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Chapter 293:

Damn, I met a super BOSS!

This kind of monster, the corpse soul world actually let him sway in reality at will, are they crazy?

In an instant, Kugo Ginjō's resentment towards the Soul Society became stronger.

Because I have the qualifications to become the Spirit King, they persecute me, but what is the situation of this Su Jin?

Isn't this guy stronger than dangerous? Still an outrageously strong type.

Is it because I am weak? Because I don't have the real power to make the soul world terrifying, so I deserve to be hunted down and hide in the world like a dog?

For a moment, Yincheng Konggo was full of resentment, but in the face of Su Jin, a terrifying enemy, he did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly shouted:

"Yuedao, run away, I'll hold him back!"

"Where are you escaping to? Experimental No. 1?"

A questioning voice rang in Ginjō Konggo's ears.

Followed by a hand on his shoulder from behind.

Such a possibility, such a speed... Kugo Ginjō was horrified. He quickly stretched out his hand, turned around at the same time, grabbed Su Jin's arm, and shouted:

"Yuedao, run away!"


Su Jin turned his head, looked a little surprised at Tsukishima Shukuro who took out the bookmark from the book and turned it into a sharp sword, smiled and said:

"Aren't you going to escape? Experimental No. 2, your companion, is giving you a chance to escape!"

Tsukishima Hidekuro had an expression of fear on his face, his teeth were trembling, he held a sharp sword, and rushed over with a loud 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh screaming, one stabbed Su Jin.

Su Jin smiled casually, and stretched out a finger to resist Tsukishima Hidekuro's thrust.

Fingertips collide with the blade...

...but no sound came out.

Yes, it's just the tip of the sword that didn't go into Su Jin's fingertips.

For a moment, Tsukishima Shukuro, who was originally terrified, showed an indifferent smile on his face.

In the same way, the flustered Yincheng Konggo twitched the corners of his mouth at this time, indifferently lined up Su Jin's hands, and sneered:

"Idiot, you got caught so easily."

From the very beginning, the panic of Ginjō Kugo and Tsukishima Shukuro were all fakes, and they were all frauds.

The real purpose of the two is to make the blade transformed by Tsukishima's ability have physical contact with Su Jin.

And now, the goal has been achieved.

"Tsukishima, have the abilities activated?" Ginjō Kugo smiled and looked at Tsukishima Shukuro.

"Well, it's activated." Tsukishima Shukuro twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer.

"Haha, it seems that we no longer need the power of Kurosaki Ichigo. With this idiot, we can directly seek revenge from the Soul Society!"

Ginjō Konggo couldn't help but smile at this moment.

Tsukishima Shukuro's ability is to intervene in the past and change the other party's memory.

The real face of its ability is to create an illusory parallel world line that has passed.

And there, Tsukishima Shukuro will become Zhong Zhaoren's closest companion, even lover and love.

And now, Tsukishima Hidekuro is changing Su Jin's memory and making him the most important existence of Su Jin.

"Okay, welcome our new companion..." Yincheng Konggo clapped his hand on Su Jin's shoulder carelessly.

And at this moment, a voice full of laughter sounded:

"What an interesting ability! If you use it for NTR, it is like a magical ability. It's a pity that you were not born in a world like the black beast, otherwise it would be very interesting."

The smile on Kugo Ginjō's face froze.

He turned his head suddenly, but what he saw was Su Jin's smiling, playful face.

How is it possible that Tsukishima's ability is actually ineffective? !

Before Gincheng Konggo could react, Su Jin said happily:

"Experiment No. 2, it is very dangerous to intervene in the past of others."

Tsukishima Hidekuro's eyes widened, and he wanted to pull out the knife, but found that a memory was madly integrated into his mind.

It was a land full of building debris.

It was a figure full of despair.

Gray hair, gray beard, obvious nasolabial lines, wearing a pale white robe, with the silhouette of a snake embroidered on the sleeves, he is staring at Tsukishima Shukuro with cloudy eyes.

- Mithra!

Tsukishima Shukuro involuntarily came up with this name in his mind.

Then, he suddenly realized that he poked his finger at his temple, poking out a blood hole, and said softly:

"So my name is Mithra!"

An old male voice full of emotion and magnetism sounded from Tsukishima Shukuro's mouth.

Chapter 0365 Secret

Hearing a completely different voice from Tsukishima Shukuro's mouth, Ginjō Konggo's eyes widened, and he finally showed fear:

"Yuedao, say something, Yuedao!"

He shouted a few times, and found that Tsukishima Xiujiuro had always had a strange expression on his face, his pupils shrank, and he looked at Su Jin who was smiling:

"You know Tsukishima's ability, you were stabbed by him on purpose because you were sure that he would become like this!"

"Bingo! That's right."

Su Jin said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand, and in the desperate eyes of Yincheng Konggo, pressed it on his eyes: "Have a good dream!"

With a plop, Kugo Ginjō fell to the ground, passed out, and his consciousness fell into chaos.

At this time, Su Jin turned his head and looked at 'Tsukishima Xiujiuro' and said:

"Mithra, your body really isn't dead."

Tsukishima Shukuro, or Mithra who parasitized Tsukishima Shukuro smiled gently:

"This kind of vague sense with the main body, this sense of distant distance, it seems that I seem to be calculated by you..."

Mithra looked around for a while, and immediately laughed dumbly:

"Another world in an unknown area? So that's the case, are you the agent of Halloween?"

Su Jin did not refute, but acquiesced to this identity.

"It doesn't look like Halloween." Mithra, who saw through Su Jin's reaction, said with a little surprise.

Old fox... Su Jin cursed inwardly, but did not speak.

