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Chapter 298:

Inoue Orihime was stunned.

At this time, Su Jin narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"When you choose to take down a window, you'd better advocate lifting the ceiling because then they will allow you to take the window down."

Compared to Yuhabach's destruction of the world, although Aizen is evil, it is not unacceptable.

Compared with those unknown gods and Buddhas whose good and evil are unknown, it is not unacceptable to cooperate with Su Jin, a known and negotiable "God and Buddha".

This is the possible state of mind of Yamamoto Motoyasu after knowing the 'truth'.

Inoue Orihime nodded knowingly, and his performance made Su Jin cut off other ideas and concentrate on raising Inoue Orihime as a nurse.

This natural stagnant character can only produce milk.


Soul World, the dark side of Jingling Court.

In the invisible empire.

A figure sitting on the throne opened his eyes.

Then, there was an unwilling whisper:

"The future has changed..."

Chapter 0372 Observing the future

The spiritual space under the shadow of Jingling Court.

The Quincy masters who were defeated in the war with the **** of death a thousand years ago deliberately hid in the realm of corpses, and used the space created by the spiritual child on the shadow side to create a dark scene under the lamp, avoiding the pursuit of the **** of death.

After a thousand years, this place is still here, ruled by Habach, the ancestor of the Quincy, and named as the Kingdom of the Invisible Empire.

At this time, on the throne.

A man was sleeping with his back on the throne.

He has long black hair and a beard, a dark and fierce face, and a crimson cloak.

He is the founder of the Quincy, Yohabach.

"The future has changed..."

With an unwilling whisper, Yohabach opened his scarlet eyes.

His eyes are not very human, but have multiple pupils.

"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Tall, blond and blue-eyed, with a handsome but unexpectedly indifferent face, a young quencher in a white military uniform walked in.

Yugland Hasward!

He was Yohabach's most trusted and closest subordinate.

At the same time, Hasward is also the soul half of Youhabach. During the sleep of Youhabach, the abilities of the two will even be exchanged to maintain the stability of Youhabach's soul.

And now, another exchange ends with Yohabakh awakening.


On the throne, Youhabach responded in a low voice:

"Yamamoto Motoyanagi and Aizen have collaborated."


Hasward replied calmly:

"My subordinates also see this future."


Youhabach laughed lowly and said in a low tone:

"My omnipotence and omnipotence is the power to observe the future and change the future."

"So since I woke up, I have observed twenty-three thousand four hundred and twenty-three futures, and observed the direction of the war with the Soul Society and the Void Circle, and each of them ended with my victory."

"However, this future has just changed again."

Youhabach said this with an unusually gloomy tone:

"Aizen Sosuke, who originally attacked the Soul World after 10 days, turned into an attack after three days, and in the future, the murder of Aizen Sosuke and Yamamoto Motoyanagi became a cooperation between the two parties to jointly resist my invisible empire."

Yuhabach said this, with anger in his tone:

"All the preparations these days have been in vain!"

Hasward was silent for a moment and said:

"His Majesty……"

Before he could finish speaking, Yohabach waved his hand and said:

"No need to say more, I know how to deal with it."

Youhabach narrowed his eyes, leaned on the throne and said:

"Aizen Soyousuke is indeed a dangerous man. These days, every day, he is changing the future I observe."

"Hehe, that man is too dangerous."

"Your Majesty, I think it's important to focus on the reasons why Aizen Soyousuke and Yamamoto Motoyanyuki cooperated," Husward said indifferently.

"You mean the so-called Hakoba? The world of gods and Buddhas in Aizen's mouth?"

Youhabach sneered:

"That's just an excuse for Aizen Soyousuke and Yamamoto Motoyukiyao to cooperate."

"The so-called world of gods and Buddhas, huh, it's ridiculous."

"Even in Aizen's mouth, the incomparably powerful Su Jin who descended from Hakogawa, in the future that I observed, could not defeat me even once."

