Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!
Chapter 786: The male **** in the hard disk (1)
Out of the photographer's instinct, Pei Qiqiyi took several pictures in a row.
But I didn't find the feeling I particularly wanted...Occupational illness.
She walked a few steps forward, and her face was close-up, as if the essence was still not captured, she walked forward again...
His face is very good, no matter how close the camera is, Pei Qiqi has a particularly excited feeling and clicks to shoot.
"Excited?" His voice sounded darkly.
Pei Qiqi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "Yes! Very excited."
He turned off her camera, her black eyes locked her eyes, "I'm glad my body makes you so excited, Miss Pei."
This is a bit...warm!
And they are in that relationship...
Pei Qiqi felt that Tang Yu was not a particularly immoral person, but under the confirmation of that DNA, he still made some inappropriate actions towards her.
At least, after the results came out, they had a relationship in City H that night, although she was drunk.
She looked at him with no waves in her eyes, and her voice was soft and slow: "It's just because of professional relations."
Tang Yu looked at her quietly, did not say anything, but let her continue to shoot.
But Pei Qiqi didn't have any thoughts, and didn't feel anymore in the next shots. After taking a few random shots, he put the camera away, "Almost, thank you Mr. Tang, as for the reward I will..."
"You bring it here yourself." He said quickly.
Pei Qiqi nodded, and she decided to give it to Xiao Ran.
The old saying is right, there are some things that can't be avoided, just face it.
In fact, it’s not that difficult to get along with him...
Tang Yu watched her pack her things, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lighted it. After taking a sip, she said, "Jin Rong went back and talked to the old man."
This sudden remark made Pei Qiqi a little confused, she looked at him.
Tang Yu's tone was calm, "A few days ago, Jin Rong ran back and said to the old man that he wants to be with you."
"To be together means to get married." There was no ups and downs in Tang Yu's voice, as if he was outside the matter, as if he was saying something irrelevant, just a statement.
But his black eyes locked her eyes, and she didn't let her expression change suddenly.
Pei Qiqi was a bit wrong, almost holding his breath.
Tang Yu's voice was faint, and he continued: "The old man has dealt with his family law."
Using that thick-arm cane to draw Jin Rong three times, it was enough for Jin Rong's weak body.
When he was there, he watched Jin Rong being drawn, and after seeing Jin Rong being drawn, he categorically said that he wanted to be with Pei Qiqi, and his heart was sad.
No one came to ask him if he wanted to.
Just because he abandoned her?
Or Jinrong has always known, knowing that he did not let go of Qiqi, but—
Jin Rong no longer wants to give in, and Jin Rong also sees that this time is his only chance.
He couldn't say that Jin Rong was despicable, just because he had snatched Pei Qiqi from Jin Rong.
At that time, he obviously had a way to fulfill them, but he didn't. In the early days, he didn't like Qiqi and he was vaguely reluctant to let go.
It used to be so, and it is so now.
He looked at Pei Qiqi's surprise and probably guessed that she rejected Jin Rong that day.
In my heart, inexplicably happy again.
Pei Qiqi didn't speak, and there was nothing to explain to Tang Yu between her and Jin Rong.
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