Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4569: Do you love me? 4

He said, scanning for a week: "Do you know who President Starlight is?"

The people under him didn't speak, Sister Hong held back a smile.

She thinks this bald head is funny. Who is the president of Starlight? Who doesn't know here?

Editor Zhang saw Su Mu in the crowd and called her name: "Su Mu, come on. Who is President Starlight?"

Su Mu froze for a moment, and was quite speechless.

For a long time, without squeezing out a word, Xiaowen on the side kicked her foot: "The editor asks you something, just say a few words casually, don't be too serious."

Su Mu returned to his senses and said softly, "He is a very positive person."

Editor Zhang immediately laughed: "What is enlightenment? Look, Su Mu, this is enlightenment."

He cleared his throat: "We can despise this kind of **** in our hearts, and we can look down on him for a long-time slapstick, but because he is the president of Starlight, and because his uncle is Wen, he must be positive. Is it?"

The people below all endured a laugh.

The editor in chief is really bad.

After the meeting, the meeting adjourned and continue to work.

Su Mu is very fulfilling, she quickly integrated into the work, unknowingly she reached the point of getting off work.

Sister Hong stood behind her and exclaimed: "Seriously, I learned how to be my right-hand man quickly, don't learn from them who are not advancing."

Su Mu raised his eyes, smiled, and said nothing.

This newspaper is quite fascinating. It stands to reason that Su Mu who is praised like this will be despised and excluded by others, but most people in the Sun newspaper are still of Buddhist style like Xiaowen, so I hope there are people like Su Mu who are willing to follow Sister Hong.

Sister Hong patted her on the shoulder: "It's off work, you can take the information back to read."

Su Mu said goodbye to her, tidying up the things on the table.

At this time, her cell phone rang, and when she saw it, it was Ye Xiangnan's call.

In order to be afraid of people being suspicious, she picked it up, pretending to be indifferent: "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just want to ask you if you want to understand it, now you cry and come back and beg me in time." Ye Xiangnan said stabbingly.

Su Mu said two words softly: "No." He hung up the phone.

Xiaowen on the side smiled, "It's your husband? Why, I didn't look good after a fight."

Su Mu shook his head.

Xiaowen looked at Su Mu quite plain, and she became a mother at a young age, thinking that the economy would not be any better, and she sympathized.

At this age, they don't have enough moonlight, so they reach out and ask for money at home.

Xiaowen secretly said: "I heard Sister Hong and the editor-in-chief talking outside in the bathroom, saying that tomorrow is going to hold a welcome party for you, and you will ask for a vacation with your family tomorrow. Isn't that kid very sticky to his mother?"

Su Mu accidentally.

Xiaowen said enviously: "I can see that Sister Hong really likes and appreciates you. She never cares about newcomers. You are the first one. I just don't know if Du Meili from the entertainment section will participate. "

She whispered again: "Du Meili is the one edited by Zhang you know."

Su Mu, a newcomer, can't talk too much, just smiled.

When she left the newspaper, it was slightly dark.

It was almost early winter, and the weather was a bit cold and dark early.

After taking the bus, she did not find a white Bentley following her at the stop she was going to get off.

After getting off the bus, I walked from here to the apartment where she lived. It took about 20 minutes. Actually, I could take two stops, but Su Mu wanted to take a walk after sitting for a day.

[It will be more than 20 at noon tomorrow~~~Recommend Yaoyao’s new book "She is Spoiled by the Paranoid Boss" Su Shuang favors the text, the male lead is strong, the female lead blows up~~~]

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