"Although he is very strong, he is still a little far from the omniscient and omnipotent me."

And this gap is farther than the distance between Soul and Soul Realm and reality.

Youhabach sneered in his heart.

"However, every time he appears, it leads to changes in the future, just as Aizen has brought forward the plan this time..."

Before Haswald finished speaking, Yohabach interrupted coldly:

"I don't like discussions about the future, so let's end it, Hasward."

"...Yes." Haswald was silent for a while, then nodded.

At this time, Youhabach narrowed his eyes and said in a flat tone:

"You step back and bring in the eye monk from outside."

Hasward bowed slightly, turned to open the door of the main hall, and then said to the empty place:

"Come out, Ichibei, the head of the army."

In the empty corridor, a tall figure appeared.

He is bald, his thick beard even hangs down to his chest, the bridge of his nose is wide, his eyebrows are unusually thick, a string of huge crimson rosary is hung around his neck, and his body is covered with white feather weave.

And behind Haori, is a huge 'zero' character.

He is a royal spy, the leader of the zero division, and the head of the army, Ichibei, who was given the name of "Monk of the Eye" by the King of Spirit.

After revealing his stature, a soldier in the main division of the army opened his mouth and laughed at himself:

"Omniscient and omnipotent is really a disgusting ability, and my concealment is useless at all."

Hasward didn't speak, just moved out of the way and said indifferently, "Your Majesty is waiting for you."

"Haha." A soldier in the head of the army laughed, stepped on the clogs, and stepped into the hall.


Void Night Palace, laboratory.

Su Jin raised his head, looked at the night sky outside the window, and said unhappily:

"The idiot's future observations have finally stopped."


Next to him, Aizen, who put on his glasses again, pushed his glasses and said with a smile:

"His omniscience and omnipotence turned out to be an observation of the future?"

"It is estimated that there is also the power to force change in the future."

While speaking, Su Jin turned to look at the artificial soul on the test bench, and sighed:

"You know, it's very disgusting to have a fly buzzing in your ear all the time."

"Indeed." Aizen replied with a smile.

Hearing the response, Su Jin glanced at Lan Ran, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"You don't want to ask me why I'm not concerned about the capabilities of this type of future observation?"

Aizen, who heard this sentence, glanced at him in surprise and said:

"You seem to have received a very advanced gift? Eager to show off?"

"It's really boring to talk to you." Su Jin shrugged and said helplessly.

Originally, Su Jin wanted to show off his solar sovereignty, but now, he is not in the mood.

At this time, Aizen pushed his glasses again, and the reflection of the lenses covered his eyes:

"Do you even have the gift of interfering with the future in the little garden?"

"The existence of four digits can be interfered with by power. If it is three digits, it can even be observed in reverse."

Su Jin explained, and then said with a smile:

"And mine is more interesting than these..."

When Su Jin said this, he said playfully:

"My gift enables the observers to see the future they want to see, um, a very reasonable future."

Among the anti-divination abilities that come with Sun Sovereignty, there is a special passive.

That is a fictional future.

That is, those who try to observe the future of the holder of the sovereignty of the sun will see the future they want to see.

And this future, if sovereign holders so choose, they can also see it.

And just now, Su Jin and Youhabach watched a few games, and he swept the dream of the Three Realms.

To be honest, it's pretty boring.

It would be better to do an experiment with Aizen in this artificial soul.

At least this one can still make money, without having to dream with an older fool.

Hearing this, Aizen smiled and said, "It seems that Youhabach will sleep very peacefully at night."

Su Jin shrugged, then looked at the Zanpakutō on the test bench and asked:

"Did you make it?"

"It's just an experiment."

Aizen replied calmly.

"That is to say, it can be tested?"

Su Jin's tone was much more excited at this time.

Hearing this, Lan Ran turned her head and glanced at Su Jin with a smile:

"There is no experimental death here."

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin immediately understood, and a smile appeared on his face:

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