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Chapter 287:

He is steadily burning the microcosm, slowly raising it to the limit.

And when the golden universe that belonged to Athena rose, the core of Su Jin's universe was inevitably stained with a little golden yellow.

Su Jin was not surprised by this.

For Saint Seiya, Athena's microcosm is like a plug-in installed on others.

Once its own small universe burns and echoes the wavelength of Athena's small universe, resonance will occur.

And after that, it is the explosive growth of its own small universe.

This feeling is similar to when I was supported by Leo, and even Athena's microcosm support is stronger, and it is even actively repairing the damage on my body... Su Jin tries his best to control the microcosm and does not repair the wound on his right hand.

There's no way he could cut his wrist again and bleed it, that would look very stupid.

The blood that Su Jin released, containing the sixth sense microcosm, flowed on the ground, stained with the golden jelly.

It slowly wriggled towards Athena's divine blood, laying down on Su Jin's blood, but repelling it all, conveying a faint feeling of disgust during the process.

Little Niangpi, if it wasn't for your mother, I'd have to beat you to death... The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, but he continued to burn the small universe.

Under the echo of Athena's small universe, the blood loss in his body did not decrease, but increased more rapidly, and even the bone marrow was affected and gradually became golden.

At this moment, there was a delicate balance between the squirming golden jelly, the burning silver-white-gold microcosm, the bloodletting Su Jin, and the Athena microcosm that healed Su Jin.

I can't break the balance without reaching the seventh sense... Su Jin realized this and fell into silence.

What he has burned so far is the Leo Cosmos, which is stable and continuous, without any loss in itself. Even the lost blood is supplemented by the Athena Cosmos, and there is no loss at all.

Going to the end, I still have to fight... Su Jin sighed in his heart, and for the first time, he took the initiative to burn his own little universe and his own life.


Suddenly, a small universe of silver and white mixed with gold suddenly rose up.

Like a surging arrogance, it directly wrapped Su Jin's whole body.

Visible to the naked eye, Su Jin's epidermis had cracks, dense cracks, cracks like ceramic cracks.

He was like sesame seeds stuffed into a whole watermelon, and the whole person was about to collapse because of the enormous force he had endured.


In the air, Athena's blood exudes a gorgeous and warm light.

That light quickly helped the cracks in Su Jin's body, like the best adhesive, sticking his broken body together.

In the process of this intense burning, Su Jin raised the small universe on his body, the golden light overshadowed the silver light for the first time, and it became more and more prosperous.

In a trance.

Su Jin seemed to see the scene when the universe opened up, as well as the essence of his own soul, and all the shimmering particles that make up his body.

He seemed to realize something, and he seemed to realize nothing.

Wait until he recovers.

A lion made of gold was lying lazily in front of him, looking at himself with interest with its golden beast pupils.

On Su Jin's body at this time, a small universe of golden color is pervading.

An unprecedented sense of power filled his heart.

Outside the secret room, in the starry sky of the little garden, fifty-two stars in the constellation Leo are releasing a powerful and brilliant brilliance.

Seventh sense... Su Jin muttered to himself.

A real small universe!

The ultimate small universe, the power of energy to open up the universe!

Finally... Su Jin closed his eyes, and the golden lion in front of him suddenly exploded, turning into pieces of scale armor, covering his body.

This is the [Divine Clothes] that belongs to Su Jin alone.

The first ArsMagna born in the world of Hakoniwa.

Chapter 0357 Divine Clothes (Great Treasure)

The gold poured armor covered Su Jin's body, covering his whole body, only the head was a model of a headdress.

And what followed was a vast and boundless universe far beyond Su Jin's imagination.

No, this is no longer the scale of a small universe.

But the universe itself!

While thinking, Su Jin opened his gift card and saw the gift record on it.

[Bonus: Simulated Star Creation Map Divine Clothes (Great Treasure)]

[The root power of the universe that emerges from the unknown realm, its own existence is equivalent to the universe, a new universe. 】

[Evaluation: In the three-digit almighty field, this divine garment seems to be missing a lot of keys, so that the essence has been degraded. Perhaps the corresponding Sun Sovereignty can make up for his origin. 】

"The new universe..." Su Jin muttered to himself.

His intuition told him that Shiroyasha's true blood, Athena's divine blood, and his own blood played a very subtle role in it.

This effect seems to be a mutually reinforcing relationship, so that the small universe on him is linked, and the simulated star creation map on him is embodied in the form of divine clothing.

'No, I can't say that, the appearance of the simulated star creation map being made into an object is the mainstream of the small garden, so the Shenyi is the real posture of the simulated star creation map I hold? ’

'This is very possible, because I have already felt the connection between Shenyi and Leo, and I can even be sure that even if I lose Leo's solar sovereignty, this connection will not be broken, at most it will only be blurred. ’

‘Hehe, the defensive power of the divine garment is on a cosmic scale, and I have a hunch that even an ordinary three-digit figure can’t crush him. ’

'His defense is not entirely derived from the part covered by the armor, but more from the small universe contained within itself, which is almost equal to an awakened second-level god. ’

‘Second-level gods, in my perception, are already three-digit existences. ’

'He himself is equal to a three-digit number? ’

‘No, more than that, the divine garment itself has the characteristics of evolution, he can evolve according to my needs, and if time is sufficient, he can even be confident and complete. ’

'That is almost equal to a main **** in his heyday, and is a first-level **** in the Saint Seiya universe, equivalent to a two-digit existence. ’

‘Of course, this will take a very long time. According to Bai Ye’s feedback, it will probably take a long time of more than 10 billion years. ’

'This time span, even if divided by 100 million, is a hundred years, far exceeding my life so far. ’

'This is unreliable, at least not much more than earning Thousand Eyes Points to exchange for the temporary use of Sun Sovereignty from Bai Yasha. ’

'At least relying on the current divine clothing, I can achieve the effect of promoting the evolution of the divine clothing by temporarily holding the sovereignty of the sun. ’

Su Jin slandered in his heart.

