Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4645: Regardless of the robbery, you will disappoint the other party

He stood with her on the side of the road and reached out to stop a taxi. When Su Mu got in the car, he said to her, "Call me if you have anything to do. You can help me a little bit."

Su Mu nodded and got into the car.

After getting in the car, she felt the corners of her mouth hurt. She also forgot when she got the bruise. When she touched her hand, she heard the driver ask her where to go.

Su Mu didn't hear it at first, but after hearing it, he said in a low voice, "Go to the first hospital."

She wants to see Dad.

Although he is a very disappointing, very speechless man.

Su Mu felt that he was very sad because he couldn't support his wife and protect his daughter.

She is sometimes very scared, afraid that she will become a mother like her parents, maybe it is good for Ye Xun to go to Yejia, she thought in confusion.

However, not long ago she thought it would be better for Ye Xun to follow her, and it was really ironic and overpowering to think about it.

Su Mu turned his head to look outside the car window and wiped his face.

The driver accidentally saw it in the rearview mirror, and was silent, when the car reached the entrance of the hospital, Su Mu gave money to get off the car.

When she arrived at the inpatient department of the hospital, she went to the front desk on duty and asked about Su Qiang's bed. When the nurse heard the name, she couldn't help but look up at Su Mu, and then said, "At 312. Who are you a patient?"

"I am his daughter." Su Mu looked down.

The nurse gave a cry, then looked at Su Mu again, and then whispered: "Then you have to be careful. I heard that your dad owed money and was beaten. This time it is only a discount and can be cured. If you don’t pay back the money, it’s not that simple."

Su Mu's fingers tightened, silently.

The nurse is not malicious, but instinctively has no affection for the gambler, and looks sympathetic when looking at Su Mu: "I didn't mean it, but you have to be careful, girls, those people have no humanity."

Su Mu reluctantly smiled and walked towards the ward.

Probably like what the nurse said, no one in Su Qiang dared to approach him, even a pair of children were not there, and the man with a broken leg lay down there with a face of hustle.

In fact, Su Mu didn't understand why her mother didn't divorce her father, and since she couldn't understand it, why she was responsible for all this in the end.

She really didn't understand.

Bed 312 was in a ward for three people. She did not go directly in but stood at the door looking through a small glass.

Su Qiang was not asleep yet, lying there with a beard and a bandage on his feet, holding a mobile phone in his hand, unaware he was playing Fighting Landlords.

Since childhood, Su Mu remembered that when he was at home, he liked to play this, as if he was not interested in anything else. She looked outside quietly for a while, and suddenly Su Qiang found her at the door, the phone in his hand had fallen off, and then called Mu Mu.

Su Mu walked in and looked at the hospital beds on both sides. There was no one.

She knew in her heart that she probably had been harassed, so no one wanted to be in the same ward with him. Su Qiang was also happy, but she still didn't dare to fall asleep every night when she went to bed, but what if she was awake? He can't run even if he comes over.

Su Qiang lay upright, watching Su Mu coming over and grabbing his head and smiling: "Why are you here?"

Su Mu didn't say a word, he immediately understood, and took a sip: "Is that the stinky lady who is looking for you again? Su Mu ignore her, she is crazy now and bites people everywhere."

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