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Chapter 309:

"Observing the future, rewriting the future, this is the true face of your ability."

"And this ability should be the unique power of the Spirit King."

Youhabach looked at Su Jin with a gloomy expression, both annoyed that his ability was exposed, and a fear of the unknown.

He clearly used his ability to break the Zanpakutō of Su Jin and Yamamoto Yuan Liuzai in the future.

And Yamamoto Yuanyanyu's sword broke as he expected, but why didn't Su Jin's sword?

"Are you afraid?"

Hearing this sentence, Youhabach's eyes widened, and Su Jin's playful face was reflected in his pupils.

"Because of the failure of future intervention, are you afraid of me?"

Su Jin smiled and took a step forward in the air.

Youhabach took a step back unnaturally, and then, realizing this, he immediately blushed and shouted irritably:

"Stop joking!"

"A mere human, how can I be afraid!"

"No, I'm just like you."

Su Jin's expression was a little playful. He raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and said faintly:

"Do you know why your omniscience and omnipotence fail?"

"Why?" Yohabach blurted out.

At this time, the corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and he said with a playful expression:

"Because, I will also [Omniscient and Almighty] ah..."

When the words fell, Su Jin clenched his fingers.

Youhabach's eyes widened, and he looked down at his arm.

His hands, from the elbows, were broken!

As if encountering an invisible slash, it disconnected neatly.

"how is this possible?"

"My hand..." Youhabach's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly: "You cut off my arm in the future?"

After he finished speaking, his face changed greatly, and he shouted angrily:

"Stop joking!"

"Do you think this trick can deceive me?!"

After Yuhabach roared, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he turned his head to the right and looked behind him.

"Did you see me appearing behind you with the knife on your neck?"

Su Jin raised his hand slightly, bringing the Zanpakutō closer to Yuhabach's neck.

Youhabach's pupils shrank, and at this moment, Su Jin said softly:

"And then, you will change the future, swap your position with Yamamoto Motoyanagi, and then let me kill your most hated enemy."

"How is it possible..." Yohabach's eyes widened: "How can you see the 'the future I see'!"

When Youhabach said this, his pupils shrank, and he suddenly thought of the key.

Omniscience, or future intervention, is an ability that only two people possess.

One is him, Youhabach, the son of the Spirit King, and the other is... the Spirit King!


There is only one person who can observe the future he observes, and there is an omniscient and omnipotent person above him.

The [God] who induced his birth - the Spirit King!

In an instant, Yohabach realized the truth.

Suddenly, Su Jin, who claimed to be from a different world, the so-called Hakoba swindle, the sudden cooperation between Yamamoto Motoyasu and Aizen, the future was suddenly changed again and again, and Su Jin's strange actions to collect the left and right hands of the Spirit King.

Everything, in Youhabach's head, condensed into a complete line.

After that, his expression softened, and with excited and excited eyes, he looked at Su Jin and said:

"Yes, is that so!"

"My father, have you escaped that half-life state!"

The words fall.

For a moment, Su Jin appeared, stunned.

Chapter 0386 Time is up

"I didn't expect you, who had been sealed for millions of years, to be out of the control of Team Zero."

"However, that's fine. This sinful and rotten corpse soul world needs your help!"

"If you need a sharp sword to remove rotten flesh, as your beloved son, Youhabach, is the most suitable sword!"

"Let's join forces, my father!"

"Right now, starting with eradicating the **** of death, starting with killing Yamamoto Motoyuki."

Listening to Youhabach's impassioned speech, Su Jin gradually recovered and looked at each other with a playful expression.

"Sounds really good!"

Su Jin said meaningfully.

But standing opposite him, Yohabach's face changed color, and he looked like he was dedicated to the public.

Maybe someone else would believe it.

Or, for another person with the ability to observe the future, he may also be blinded by Yohabach.

However, Su Jin's side is slightly different.

He saw the future that Yohabach saw through the anti-divination ability that came with the sovereignty of the sun.

Therefore, he and Youhabach are actually from the same perspective of future observation.

At this time, in Yohabach's observation, he was constantly looking for a way to devour Su Jin, that is, to devour the free-moving 'Spirit King'.

This man never had any idea of ​​cooperation or subservience.

What Youhabach wants to do is to devour the Spirit King and become king!

Su Jin held the Zanpakutō, looked at Youhabach, and said calmly:

"My son..." Su Jin's playful smile hardly concealed: "Can you become the Spirit King?"

Youhabach was stunned for a moment, and his heart was filled with infinite ecstasy.

Could it be that... Spirit King hasn't given up on the idea of ​​suicide?'s very possible!

The spirit king who was created by the ancestors of the main army, Ibei, and the five nobles, has continuously stabilized the world of corpses and souls for millions of years, and has become a filtering mechanism for souls to be transformed into spiritual children.

Long ago, these millions of years of suffering had already destroyed the Spirit King's will to survive.

This is also the reason why he induced himself and Kurosaki Ichigo was born.

So... even if the Spirit King has escaped part of the seal, he may not want to continue to survive.

It is very possible!

Thinking of this, Youhabach couldn't help but observe the future, the possibility of this matter, the possibility of the Spirit King giving up resistance and letting him swallow it.

And this possibility occupies all the future he can observe!

Seeing this, Youhabach could hardly restrain his impulse, and replied without hesitation:

"If this is what you mean, Father, then I am naturally willing to take on the responsibility of the Spirit King!"

"That's great!"

The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched slightly, he raised his hand, and the Zanpakuto sword was raised high.


Swing down!

A series of actions happened in a split second.

Before Youhabach didn't react, his legs were already cut off!

"Father..." As soon as You Habach opened his mouth, he saw two fingers.

The index and middle fingers that are infinitely close to his eyeballs!


Youhabach's eyes were gouged out by Su Jin.


When Yuhabach's voice fell, his tongue was cut off.

At this time, no matter how stupid Youhabach was, he clearly realized what it meant to be a spirit king.

He chopped off his hands and feet, hollowed out his internal organs, took out his eyes and ears, chopped off his tongue, and sealed it in the spiritual pillar.

The power of emptiness and the power of death are controlled by the Quincy's spiritual son to control the infinite amplitude and fill the massive human souls.

This is how to become a [Spirit King]!

Why... Yohabach questioned with his soul.

Why does the future I observe go wrong again and again!

why is that!

The violently vibrating soul even affected the atmosphere, echoing Yohabach's words in all directions.

At this time, Su Jin said in a slightly playful tone:

"Have you never thought that someone can interfere with the future of your observations?"

? !

Yuhabach's voice suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Su Jin took out the right arm that was taken from Shiro Ukitake, and activated the replacement ability to replace the Spirit King of the Spirit King Palace.

In the process, he said in a pitying and mocking tone:

"Has no one told you not to rely too much on observing the future?"

Yuhabach's spirit was shaken.

He observed his future engulfed in black sludge.

I couldn't help roaring with the voice of the soul:

"Su Jin, I curse you, I curse the world, and I will curse you all in this eternity!"

A large number of evil spirits fell from the sky.

It was pitch-black, spiritual mud with countless eyes.

It is the human soul absorbed by the Spirit King, a curse that remains in the world.

"Is this the so-called Spirit King?"

At this time, Su Jin looked at Youhabach, who was wrapped in black mud, with calm eyes:

"It's... so small..."

He sighed faintly, and then smiled:

"But, as a fake identity, it's enough."

After Su Jin said this, he lowered his head and looked at the broken buildings on the ground.

Below that, the five members of Team Zero were standing on the tiles, looking up at Youhabach's Spirit King in amazement.

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