Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4608: How to coax a woman? 3

Secretary Li thought to himself, the man became unfeeling, but he didn't give the woman any way to survive.

But this is good, Su Mu will be considered free in the future.

Secretary Li went to handle it, and it was done quickly, and gave Ye Xiangnan two small green books.

Ye Xiangnan didn't even think about giving it to Su Mu. Anyway, what she got in her heart was true, and it didn't make any difference whether to give it or not.

At night, he invited Qin Xuan to have a drink. Recently, he and Qin Xuan have gotten closer.

There is no other reason, because Bai Anan is pregnant, Qin Xuan's child.

The two of them were also very wrangling. They obviously took the medicine. How did you know that Bai An'an bought the fake medicine. It's all right now. The child has grown up in the stomach. If you don't want to get it out, you can only get married.

Because of this level, Ye Xiangnan has a feeling of knowing Qin Xuan. They were all accidentally recruited, but Qin Xuan was much happier than him. At least Bai An'an was a great beauty and a strong woman, but her temper was very tolerable. Only she could bear Qin Xuan's.

Su Mu, she didn't see any strengths, a lot of weaknesses, and she didn't know where her superiority and confidence came from.

He was amused by his mother saying that Su Mu did a good job in the newspaper. How much money does he have a year?

Good night Mrs. Ye was inappropriate, and she ran out to accompany the wine twice in three days, not knowing whether she was on the news or for socializing. He heard these gossips from Secretary Li. Secretary Li always said these at the root of his ears, and she didn't know how she knew them.

Later, he learned that Secretary Li and Su Mu had become best friends.

He didn't care, as long as it didn't affect Secretary Li's work.

The night is a bit deep.

Ye Xiangnan and Qin Xuan had no intention of continuing after drinking until eleven. One wife was going to get pregnant, and the other had to work tomorrow, so they were prepared to let the driver come to pick them up early.

Qin Xuan left first, Ye Xiangnan was in the bathroom alone, preparing to wash his face before leaving.

But only afterwards, he found that someone was washing his face there. He wanted to give up, but after thinking about it, he walked over.

Su Mu was washing her face, she was drinking a little too much.

The advertisements in the box have not enough interest. Sister Hong is socializing.

Sister Hong is very strong. No matter how well they write this article, they have to get an advertisement for the newspaper. Otherwise, if someone reads it, if there is no income, the whole group will starve to death?

In the past, Su Mu thought that running the news only needed to interview or write, but now she knows where it is so easy, and she has to attract advertisers to accompany someone to drink.

Su Mu couldn't accept it at first, but when she watched Sister Hong's writing, her eyes were red, and she was still socializing at night, she felt that she was a little hypocritical.

In fact, eating a meal is not a big deal.

Su Mu was unable to drink enough, and Sister Hong had been helping her to stop her, she could see that she had suffered a lot.

At this time Su Mu said that she quit, she couldn't do it.

Once, Sister Hong drank too much and leaned against the wall with a cigarette in her hand and said to Su Mu: "This line is actually like this. It's not as simple as you think, and there are many sacrifices when necessary. ."

Su Mu was a little surprised, she didn't know.

Sister Hong smiled: "Look at what you think. If you don't want to, no one will push you. But if you want performance and want to be a well-known media person, you have to do that. Those who don't have a background can only become someone else's. Footstone, why do you think Du Meili wants to follow Zhang Fucai, because she doesn't want to come out to accompany the wine, she only needs to accompany a man to follow him, get a name, and marry a good man."

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