At this time, Bai Yasha, who saw that Su Jin had recovered, asked curiously:

"What level of equipment did you forge?"

High-level fetishes have the characteristics of self-covering, so outsiders who are not holders can only guess the abilities of fetishes, but cannot intuitively understand them.

This is the same with Shiroyasha.

Unless she liberates her spirit and returns to the essential two-digit figure, she will not be able to check the status of the divine garment.

Hearing Bai Yasha's question, Su Jin's face was calm, and he replied casually:

"He has only reached the realm of omnipotence."

"Almighty field, this is just a weapon..."

Bai Yasha opened his eyes wide, with a dazed look on his face, with a very happy feeling.

Then at this time, Bai Yasha suddenly found that Su Jin's battle clothes had changed again.

The coverage is reduced, the neck and the lower half of the arms are exposed, and the scale of strength is also countless times smaller.

No, it wasn't Su Jin's power just now, but the power of the clothes itself, because I was worried that the master couldn't bear it and sealed itself. This kind of spirituality is basically equal to a living creature...

It is a three-digit battle suit, and it has the characteristics of being alive. This... Bai Yasha thought of this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help muttering:


Su Jin's equipment is basically equivalent to wearing a three-digit number on his body.

And it's still the kind of three-digit number that can be multiplied by concentric agreement and can multiply its own strength.

This kind of feature is like a simulated star creation map that is more than half awakened.

No, this is even rarer than a simulated star creation map. At least, she has never seen a simulated star creation map with self.

Wait, a living mock star chart?

Shiroyasha murmured to himself: "This is simply, like seeing the clouds in the sky like armor."

Clouds in the sky.

A quasi-two-digit divine sword, an artifact that cracks all abilities, powers, and authority.

The ultimate divine sword was born after sacrificing the entire Gao Tianyuan group of gods, and even sacrificing the simulated star map.

In Hakoniwa, the cloud of the sky is regarded as a suspected double-digit existence and is held by the Queen of Halloween.

And this handle is also one of the sources of Queen Halloween's great deterrent.

However, Bai Yasha saw a similar but different power to the clouds in the sky on the divine clothes made by Su Jin.

Looking at the miniature universe that seemed to harbor everything... The corner of Shiroyasha's mouth twitched, and then asked:

"There may be twelve more pieces of this kind of clothes, Japan, this is even rarer than our entire collection..."

Shiroyasha saw the scene where the divine garment was transformed into the image of a Leo.

According to this image, there are at least eleven, or even twelve, variations of this battle suit.

In the little garden, there are 13 zodiac constellations, and Ophiuchus is also recognized as the sovereign of the sun.

In other words, Su Jin's exclusive weapon for the simulated star creation map, after being completely formed, is equivalent to wearing thirteen universes and fighting people?

Thinking of this, even Shiroyasha couldn't help tingling his scalp.

One punch is equal to thirteen universes, so how does Nima fight?

This is not to mention the ability of the Sun Sovereign itself, the power of Su Jin that shatters everything and is called the small universe, and in his mouth, the golden combat skills that have never been able to exert all their strength.

Sorry Canary, we made your next one too strong...

But then again, the spirituality of the armor just now seemed to be provided by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye is our strength combined with Su Jin's soul, conceived through a spiritual knife, and now she has become an armor...

Doesn't that mean that we and Su Jin have an armor? Shiroyasha looked a little confused.

At this moment, Su Jin carefully realized the divine garment of his downgrade, and said in a slightly regretful tone:

"Sure enough, even the seventh sense can't hold up the state of Shenyi?"

"And it's also very difficult to degenerate into a holy garment. It is estimated that the golden holy garment can perfectly fit my current level."

The power exerted by the Saint Cloth depends on the wearer's own microcosm.

Only when the microcosm and the holy clothes fit together, and the spirit and the holy clothes become one, can the greatest power be exerted.

Otherwise, the holy garment is just a heavy piece of armor that will die.

If you don't do this, Su Jin is equivalent to wearing an armor made by the entire universe, and the end will definitely be very beautiful.

"However, although it is degraded, it is still a divine garment in essence, a great secret treasure that can only be worn by gods."

Su Jin raised his hand, admired the golden holy clothes on his body, and said with emotion:

"The basic amplitude is comparable to the two of me. This does not match the description in the diary that the golden holy garment is equivalent to a golden holy warrior. Is it higher than the scale of a golden holy warrior?"

What is the concept of the bonus of two golden saints.

In other words, adding Su Jin, what does the blessing of the small universe equivalent to the size of three golden saints represent?

Su Jin could only think of one noun.

- Athena's astonishment!

Literally, it shocked Athena, but at a deeper level, it represented the name of this terrifying combat technique.

The small universe of the three golden saints gathers together, and the forbidden moves that can be performed.

In a small range, the power can be comparable to the big bang and the taboo trick, also known as A·E, shadow warfare!

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