Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!
Chapter 594: Brother, please! (Invincible Dog Food)
When he arrived at the main house, he called the little maid and told everyone not to enter the main house tonight.
He wants to whip his little guy well.
Tang Yu took off his jacket and threw it on the sofa, then pulled off his tie, rolled it up, and walked upstairs with his slender body...
The lights in the main house are also very dreamy tonight.
"Qiqi?" Tang Yu walked slowly upstairs, calling his little girl, "Mrs. Tang?"
But, all the way to the bedroom, it was quiet.
Tang Yu stood, smiled, put his tie aside, and then sat on the sofa...
Fingers held his forehead, and the corner of his mouth also had a faint smile: "Mrs. Tang, if you don't come out again, I can guarantee you don't want to sleep tonight.
For a while, there was no sound.
Tang Yu rested for a while, and when he was about to get up, his little guy came out in the locker room.
There was only one white shirt all over his body.
His white shirt.
Except for that shirt, he can't see anything else...
The loose shirt was worn on her small body, which was beautiful and sexy, especially the tender legs, which made him almost unable to move his eyes...
Tang Yu sat still, but his voice became hoarse, "Qiqi, come here."
He reached out to her.
The little man walked over slowly barefoot and climbed onto his knee like a wild cat.
Tang Yu's voice was hoarse: "Where did you get such a suit?"
With that, the palm has been pushed in uncontrollably, just as he had imagined.
There is nothing inside...
His breath was a bit blazing, and the look in her eyes was a bit more blazing.
"You found it in the closet." She obediently hugged his neck, begging him particularly obediently: "Brother."
Tang Yu's animal blood was all ignited!
I used some brute force to hold her in my arms, her jade fingers pinched her sharp chin, "Pei Qiqi, are you looking for death?"
Her long hair has been put down, hitting her thin shoulders, and with that pure white shirt, she looks petite and beautiful...
Little hands hung on his neck, hot, called him brother and brother in a mess.
How can you be a brother...
Tang Yu's eyes were dyed with a jade look that was too deep to look directly, his thin lips kissed hers, "Mrs. Tang... let's take it slowly..."
He was so nasty, and she deliberately seduce him, although he was anxious, but he slowly got up.
So slow, Pei Qiqi wants to cry...
A young girl like that, wearing his shirt again, cried and begged him.
A man can't bear such a situation.
What's more, he is a beastly man.
However, Tang Yu still held back, torturing her with nasty fun, watching her begging him, it was real and very interesting.
The little girl’s eyelids were pink, her long eyelashes quivered, with a drop of emotional tears on it, and rolled off in a blink...
Tang Yu lowered his head, his thin hot lips kissed away the tears...
After that, she stretched out her beautiful fingers and gently stroked her little mouth, with a very meaningful voice: "Qiqi, you can still beg."
She opened her eyes and stared at him, her eyes dazzling.
Tang Yu couldn't help but bowed down, kissed her crying pink eyelids, with a hint of teasing, "Qiqi, if you are like this, I want to eat you."
She trembled even more, he was clearly eating her...
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