Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!
Chapter 692: Who made it? (Fives)
He patted her little P shares, "Naughty."
Pei Qiqi chuckled and stretched out his hand to hug him tightly, "Tang Yu, how can I be so happy?"
Mr. Tang stood upright, squeezed his little guy's face, and coughed slightly: "Miss Pei, I can only say that you slept with the right person."
She stared at him.
Tang Yu stared at her, "Could it be that you didn't touch me and kissed me when you touched me and kissed me?"
He took a high posture again.
Mr. Tang would show this expression whenever he wanted to bully her.
Pei Qiqi used to eat his suit before, but now he is Pippi and hugged him rascally, "No, you obviously can't resist the temptation!"
She hugged him with a belly in between, which was kind of funny and funny.
Tang Yu put his finger on it and smiled, "When the child comes out, I will let you know if I can't resist the temptation."
Just by listening, Pei Qiqi can think of countless scenes-in the bathroom, on the sofa, on the floor of the bedroom... and even in front of the mirror in the dressing room, which is very shocking.
He hugged him tightly, "No."
"Then let me seduce our baby, okay?" He said to her little ear, and after speaking, she found that her ears were red...
He stretched out his hand and rubbed it, smiling...
In the afternoon, while Pei Qiqi was taking a nap, Tang Yu went out.
He knew that Mrs. Shen was now living in another house of the Shen family. As for the reason, it was probably the same as what he saw today.
The doorbell rang a few times, and a little servant of the family came to open the door. Looking at Tang Yu, he didn't seem surprised, saying that his wife had been waiting for a while.
Tang Yu walked in and saw Mrs. Shen sitting on the sofa without saying a word, her expression a little solemn.
"Aunt Shen," Tang Yu sat opposite her, and the little servant poured a cup of tea for him.
Mrs. Shen raised her eyes, and she hadn't seen her for more than half a month. She was already a face of vicissitudes, and her previous roundness was very different.
Mrs. Shen's voice was calm and unwavering: "I know what you want to ask, Tang Yu, I don't know anything, I can't say anything..."
Tang Yu looked into Mrs. Shen's eyes and saw a mass of dead ashes.
Inside, there was no gleam of light, no gleam of hope.
"Aunt Shen." Tang Yu's voice was a bit difficult. He faced a group of blond foreigners at the international high-level negotiating table when he was 20 years old, and it was not so difficult at that time.
Because he can judge what those people want, and those people have a vision.
And Mrs. Shen, no.
In her world, there was originally only the Shen family and only Shenzhongshan, but now there is no hope.
Tang Yu couldn't persuade her. Without Shen Zhongshan's Mrs. Shen, he would not betray his daughter.
Tang Yu felt that he was wrong.
"I will find an American expert for Uncle Shen." He stood up and paused: "Aunt Shen and Jin Rong are all awake. I believe that one day, a miracle will happen to Uncle Shen."
Mrs. Shen's eyes fell on Tang Yu's face, and for a long time, there was a glimmer of hope in those much older eyes.
But soon, that hope was extinguished.
I have been watching Tang Yu...
Tang Yu sighed in his heart. At this moment, his cell phone rang, and the door opened before answering.
It was Shen Lian who appeared at the door.
Her expression was flustered and her hair was a bit messy, her eyes swept across Tang Yu and her mother's face in turn.
Finally, her eyes fell on Tang Yu's face, her voice was a bit dry and angry, "Tang Yu, what are you looking for my mother for?"
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