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Chapter 4660: The masculine Cheng Ye 5

"Mom." Su Zhiyan screamed like a play.

Wang Yuan could lie there upright, motionless.

After Cheng Ye finished sending Su Mu, he came back, frowned and looked at the woman, called one of his men to throw it into the hospital, and he took Su Zhiyan back to his big villa.

Although she is not Su Mu, but just thinking that she is Su Mu's younger sister, Cheng Ye has a special desire to conquer.

Su Zhiyan followed Cheng Ye to his big villa, only to find out that she was not the only woman in it, and she raised several people. Otherwise, he didn't treat them very much, she raised fun.

Cheng Ye is still very new to the Su family's daughter, and she has loved Su Zhiyan for a few days, and Su Zhiyan has used her housekeeping skills to act like a baby, and sometimes makes Cheng Ye very happy.

Cheng Ye is doing a big business, and has a bad temper. When he is happy, he treats Su Zhiyan as a darling, and throws jewelry on the ground at any time for her to pick it up. She picks it up and kicks it if she is upset.

Su Zhiyan had to endure no matter how much it hurts. She couldn't let this man get bored with her. People like the overlord would be as meek as a little sheep in front of Cheng Ye.

Ye Cheng was also a little bored for a few days, but it was a pity to throw it away. Didn't he not get Su Mu's heart for the time being? In his heart, Su Mu was like a jade.

As for Su Zhiyan, it was just for fun.

Su Zhiyan could feel Cheng Ye's carelessness. It would be useless for her to crush her teeth, and it would be useless to act like a coquettish to please her. She kicked it when she was unhappy and untimely.

In the hospital on the other side, Su Qiang and Wang Yuanke both lay down. For the rest of his life, Wang Yuanke was no different from dead.

My baby girl is going around, my baby boy is going to follow Su Mu.

What else does she have? She has nothing, nothing left.

Wang Yuan could lie there as if she had died. Su Shaoqing still came to see her, and whispered to her mother. Wang Yuanke turned her head and looked at him, "Where is your sister?"

Su Shaoqing knew that he was talking about Su Zhiyan, and angrily threw a stack of money on the bed: "This is what she gave it. Come and leave."

Wang Yuan is the one who loves money most from time to time, but now she doesn't feel the slightest heartbeat when looking at the money. She lay there and grunted. Su Shaoqing is a young boy who doesn't know how to comfort her.

After staying here for a while, I went to Su Qiang's ward again (it seems to be called Su Daqiang directly!)

One of Su Qiang's legs was directly scrapped, and it was lying there softly. After spending much money, it was all one leg. Su Mu took care of it for a few days.

Su Shaoqing’s mood is the most complicated because he knows that he is not Su Qiang’s own life. Su Qiang is like this. He is only 16 years old. Naturally, his mind is relatively simple. It is almost impossible to hide it. This is Su Qiang. People who have no heart and lung can see the difference in young people.

Su Qiang endured the pain in his leg and asked him what was wrong, his tone was quite concerned.

Su Shaoqing hated him again, and pity him again. He didn't know anything, and finally turned around and went out.

Outside the ward, he pounded the wall and cried, crying very sadly, Su Mu just came over and looked at him silently.

After a long time, she gently patted Su Shaoqing on the shoulder: "What's wrong?"

After all, he was a child and couldn't hide things in his heart. He turned his head and looked at Su Mu, still crying: "Elder sister, mom... I said that my second sister and I are not father's children. Now I look at my father very sad, older sister. Why is our home like this."

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