Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4778: Eat your sister's vinegar 3

Sister Hong looked at him and said one word at a time: "You made it very clear, let go..."

Cheng Ye really wanted to use the same brutal force to keep her behind, but he was...a little timid.

It was he who answered that there was no other woman when we were together. He and Su Zhiyan were like that. This woman went crazy, and he suddenly rejoiced: "Are you jealous?"

"You're so jealous." Sister Hong burst out, opened the door and got into the car, and drove the car away.

Only Cheng Ye was left messy in the wind. He was smoking a big cigar, kicking his door viciously, and then gruffly said to his hand: "Let me check, which **** bought this Buy me a villa at double the price."

Then he was furious again: "This woman, isn't it just... isn't she just hugging an insignificant woman? It hasn't happened before. Why is she crazy?"

Master Cheng's fire was one meter high, but Sister Hong ignored him at all. Sister Hong drove the car and cursed, "This bastard."

She drove the car and cried while driving.


She really almost thought it was true love.

It’s a **** who goes to the surname Cheng of a mother and a mother, who is indispensable for a woman for a day. It is not this time when he goes back to the villa. She doesn’t know that nothing happened. This time he lay down with Su Zhiyan. It's a curse, Sister Hong can't bear it.

She sold the villa and went on separate ways.

Later, for a long time, Master Cheng harassed her and suppressed all kinds of newspapers, so he went to her house and set fire to her. Sister Hong held her back and ignored him.

She bought a high-level villa with the money from selling the villa, and saved the rest.

At night, Sister Hong was sitting at the bar and shaking the goblet gently, listening to sad music, while drinking red wine, she lived a much better life than before, but it didn't make sense to have one less person.

She would never admit that she liked that bastard!

Absolutely not.

But no matter what, the corner of her eyes is still a little bright.

The phone on the bar rang, and she reached out and picked it up, with a faint voice: "Cheng Zheng, stop calling, we can't be together anymore, you are dead, don't bother me if you are a man."

Cheng Ye's voice was rough, "I have driven Su Zhiyan away. All the women have been driven away. Are you satisfied, Liu Hong, you are the most troublesome woman I have ever seen."

"It can be gone in the future." Sister Hong hung up directly.

She raised her head, still a little bit cried.

This **** had only been together for a few days, so he ate it secretly. No, he ate it honestly. It was different from the **** Zhang Fucai back then. Zhang Fucai still knew what was wrong, and this **** took it for granted.

However, none of them belonged to anyone, and she didn't need to be angry.

Sister Hong continued to drink and smoke, holding the slender cigarette skillfully with her fingers, swallowing mist.

At this moment, there was a violent knock on the door. Sister Hong could guess who it was with her toes. It wouldn't work if she didn't open the door, because that **** would definitely make this building uneasy.

Sister Hong opened the door, and as expected, it was Master Cheng standing outside the door.

Holding the door frame very handsomely, she grinned when she saw Sister Hong opening the door, "You miss me?"

"If you have a fart, let it go." Sister Hong opened the door and walked back to the bar by herself.

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