Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4662: Want to go, don't you explain? 1

How ridiculous and irresponsible are the previous thoughts?

She comforted Ye Xun for a while, and then motioned to Aunt Chen to hug Ye Xun.

In fact, everyone in the family knew about Shen Wenxuan. Aunt Chen believed Su Mu. A character like his wife would not do that. If his wife was greedy for vanity, she would not refuse to stay.

It's heartbreaking to see the separation of mother and child.

But no matter what, Su Mu left, and she felt uneasy when she went out.

It was very cold at night. She pulled her coat and was about to go out when the black carved door suddenly opened.

Then, the lights came on.

She squinted and saw that Ye Xiangnan's car had returned, and Ye Xiangnan closed the door and walked towards her.

Su Mu didn't know what was going on, she wanted to escape instinctively, but she was savagely caught by an arm after she ran, and then she was flung to the body, a warm body leaned over , Trapped her between the car and him.

Ye Xiangnan smokes, so there is a faint smell of tobacco on her body. This smell is extremely confusing to women. Even Su Mu can't stand him. She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "You let me go."

Ye Xiangnan's voice was hoarse: "Is there nothing to say to me? Is there nothing to explain?"

She raised her eyes, a little lost in her eyes: "What?"

"What?" Ye Xiangnan gritted his teeth, "You **** woman dare to ask me why?"

With a cigarette in one hand, he opened the door of the car and threw Su Mu in.

The inside of the car is very dark, very tight, and the temperature is much higher than outside.

Su Mu slammed in, and then the man followed and got into the car, the door closed.

He doesn't seem to want to disturb Ye Xun, so he wants to make it clear to her...

Su Mu finally got up and frowned, "Ye Xiangnan, what do you want?"

"What do I want?" He pinched her chin in the dark: "Su Mu, I want to ask what you want. I heard that you brought a drag oil bottle back. Why do you have to take care of him and your son? Are you planning to take it?"

He was so sharp that Su Mu had nothing to say.

She pursed her lips, her voice slightly lowered: "Ye Xiangnan, if you can choose, everyone will choose a sunny avenue, and who wants to walk on the single-plank bridge?"

"So, you are determined to take in Su Shaoqing, and then, sell your shoes to feed him? Su Mu, are you sick, and your son should not help others to bring children." He said harshly.

Su Mu stared at his face and said word by word: "That's my brother."

"Oh, it wasn't born to a dad, you still care? Didn’t Wang Yuan cut off your relationship with you, Su Mu, you are too bad and kind to be like this. If you didn’t go to the hospital, you would be photographed. How much did it cost to suppress this wave of news?" He spit out an astonishing number.

Of course, these tens of millions of him are not very painful, but this woman is too ignorant.

Who she thought she was. Is it the savior? I can't manage myself well, but also care about others!

Su Mu's eyes widened slightly, and then she lowered her head: "I have caused trouble to the nightclub, sorry."

Ye Xiangnan was stunned. This was the humblest appearance he had ever seen Su Mu, as if he was sorry the first time he heard her say.

He snorted, let go of her, and sat upright.

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