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Chapter 4632: Su Mu, please 5

He leaned aside again, and returned to look like a noble son again: "Why, it was Liu Hong who gave you the money? So you don't worry about losing your job, right?

Su Mu couldn't stand him, biting his lip: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"What am I talking about, you know it very well in your heart." Ye Xiangnan stared at her, "Su Mu, is your son only worth 200,000 yuan?"

Su Mu was really surprised. She didn't expect Ye Xiang Nan to know this. She was silent, but it didn't mean he was willing to let her go.

Ye Xiangnan smiled softly: "Of course you can feel at ease."

Su Mu couldn't listen anymore, she put down everything on her hand.

Then he turned his head and stared at him silently.

She spoke softly: "Yexiangnan, nightclub, what do you want?"

Her lips were trembling slightly: "The job is gone, it doesn’t matter, I can go to sell shoes, but you’re right, I’m a shoe seller, so I don’t have dreams or friends, let alone. Righteousness, everything I do is wrong, and if you do it wrong, it is a sin. And you, all the noble people who do it wrong, are not worth mentioning and can be easily erased, right?"

She was agitated, "Ye Xiangnan, am I wrong?"

He didn't make a sound, but looked at her quietly.

Su Mu smiled softly: "We are basically people from two worlds, and we have our own rules."

He finally spoke with a deep and slow voice: "Do you still love Shen Wenxuan?"

Su Mu's pupils dilated, staring at him for a long time.

In the end, she didn't answer his question, she didn't know what it was for, she just didn't say.

Ye Xiangnan smiled softly, a little indifferent.

He leaned against the door and looked at her, looking at a little bug as she thought, and watching her struggle, he thought it would be very funny.

Su Mu pursed her lips again, without saying a word, but silently began to wrap small wontons again.

She can't wrap it up.

She had never lost control like this, squatting in a corner alone, burying her face in her knees.

When Su Mu was crying, there was no sound at all, and even Ye Xiangnan didn't know if she was crying.

But she kept buried, unwilling to cry.

Ye Xiangnan still walked over, with a slightly hoarse voice: "Su Mu, get up."

When she didn't move, he stretched out and handed her, but she was thin and small, who didn't know where the strength was, just couldn't pull her.

Su Mu still kept his face buried, and refused to say a word.

Ye Xiangnan let out a long breath: "Su Mu, do you want Ye Xun to see you like this? He can't get out of bed now, do you want him to hear worry?"

Su Mu was still keeping his head, Ye Xiangnan stood and watched her condescendingly.

After a long time, she finally straightened her body, without saying a word but lowered her eyes.

Ye Xiangnan looked at her.

Su Mu's voice was rather weak, "You go out and I will eat Ye Xun."

She wiped away her tears, as if the fragility and loss of control had never happened.

Ye Xiangnan wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

He walked outside, Ye Xun lay on his side, with a small face white, his eyes fixed in their direction.

The child still heard.

Ye Xiangnan walked over and touched his little head lightly: "Dad and mom just quarreled a few words, it's nothing."

Ye Xun lowered his head, did not say a word, looked very frustrated.

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