Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4804: Cheng Ye's great love

After Sister Hong left, Master Cheng felt regretful again and couldn't help it.

Xiao Mao came in, Master Cheng hummed, and then said uncomfortably, "That woman, gone?"

Xiao Mao nodded and bowed: "Go, walk thoroughly, and won't make Cheng Ye angry anymore."

"It's pretty much the same." Cheng Ye said stiffly.

Then it seemed to think of something again, "Actually, I don't have anything to do. It's just a few words of jealousy, and her temper is too bad. I changed to another woman and I slapped it."

Xiao Mao, who was listening to the side, was too difficult, but he still boldly said something fair: "Master Cheng, don't you not like to listen, Sister-in-law did not slap you less."

Cheng Ye's eyes widened suddenly, "Lao Tzu has suffered a lot of ear scraping from her, who shall I tell?"

Cheng Ye walked around and complained a lot, Xiao Mao could only listen.

At the end, Cheng Ye's eyes were red. "Nicky, I don't have a conscience. I can't let it go, so she walks simply."

Xiao Mao was also impressed by their great love for Cheng Ye.

Really infatuated.

Xiao Mao had a bad idea: "Since the sister-in-law doesn't change her mind, or else, let's go back to the previous villa and find a few little girls to come to Master Cheng. I must like it."

Cheng Ye stared at Xiao Mao, "What are you talking about?"

Xiao Mao said it again with the courage, and Master Cheng gave a light ear scrape and passed by: "I don't want to live me. You didn't see your sister-in-law being angry. You also found a few little girls. How capable I am."

Xiao Mao was beaten, and even though he was not angry, he smiled secretly.

Ye Cheng also found out that he had missed his mouth, his face was sullen, and another mouth went over: "Little bastard, give me a set."

Xiao Mao whispered: "How dare I, Master Cheng."

After that, I put Master Cheng asleep again. How did my sister-in-law take care of me with all my heart, and said in detail. I heard Master Cheng exuberantly: "It seems that this woman loves me to death."

Xiaomao blew the rainbow fart: "Yes, I see my sister-in-law have a deep love for Cheng Ye."

Master Cheng was in a better mood, lying on the hospital bed, nibbling on an apple.

After a while he asked: "You said that I quarreled with her again in the hospital, and it was so ugly, would she really look for Xiao Bailian?"

Xiaomao Zhizhi: "This is hard to say, my sister-in-law is also a woman."

Cheng Ye touched his head, but he was anxious.

‘You said I’m going to your sister-in-law now, will she care about me? He asked Xiaomao bluntly, treating Xiaomao as a love strategist.

Xiao Mao himself is half-hearted, thinking for a while: "Probably maybe."

Master Cheng grinned his white teeth and told Xiao Mao: "In this way, you let a few brothers follow your sister-in-law."

Xiaomao's eyes are shining: "Surveillance? ’

Master Cheng was unhappy: "What kind of surveillance? It's so ugly. Of course, your sister-in-law, such a beautiful woman, has to watch a little."

Xiao Mao said, "That sister-in-law is much better than before. It's all the power of money."

Cheng Ye was quite proud: "Isn't it my credit, where is she so radiant without Laozi?"

Xiao Mao suspected that Master Cheng was driving, but he had no evidence.

After speaking for a while, the surveillance, no, protection work was arranged.

Sister Hong returned to her high-end apartment and resumed her single aristocratic life. It was hard to get up early and return late, but the newspaper did a good job.

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