Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!
Chapter 640: Seventy-seven, I want to do animal things (1)
Tang Yu hadn’t spoken for a long time. Pei Huan was proud, and when he wanted to tease him, Tang Yu said: "Pei Huan, if you look in a mirror, you know how embarrassed you are. You think all the men look at you. Will there be any ideas?"
She looked at herself too high, and looked at him too low, Tang Yu.
If he could respond to her just because he took a cup of medicine, then he didn't deserve to say he loved Qiqi.
Pei Huan stagnated and was silent.
All her self-esteem was completely beaten by Tang Yu, really, nothing left.
What he said was polite, and she understood those subtexts.
There was silence in the car, and Pei Huan didn't dare to say anything.
It's just that she's getting more and more restless, thinking that her ghostly appearance will be seen by Pei Qiqi, she gets upset.
That feeling is very bad.
It seems to be low Pei Qiqiyi and so on.
The car stopped.
Pei Huan shrank in the back seat, biting her lip, "I won't go in, I don't want to see Pei Qiqi."
Tang Yu looked at her without saying a word, then as she wished, he tore her off and threw her on the ground.
Pei Huan is still tied up, and his clothes are in a mess...
She watched Tang Yu really want to leave, and yelled anxiously: "I'll go in, I'll go in."
She cried as she spoke... Tears and nose flew away.
There has never been a man treating her like this, or a man who has been caught by the drug, who never regards her as a woman.
Tang Yu paused, looking at Pei Huan sideways, she followed him embarrassedly.
At this time, Pei Huan was addicted to smoking, his face turned pale, and his body was trembling.
She followed Tang Yu into the villa. At this time, it was almost noon.
The sun shines into the quiet little yard, it looks unspeakable warmth——
Tang Yu's forehead was covered with thin sweat, and he walked in slowly, Pei Huan followed behind, making it difficult step by step.
She was afraid, seeing Pei Qiqi sneer at her, and said to her, Pei Huan, do you have today?
She is even more afraid of seeing Pei Qiqi tell Jinrong...
However, she saw that in the small kitchen, the sun was shining, and Pei Qiqi was wearing a white men's shirt and a pair of black shorts underneath, cooking in front of the counter.
The outside sunlight slanted on her obliquely, floating a layer of moving light.
Quiet and beautiful.
Pei Huan just watched, watching, there was a touch of water in his eyes.
Compared with Pei Qiqi's peace at this time, Pei Huan felt so dirty.
From the inside out, it's dirty.
She watched, closed her eyes slightly, her whole body was cold.
Sunshine can't warm her either.
I can't touch her cold heart...
The cold sweat oozes out of his forehead one by one, Pei Huan's lips moved, only feeling terribly dry.
Pei Qiqi turned his head and looked at them.
Tang Yu went over and hugged her with a dumb voice, "Qiqi, I might do something to you...something that is not as good as a beast."
He kissed tenderly and delicately, it really didn't look like he was going to do animal things.
However, she felt his heart beating a little bit hard, and she looked up at his eyes, which was shocked.
The look in his eyes was something she had never seen before.
She opened her small mouth slightly and looked at him blankly, unable to speak.
Tang Yu reached out and touched her little head comfortably, and then he caught her with one hand and Pei Huan with the other.
He shut Pei Huan with tears and nose in an empty room, and locked the door.
Pei Qiqi didn't understand, Tang Yu whispered: "She has been with fans, and now she is addicted."
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