At this time, Mithra said with a smile:

"Don't be so vigilant. At this time and space distance, there is basically no connection between me and the main body, and isn't that what you want?"

Intentionally let Tsukishima Shuguro intervene in the past, induce the residual parasitic power on Su Jin's spirit, and transfer Mithra's incarnation to Tsukishima Hidekirou's body.

This is indeed a phenomenon that Su Jin achieved through careful calculation.

This point, Mithra's incarnation also guessed.

Under the hindrance of the long distance in time and space, his connection with the main body is almost non-existent, and his own power is the power of Tsukishima Hidekuro, which is basically nothing to Su Jin.

However, that doesn't mean he doesn't have any value.

Just the information left in Mithra's incarnation's mind and the knowledge of the upper levels of Hakoba are worth Su Jin's fare this time.

This is equivalent to the knowledge and experience of a three-digit grandfather.

Of course, there are bound to be imperfections here. After all, Mithra's parasitism to Su Jin is very short, and the relative knowledge may not have been transferred too much.

However, facing this situation, Mithra smiled and said, "What do you want to know?"

Good guy, I have already started to use words to trick me... Su Jin paused for a while, and sighed in his heart.

What do you want to know? If this sentence is answered, it will reveal his purpose and tendency, and then give Mithra time to think, and leave him room for deception and inducement.

Seeing Su Jin's pause, Mithras said with a smile:

"Hehe, don't think about using the soul to check the ability of the class, the power of three digits is not as simple as you think."

However, Su Jin's hand still pressed on Mithra's head, and indifferently activated the ability to retrieve memory.

Without mentioning Mithra's words, can you believe it, is his soul detection ability a general ability?

The small universe is the power from the single-digit position field, and his small universe has entered the realm of the seventh sense.

How could it be such a simple ability that he used the soul search performed by the small universe.

If Su Jin had no means, how could he dare to let Mithra borrow Tsukishima Shukuro's body out?

Looking at the retrieved memories, Su Jin squinted his eyes, carefully screened them, put aside the memories of Tsukishima Shukuro, carefully retrieved Mithra's memories, and then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Mithra's memory is not much, even compared to the three-digit level, it is definitely very rare.

After all, this is just an attempt to parasitize part of his power fragment.

However, some secrets and some information left in it are also worthy of Su Jin's calculations.

"Oh, so it was parasitized on Kalji's body?"

Su Jin's face showed a playful expression. What he said to Sakyamuni before was really right. Look, wasn't Kalji forced to be parasitized by Mithra?

In the memory that Su Jin checked, the official flag of the Ouroboros should be the Three-Tiered Serpent.

This corresponds to the three major components of the Ouroboros, which are referred to internally as the first union, the second union, and the third union.

One or two coalitions are leadership, while the third coalition is executive.

And Kalji is a member of the Third Union, and is also regarded as the reserve of the leader of the Third Union by the first two alliances.

Oh, a puppet coolie? It's really beautiful to think about, no wonder Kalji wanted to leave Ouroboros later.

"The behind-the-scenes funder of Ouroboros is indeed the Cross religion, but it only accounts for the first united part."

"The high-level executives of the Second Union have Greek writing. Oh, is it Zeus, or Poseidon? Or the majesty Hades who doesn't care about the world? Athena is also suspicious, but unfortunately, I don't have this part of the information in my memory. "

"Heavenly Court, Three Purities, Four Royals, and the Thousand Eyes and Double Goddesses are hostile to Ouroboros? Some forces of Buddhism intervened in the first unit of Ouroboros, and some forces dispatched the Heavenly Army to chase and kill Ouroboros, tsk, these people from Buddhism, both ends. The ability to bet is really strong enough.”

"Tsk tsk, the Queen of Halloween also invested in Ouroboros? The target is the Second Alliance. She seems to be planning to become the leader of the Second Alliance. Trouble, is this leader a traitor who has penetrated into the enemy's interior, or is it a bad taste?"

The Queen of Halloween, a high-level leader of the Second Alliance, prevented Mithras, a high-level leader of the First Alliance, from parasitizing me... The relationship between immortality is a bit too complicated... Su Jin complained in his heart, and at the same time, he raised his vigilance in his heart.

The attitude of the Queen of Halloween is very unclear!

Canary is her direct disciple, but she really ruined all of Canary's behind-the-scenes investors in Ouroboros. This guy's character is too distorted, right?

The beauty built by oneself is destroyed by oneself? It's not so dark, is it?

Su Jin thought with great fear in his heart.

However, the information of the Queen of Halloween is not bad, the most important information in Mithra's mind is very crucial.

Thinking of this, Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said silently in his heart:

"It was the Son who killed Mithra and parasitized it, but after I plotted Mithra, it was the secret hand of the Holy Father who escaped to parasitize Kargi..."

"The Holy Father used my hand to subordinate a dark son on Kalji that the Holy Son did not know... How come these immortals have such deep calculations?"

The Holy Son and the Holy Father disagreed, and the only God known as the Trinity actually had two conflicting consciousnesses. This kind of secret made Su Jin feel horrified.

Chapter 0366 The Value of Orihime Inoue

Taking a few deep breaths, Su Jin suppressed the emotions in his heart.

Regardless of the relationship between the Father and the Son, all he has to do is pretend for a while that he doesn't know about it.

Information can be used, but not exposed. Of course, if it is well-known information, it doesn't matter if it is exposed. Everything has to wait for the return to Hakoniwa before making a decision.

After sorting out his thoughts, Su Jin used the small universe to sterilize the three of them, then released the surrounding different-dimensional space, and then released the outer world construction technique, and then released the outermost barrier.

He used so many methods in order to obtain Mithra's information with the help of Tsukishima Shukuro.

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