Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!
Chapter 791: Are you responsible for sleeping once? (three)
Pei Qiqi went to a nearby supermarket to buy food, and when he walked downstairs to the apartment, he happened to ran into Amy and the others, so he brought them up together.
Opening the door, he unexpectedly discovered that Pei Huan had not left yet, and was mopping the ground, very hard to make the ground... even more dirty.
And Lao Kan sat very indifferently, his face was unlovable.
Amy and the others knew Pei Huan. When they saw this scene, they couldn't help asking Pei Qiqi in a low voice: "She and Lao Kan... are paired?"
Pei Qiqi hadn't spoken yet, Pei Huan put down the vacuum cleaner in his hand, and said with a somewhat proud expression: "I'm here to find her!"
She pointed to Pei Qiqi: "I am her younger sister."
Pei Qiqi took the vegetables back to the kitchen, with a lazy voice: "Pei Huan, you are two or three months older than me, and if you want to be a sister, I will divide Pei into half and talk."
She was embarrassed and said casually, she didn't expect Pei Huan to agree with her face: "Actually, it's useless for me to ask for so much money. If you want Pei Qiqi, I will divide you half!"
Pei Qiqi was washing the vegetables with his fingers, and turned around to look at Pei Huan, only to smile for a long time: "Pei Huan, if you were so generous before, we...may not be what we are today."
Some things don’t mean compensation.
There are some things that you don’t want to start again,
Feelings can't be bought back,
Also, Dad is no longer here... No matter what the price is paid, I can't get it back.
When she said that, Pei Huan's small face was a little pale. She looked at Pei Qiqi like that, her voice trembling: "Do you still hate me?"
"No!" Pei Qiqi sighed, "I am more used to our previous relationship."
Pei Huan stood there for a long time, and didn't care about the inquiring eyes of Amy and the others.
She clings to the old talk, in fact, she knows how much in her heart, she really wants to stick, who is it!
After standing for a while, I also felt a little boring.
She whispered, "Then I'll go first."
The voice of Pei Qiqi cutting vegetables stopped, and he gave a light tone.
Pei Huan stood for a while and looked at Lao Kan.
Quietly smoking a cigarette, said quietly: "It's useless to see me."
Pei Huan left in shame...
Amy and the couple leaned together and chuckled, gave them an old look, warning.
After that, he walked into the kitchen slowly, leaning on the counter and watching Pei Qiqi cooking.
She is very good at housework and has quick hands and feet, while Pei Huan is a completely different eldest lady and knows nothing.
Obviously it is a child from a family, so much difference, I want to know what is going on.
"It used to be very hard?" asked the old quizzically.
Pei Qiqi still bowed his head to cook, and answered the ridiculous words very plainly, "It's okay! In fact, Pei Huan has also suffered a lot from me."
I didn't ask any more questions, just said, "In fact, you have a soft heart."
"No, my heart was eaten by a dog." Pei Qiqi snorted lightly.
"That little white face?" Old Kan quickly answered, "The picture was taken well, I saw it! I think even I can't capture the essence of that man."
Because of understanding, we can grasp the best angle.
Pei Qiqi didn't speak any more, just smiled.
After being so irritated, I didn't feel like eating a meal.
Later, when Pei Qiqi was sending Aimee out, he unexpectedly saw Pei Huan sitting at the top of the stairs.
Just sitting motionless, like a stone sculpture.
Pei Qiqi walked to her, "Pei Huan, what are you doing?"
Her tone was like treating a disobedient child.
Pei Huan raised his head and said pitifully: "Pei Qiqi, I haven't eaten yet."
"There are no leftovers, they are all packed and dumped together." Pei Qiqi was cruel.
The current Pei Huan is like a super brown candy, who sticks to whom.
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