannot treat herself as an outsider.

Reached out and touched Ye Xun's hair, Ye Xun's hair was soft, just like his own.

Su Mu said softly: "Listen to grandma, okay, mom will take you back for two days if you have time."

Ye Xun nodded obediently, and stayed in Su Mu's arms for a long time.

Su Mu bowed his head and kissed him, and Ye Xun ran away a little shyly.

Su Mu couldn't bear it, this child has been following her since he was born.

But now she had to send him to another place, Ye Xun was not there, and all around was empty.

With the door closed, Ye Xiangnan started the car. After a long time, he smiled slightly: "You can come every day if you want to see him. My parents won't bother living here, Su Mu, you think of yourself as outsider."

"Don't say that this kindness does not require a price." Su Mu's face disappeared from the car window.

It was very cold at night and fogged up on the car windows.

Su Mu drew lightly on it...Ye Xiang Nan Ou saw her in a trance.

He turned around and drove intently.

After a while, he said again, "You can think simpler, we just give Ye Xun a complete family, or a wonderful childhood."

Su Mu didn't believe it.

She has been with him for so long, and she knows his inferiority more or less.

After the Lin Lu incident, she no longer believed him.

Acting on the spot is the patent of the rich and precious.

She didn't intend to fall in love with him, even if there was something, it doesn't mean that she would like such a person.

She is ordinary, but she is also qualified to be happy.

If she cannot be happy, she chooses to avoid misfortune.

It's unfortunate to fall in love with a man who likes to act every time.

Su Mu was sober and not so stupid.

Ye Xiangnan’s car stopped in front of a red light, staring at the front, but talking to Su Mu: "You resist marrying me because you want someone to get married, Shen Wenxuan?"

He paused, then suddenly said: "Forgot to tell you, today's news, Shen Wenxuan has a blind date, it was arranged by Shen Wenyuan, besides, he agreed to stay in Starlight."

As he said, he turned his head and stared at Su Mu quietly: "Do you know what this means?"

Su Mu's lips were pressed, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Xiangnan was very light and said cruelly: "It means he gave up."

Su Mu turned her head, and a touch of water passed in her eyes. [Seeking a wave of recommended tickets~~]

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