Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4587: Suddenly want to spoil her 1

Su Mu was like a wooden person, and said without thinking: "I'll take a taxi by myself. Just send Ye Xun to you."

She thinks Ye Xun likes sticking to him very much recently, and she must have hoped that her father would send it.

But when she finished speaking, all three of the night family stared at her.

Needless to say Ye Xiangnan, Yazi who is not too happy.

Wen Yuan and Ye Mubai looked at each other.

After confirming the eyes, they are all people who understand.

Su Mu really didn't like them. He didn't even want to ride in a car.

Ye Gongzi's face was a bit too dark to get off the stage.

At this time, Ye Xun said in a low voice: "Dad send Mom to me. Mom can't be late for work."

Ye Xiangnan suddenly felt that he hadn't given birth to this son in vain, so he looked at Su Mu with a smile.

Su Mu was also quite speechless, did not say anything but pulled her hair down.

After breakfast, he drove her to work. Su Mu had to stop at the intersection ahead. Ye Xiangnan didn't listen to her, so he drove the car downstairs to the newspaper office.

When the car stopped, he tilted his head: "Is it necessary? I'm not shameful."

Su Mu looked down: "It's too high-profile."

He hesitated twice, looking unfriendly: "Su Mu, do you know that the most high-profile thing you have done is giving birth to Ye Xun."

"You mean I shouldn't give birth to him?" Su Mu asked back.

Ye Xiangnan was asked by her, and then chuckled slightly: "Are you blaming me?"

It was a complete accident that time, and she went to the wrong room.

Besides, early in the morning, he only knew what happened, he didn't know what the woman looked like.

In other words, he is the very passive person.

Su Mu pursed her lips: "No."

Ye Xiangnan smiled and said, "Then you blame me for the last two times?"

It was not an accident, but a deliberate act.

Su Mu's face turned red all at once, and he felt that he was particularly shameless.

She glared at him, "Aren't you too late?"

After speaking, open the door and get off.

Outside the car door, Xiaowen and two colleagues were standing there like statues.

The aunt with a face smiled.

Su Mu's face was as red as anything else, which was hard to make people want to get crooked.

Su Mu bit her lip lightly: "It's not what you see."

At this moment, Ye Xiangnan slid down the car window, his face wearing sunglasses was so beautiful that it was suffocating.

"I'll pick you up after get off work. Don't walk around." He paused. "It's the father's birthday in a few days. Go and see what to give him."

This old man is none other than Ye Zhenggang.

A man racing against God.

As soon as he spoke, Xiaowen was suffocated.

Oh my god, it's really a couple.

Su Mu was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Ye Xiangnan glanced at her again, then raised the window and drove the car away.

As soon as the car drove away, the few here covered their faces and screamed.

Oh my goodness, it's true.

Xiaowen said dirtyly: "Su Mu, what do you feel about living with a super handsome guy every day?"

Su Mu looked at her and pursed her lower lip: "Feel it."

She bends her lips slightly, "The feeling is... there is no feeling."

They don't live together, but she didn't elaborate on this with Xiaowen and others.

Xiaowen was still too irritated, and a few chattering behind her, all the way to the newspaper.

After arriving at the newspaper office, the treatment was twofold.

People from Du Meili's group did not dare to pay attention to Su Mu, because they still wanted to see Du Meili's face.

The other faction is a bunch of rainbow farts against Su Mu, including editor Zhang.

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