Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4664: Want to go, don't you explain? 3

Ye Xiangnan stared at her face, with a hint of coldness on her face: "You have a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth. I have been a reporter for a while and learned a lot from Liu Hong, right?"

He pinched her chin and spit out a smoke ring on her face harshly. Su Mu instinctively turned her face away, but then a bunch of photos fell on her face, although it was light, but like a cruel It hit her face hard, like a slap in the face.

The lights in the car turned on, and Ye Xiangnan sat quietly in it, with a cold voice: "Su Mu, do you think it's just those two broken photos? How many photos have you followed? Do you know?"

These photos were all bought by him at a big price.

Su Mu didn't go to see, she whispered: "No need."

"What?" Ye Xiangnan opened the window a bit, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly. He couldn't figure out what this woman meant.

Su Mu whispered: "I have said, do people like me care about fame? That's because nightclubs care about face. If we are not so close, then it doesn't matter how I am with nightclubs. Nightclubs are unnecessary. Take another seventy million and tell me, get angry with me again, right?"

Ye Xiangnan narrowed his eyes, and said every word: "Su Mu, please tell me clearly."

Su Mu lowered his eyes, "Just as Mr. Ye thought, I may rarely come here in the future."

Ye Xiangnan was really angry, "Su Mu!"

Su Mu smiled lightly at him, a very bitter smile. When she opened the car door, her voice was low: "You are born in a noble nightclub. You can't understand the mood of the bottom people at all."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to get out of the car.

Ye Xiangnan's voice was very soft and cold: "Su Mu, you think it through, you don't want to come back when you step out of this door."

Su Mu lowered his eyes: "Mr. Ye must I choose?"

He didn't say a word, still sitting in the car.

She is all extravagant and incompatible with her.

Su Mu pursed her lips, she turned her head and stared at him.

Ye Xiangnan also watched her.

Su Mu whispered, "Please take good care of Ye Xun."

"Su Mu." Ye Xiangnan yelled almost angrily: "Is Ye Xun not so important to you, am I not important to you at all?"

This, this is almost the most straightforward Ye Xiangnan from before to now, it's a confession.

Although it was a little frustrated, and a little embarrassed, if Su Mu listened carefully, then she would know that he was confessing.

She paused, and then her voice was low, as if with a nasal tone: "Say sorry for me and Ye Xun?"

She still left.

Slowly walked into the black night, and slowly walked out of the world of Yexiangnan, out of this villa.

Ye Xiangnan still sat there, he sat quietly, watching her disappear.

For a long time, there was a flash of fire in the car, and it was him who was smoking.

After a long puff of smoke, the nightclub gave a soft smile.

Saying that Su Mu is silly, he is actually quite silly.

After smoking a cigarette, he got out of the car and walked into the villa.

In the villa, the little Ye Xun was a little disappointed sitting there. He didn't know anything about his parents outside. Ye Xiangnan felt a little unspeakable in his heart. He walked over and squatted in front of Ye Xun: "What's the matter? , The boy is still crying?"

His first knowledge of this child was limited to him. He was born with him, he was so beautiful, smart and polite, that he instantly decided to give up his love for the child.

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