Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4577: I'm Su Mu's husband 3

At the end of get off work, the editor-in-chief announced that he would go out for dinner at night, and there would be small group activities after the meal.

The employees in the club are very happy. The two groups together have about twenty people. They set up a box in a restaurant and ate until ten in the evening.

After the meal, I chose a very high-end club to sing. Du Meili knew a customer and gave it a VIP price.

Colleagues in the newspaper can't help being envious of her magical powers, a rainbow fart.

Du Meili fluffed her hair, not too concerned.

Very rowdy.

Su Mu didn't know what she meant by looking at herself, and didn't care.

When Du Meili was in the bathroom, she saw Su Mu and smiled: "If you can't eat something, it's good to share it with others. Your benefits are indispensable."

Su Muman was speechless, this was too much to eat, Ye Xiangnan was not food.

Suddenly she was a little angry, took out a piece of paper from her bag, and wrote a group of phone calls to Du Meili.

It's Ye Xiangnan's private phone.

"This, it's my concubine's phone call, look at you... I can't eat anymore." She finished speaking and was about to leave.

Du Meili grabbed her, took out her phone to dial, and hummed softly: "I have to see if there is this number. There are so many tricks."

The phone dialed.

She was a little embarrassed.

It's really a real number.

What made her even more surprised was that the ringing of the phone rang beside them, which was near the bathroom.

In the men's bathroom, a slender figure came out with a mobile phone in his hand.

Su Mu recognized that this was the one he bought last time and left.

And the man, not someone else, is Ye Xiangnan.

She almost wanted to get into a hole in the ground, and she was a little scared, so she could only pretend she could not see, and quietly turned around to leave.

"Don't go." Ye Xiangnan stopped her, then looked at the phone in his hand.

And the paper in Du Meili's hand.

That was Su Mu's character, he knew.

Squinting, looking at her quietly, as if asking her to say something.

Su Mu squeezed a smile: "Leader Du, we should go in."

She was about to leave, and Ye Xiangnan caught her, "Should I not explain it to you?"

Su Mu still pretended to be stupid: ‘explain, explain what? ’

"Su Mu." Ye Xiangnan glared at her.

Du Meili on the side was already petrified, she really didn't expect Su Mu to be willing to share, and the other party was such a charming and expensive man, she just looked familiar.

However, Du Meili will not let go of any opportunity for a rich and good-looking man.

Besides, the fat man Zhang Fucai was called home by his wife, and she didn't need to be afraid.

Moreover, if she can catch the man in front of her, 100 Zhang Fucai can give up.

Du Meili showed a signature smile and moved forward, trying to make Ye Xiangnan see her whole body of capital. Unfortunately, the nightclub was originally an entertainment company. I have never seen any kind of beauty, like Du Meili. The front desk is inferior, at best it's a little flamboyant.

He ignored this woman, just stared at Su Mu, wishing to take her home immediately and fix it fiercely.

What did she think of him?

Ye Xiangnan was angry after thinking about it and stared at Su Mu.

Su Mu had the guts to introduce him: "This is Mr. Ye, this is Miss Du from our newspaper, that's it."

She drew her hand, trying to escape.

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