Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4626: Ye Xun is sick and needs you 5

So was Su Mu, she even felt that Ye Xun was in the hospital, was convenient to come over.

There was some unspeakable bitterness in my heart, and I didn't know if I was wrong, so I left this child at Yejia.

When she left, Ye Xiangnan just came back from outside with her mobile phone, as if she had gone out to make a call.

He stared at Su Mu neatly and frowned: "Are you going out?"

Su Mu nodded: "Yes, I'm going to work."

Ye Xiangnan took the door of the ward to prevent Ye Xun from seeing them arguing: ‘Su Mu, what’s in your mind? Ye Xun is still in the hospital. He will be discharged from the hospital in a week. Is work really important to you? ’

Su Mu raised his eyes and stared at him: "You probably don't know how difficult it is to survive in the night club, right?"

He sneered: "It's hard to let go of your self-esteem, Su Mu, is it so hard to be with your son? Is it because he is sensible, you let go of him comfortably?"

Su Mu looked down: "Ye Xiang Nan, not as dark as you think, Ye Xun can understand."

"He understands a fart, he just has to accept it." Ye Xiangnan burst out, "You used to leave him alone at home, it was no condition, now he is sick and you have to leave him in the hospital. , Su Mu, do you have any intentions, why are you a mother?"

Su Mu was in a daze. She squeezed her hand for a moment, and her voice became lighter and softer: "It sounds like Ye is always a good father."

He squinted his eyes,

Su Mu raised his head and said, "I have to go to the newspaper office. I still have business. In the nightclub, not everyone can live like the Ye Family's free will. This is how the ordinary people are. If you can't bear it..."

"You are not allowed to watch Ye Xun... You want me to say this, don't you?" He suddenly said coldly.

Su Mu's face changed, Ye Xiangnan walked forward, she could only step back.

Until there was no way to retreat, he grabbed her chin with one hand and murmured her against the wall, "Su Mu Yexun needs her mother. Think about it carefully. If I remarry and take Yexun over, in the future He is ill with a beautiful and gentle stepmother. How long will it take him to forget you, and at that time you thought about seeing him, do you have to look at the faces of other women? You think it’s not good to leave Ye Xun with my parents , But if I personally take care of him, I will find a woman to take care of him. Think about it."

He is really direct and cruel.

It wasn't that Su Mu had never felt powerless, but now she felt that powerlessness again.

She knew that Ye Xiangnan could do this, and he could do everything he wanted without any thought.

But Su Mu was different, she had to think too much, maybe just like he said.

Self-esteem is worthless, but that is the only thing she has.

She has no family, only Ye Xun, if she loses her self-esteem.

What did she do to love Yexun?

Let him look at his mother under the fence, dare not say a word or refute it?

Su Mu opened her eyes and stared quietly at the man in front of her. For a long time, she said in a low voice, "I don't think you would be so cold to Ye Xun, would you?"

Ye Xiangnan said coldly, "You really know me well, and you use your son as a weight, Su Mu, you are really good."

She closed her eyes slightly: "It's not." The voice is unprecedentedly fragile.

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