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Chapter 4653: Only Su Mu is born 2

Starlight headquarters.

Ye Xiangnan sat in the office, all dressed up, holding a document in his hand.

He bowed his head, watched quietly, then raised his eyes.

Secretary Li's expression was a little serious, as if he knew what the boss was asking, he said softly: "This source of information is reliable, which means that Miss Su's family took these two photos and sold them for two million."

She sympathizes with Su Mu, after all, this kind of thing is a harm to everyone.

Su Mu's family really succeeded, pushing Su Mu to the point of embarrassment one after another for the money, this time it was really frantic.

Without waiting for Ye Xiangnan to continue speaking, Secretary Li continued to speak, and now we have suppressed all the topics and guidance, and some positive news has been spread.

It's just that this kind of thing will probably not be easily forgotten by others, rich gossip, it's amazing.

For Shen Wenxuan, it may not have much impact. After all, he is a man, and his status is there, but Su Mu is different...

Ye Xiangnan took out a cigarette and lit it with her slender fingers.

Secretary Li looked at him blankly, without speaking for a long time.

Ye Xiangnan looked at her and smiled: "What's the matter?"

Secretary Li shook his head: "Nothing, I just think Miss Su will have a hard time in the future."

"Really?" Ye Xiangnan smiled again: "Why didn't I think."

Isn't Su Mu very spine? Why don't you call him when he is in trouble?

He remembered that he had told her that he could find him if he had something to do, and he provided very good conditions, but she didn't seem to care at all, and Shen Wenxuan went there in the first place.

Even if nothing happened to them, this tacit understanding was enough to make him uncomfortable. She didn't have him completely in her heart. If Shen Wenxuan were not with Ye Xiu, this time things would probably catalyze their resurgence.

Resurgence... Ye Xiangnan smiled silently, quite ironically.

Seeing his expression, Secretary Li asked cautiously: "The nightclub, do you want to help Miss Su deal with this matter?"

Ye Xiangnan smoked quietly and looked at her.

Secretary Li understood at once, and did not dare to speak again.

This dog is a man! What a cruel heart!

If she was Su Mu, she would choose the gentle and considerate lawyer Shen! ! !

But Secretary Li had a smile on his face, "Then I know, I'm out of the nightclub."

Ye Xiangnan stopped her, and Secretary Li's heart burst.

Ye Xiangnan's eyes fell quietly on her face, and her voice was soft, "You know what to do, don't I need to explain it to you?"

Secretary Li cursed again in his heart, the dog is a man, this is almost impossible, but there is a smile on his face, "Of course I don't need to explain it to the nightclub. I understand."

Does this mean you don't want to give up Su Mu?

She really doesn't understand the nightclub now, how many flowers and jade women are waiting for him, he is not a monk, why is he not interested in women now, but has been staring at Su Mu.

Just because you gave birth to a son, isn't there a few in the entertainment industry now? As for holding on like this?

Secretary Li returned to his office and secretly sent a message to Su Mu.

"The nightclub is very angry. It is not convenient for me to see you recently. I'm sorry Su Mu."

Su Mu must be sad over there, and not only psychologically, but now she has to be pointed and pointed when she wants to go out, and she suddenly changed from being sympathized to a bad woman who seduced her brother-in-law.

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