Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4647: Regardless of the robbery, you will disappoint the other party

Su Mu was so tired for her.

She thought for a while, "Sell the house. I heard that the house is worth five or six million. After it is sold, it will be divided. As for whether your mother wants to live with you, it is the same thing, but now it is important to save your life."

Su Qiang looked at her, but stopped talking.

After a while, he said in a low voice, "Mu Mu, you'd better go back, don't care about your mother's affairs and see you. I'm afraid you will be wronged. It doesn't matter anymore. You can come and see Dad already very happy. , Really, very happy."

As he spoke, he wiped tears.

Su Mu felt very sad. She looked at the man in front of her and felt that he was really not as good as a man...

Hateful and annoying.

She lowered her eyes and fell low for a long time: "Dad, think about it, if you have a chance to start again."

She got up and gave the 200,000 that Sister Hong gave to Su Qiang from the bag: "There is 200,000 in it, which is all of my money. You take it. If you don’t have enough, you can discuss it with your mother. After all, you are a husband and wife for so many years. ."

She really didn't want to say too much, got up and left.

Su Qiang sat there in a daze, and then he suddenly cried with the card...Later, he jumped on one leg and ran after him to the elevator regardless.

"Mu Mu." His name was Su Mu.

Su Mu turned his head and looked at him quietly.

Su Daqiang jumped over, his voice low and deep: "You can't ask for this money. This is your savings. You have to buy something for your child to eat. You often go to see that your child can't hold things on your hands. That's too shabby. People look down."

He put the card in the palm of Su Mu's hand: "Dad is most sorry for you, Zhiyan, Shaoqing, and your mother hurt you. You are all alone, I'm too shameless."

As he said, he slapped himself severely with his hands, and the nurse in the distance pointed at him.

Su Mu looked over there, feeling a little helpless: "Dad, let me help you in, don't do this in the future, the nurse saw the joke."

Su Qiang felt the terrible pain in his leg at this time, and he grinned and said, "Hey, your mother said I was very handsome when I was young."

Su Mu supported him and couldn't help but speak: "My mother also said that whether you are robbed of money or sex, you will disappoint the other party."

Su Qiang grinned: "Your mother really said that?"

Su Mu looked at him without saying a word.

She thought to her heart that her father was so optimistic, and her mother was such a strong woman, she didn't know who she was like, as if she was like no one.

She helped Su Qiang into the ward and planned to leave first.

Su Qiang was very reluctant. He had lived here for two days and no one had seen one.

When Shao Qing is still young, Zhi Yan doesn't come to see him, but also, he will only get hurt if he comes to see him alone.

Lying on the ward, he urged Su Mu to leave.

Su Mu told him about selling the house again, and right now, it seemed that there was only one way to go.

Su Qiang agreed vaguely, and put the card in Su Mu's hands: "This kid loves to worry about things when he grows up. Are adults' things your children have to worry about?"

Su Mu figured it out and counted it carefully, but not too worried, she left the hospital and took a taxi outside.

A white BMW parked on the side of the road, and the people in the car surprised her.

With his eyes facing each other for a long time, Shen Wenxuan said in a low voice, "Still worried?"

Su Mu kicked the stone under her feet and said, "Yes, don't worry. Come and have a look."

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