Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4572: Knock on the door after midnight 2

She was sure she could hear it upstairs and downstairs.

Su Mu didn't want to care about him, but she couldn't help but influence her and want to live here.

So he ran out and suddenly opened the door and dragged Ye Xiangnan in from outside.

As soon as she came in, she could smell the wine on his body, and she frowned: "Did you drink?"

How did he come here?

Ye Xiangnan pressed Su Mu on the door like an eagle pounced on a chicken. He couldn't say drunk after drinking a little, but he always had a lazy taste.

The look in her eyes was also a bit annoying.

Su Mu didn't know where he offended him, for Shen Wenxuan?

She bit her lower lip and defended: "I really want Nan, we can live a good life on our own, there is no need to make ourselves so tired."

After she finished speaking, she pushed him: ‘let me go. ’

But the man trapped her and didn't want to let it go. The expression became more lazy, hoarse and sultry, "Mrs. Ye, don't you ask me where I went last night?"

Su Mu couldn't stand his tone, so he stretched out his foot and stepped on him, which was not light.

Ye Xiangnan stepped aside, with some chuckles: "Hate me so?"

He went to the table, sat on the small dining room, stretched out his hands and feet, "Give me a bowl of noodles."

While talking, he also lit a cigarette and smoked with a big prick.

That attitude completely regarded this place as his own home.

Su Mu was particularly speechless, staring at him; "Ye Xiang Nan. You go home."

"I drank, you made me drink and drive?" He asked back, spitting out a puff of smoke, which happened to spray on Su Mu's face.

Su Mu avoided, still choked.

Ye Xiangnan laughed lowly, and grabbed Yan's hand by the wrist.

Su Mu was afraid that the cigarette **** would burn him, and did not dare to struggle, so he was dragged over, in a very intimate manner.

"Have you taken a shower?" He smelled her hair, feeling good.

She is very skinny and holds it just right.

Su Mu couldn't stand him like this at all, broke away and stared at him, "Ye Xiangnan, what do you want to do?"

He smiled and asked slowly: "What do you want me to do?"

Su Mu still glared at him, he smiled, and the very talkative Yazi: "Go cook a bowl of noodles for me."

"You can leave when you're done." She looked like she hadn't discussed it.

Ye Xiangnan smiled, "Look at you, you look like you will never forget Shen Wenxuan, you are so cruel to me, Su Mu, you are too double standard, and I am your legitimate husband."

Su Mu stared at him.

Ye Xiang Nan Dan smiled: "Go cook noodles, I'm hungry."

He hadn't eaten dinner yet, and had a drink of two glasses of wine, and he came over in no mood.

He also disliked this place, but Su Mu was here and couldn't help it.

Su Mu stared at him for a long time, and he stretched out his hands and feet, looking owed.

She was so angry that she went to cook the noodles, begging him to boil after eating.

Su Mu's craftsmanship is actually good, and the simple face is also delicious.

Ye Xiangnan had half of his meal, and then lit a cigarette. Su Mu opened the window a bit, "Can you stop smoking here in the future?"

After she finished speaking, his eyes were slightly clear and stared at her.

Su Mu pursed her lips, "What are you doing looking at me like this?"

"You said later." Ye Xiangnan didn't eat much, and pushed the noodle bowl aside, just vomiting mist.

Knowing she was choking, he opened the window.

After a day's meeting, his addiction to cigarettes came.

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