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Chapter 335:

"Is there anything you can't do?"

Asura said with a smile, at the same time, she also turned her head and looked at Vera next to her and said:

"How about you, do you want to come together?"

"Sister Vera..." Aixia winked wildly at Vera.

Asura, a woman who is obviously hostile to Arcadia, is going to fight Su Jin. This kind of thing, a small community like them will not be involved.

The small temple is very demonic, so be careful with your words and deeds!

"Okay~" Vera responded briskly, turned her head at the same time, looked at Aixia doubtfully and said, "Aixia, what's wrong with your eyes? Did you get in the sand?"

I... Aixia's mouth twitched, and for a while, she couldn't say a word.

"Interesting." Lancelot smiled, turned around, and said with his back to him, "If you have the guts, just follow."

Asura smiled and immediately followed.

"Sister Vera... don't..."

Aixia looked at Vera, who had already caught up, and her whole body was dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Jack, who finally regained his freedom, sighed, looked at Asura with a look of fear, and patted Aixia on the shoulder at the same time:

"As of now, I can only keep up."

I hope that Your Excellency Su Jin can suppress this Asura... Jack thought so.

Chapter 0421 Counted


Sarah Teldorek, who was wearing an evening dress, politely gathered an invitation from a male deity, and with a sullen face, found Galoro.

Today, the strange cat Galoro was wearing a black suit, a bow tie, and leaning on crutches, imitating the appearance of a human gentleman and smiling:

"Are you feeling bored?"

"The filthy desires in the eyes of the gods almost don't want to hide."

Sarah lowered her voice and said in a fretful tone.

In this venue, only in the face of elder Galoro, Sarah can relax a little and don't have to hide her thoughts too much.

"That's what the gods of the lower layers are like, comfortable, hedonistic, and taking their own pleasures as their standard of action."

Galoro held a glass of red wine and said with a smile:

"Normal people know that it's almost impossible for the White Night King to fall in love with a mortal and even give birth to a son of a **** for him, but these gods still come to the end of this remote eastern district. What do you think they are doing?"

"To see the White Night King's joke?" Sarah said uncertainly.

Who dares to watch the joke of the fierce god, is it dead?

She thought so, but she couldn't guarantee that others thought the same.

"About a third."

Galoro took a sip of red wine and looked around the many gods in the infield:

"The remaining third is to see the misery of the once prosperous Arcadia."

"The remaining third is for the purpose of venting desire."

"You know, there aren't many occasions for men who desire women and women who desire to trade their bodies for profit, and this is one of them."

"There are many people who are eyeing you, either because they want to see the miserable appearance of the former members of the Arcadia Alliance, or they are simply thirsty for pleasure, hoping to conquer powerful women, or both, There are basically no exceptions."

"It's disgusting."

Sarah expressed her disgust with an expression of disgust.

"Most of the gods in the lower layers are like this."

When Galolo said this, he sighed with a complicated expression:

"As long as these gods have a role to play, the battle against the evil dragon two hundred years ago was not so hard. It almost caused the Arcadia Grand Alliance to lose eight layers of combat effectiveness."

"Az Dakaha, the three-headed evil dragon?"

Sarah whispered the name silently.

Her grandfather, great-grandfather, and grandmother all died fighting this powerful enemy, and her father, who was severely injured in that war, died after lingering for many years.

Because of this, Salamanda has been reduced from a four-digit community that inherits the sovereignty of the sun to a five-digit level, and even the entire community cannot find a four-digit god-level existence.

The only exception is probably the only one who defected and became a monk and was promoted to four figures in the outside world.

But after that, she has become the leader of the Dragon Horned Gryphon, and she can't solve the problem of Salamanda.

"That monster is very strong. Whether it's me, Xiaoming, or Canary, we all know that we will meet him again sooner or later."

Hearing the name in Sarah's mouth, Galoro's eyes gradually lost his attention, and he muttered to himself:

"Is Su Jin your trump card? Canary... What exactly did you discuss with the queen?"

At this moment, various exclamations came from the crowd.

"No way..."

"That one is..."

"Impossible, such a small scene, how could that person..."

Um? Galoro was surprised for a moment, turned his head to look, but saw a black hair and black eyes, handsome in a suit and leather shoes, holding a blond woman in a moon-white robe and wearing an olive wreath, walking into the hall of the infield .

Galoro recognized at a glance that the man with black hair and black eyes that had the same appearance as in the information was Su Jin.

But another...

"Pallas Athena, why did this one show up in person?" Galoro muttered with a weird face.

On the other side, Sarah turned her head stiffly from the brief shock, looking at Galoro:

"Elder, what should we do now? With that person here, we are afraid that it is difficult for us to contact the new leader of Arcadia."

"Hide aside and observe, the former Hermes, the current Athena... It seems that I was a little nosy before..."

Thinking of the secret letter he sent to Apollo overnight, Galoro couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This wave is a waste of a big favor, but it didn't get any benefits!

If this is a business, then he, Galoro, is afraid that he will lose his blood.

Fortunately, he didn't take it as a business.

Let's watch this wave for a while. After all, the attitude of Greece is indeed a bit too strange.

At this time, as the focus of attention of the crowd.

Su Jin's face was kind, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, his head slightly turned to the side, and said in Athena's ear:

"No, eldest sister, you want to destroy even the infield?"

What is a banquet that doesn't even have a host to speak? Farce?

However, at this moment, an exclamation sounded from the side:

"He kissed it, and he actually kissed it!"

"Unbelievable, how could the lady goddess allow such a thing!"

"Let go of me, I'm going to die with the scum who defiled Lord Athena!"

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and even Su Jin's mood was not beautiful.

The ghost kissed it!

This wave is clearly whispering!

Which blind man thought he kissed Athena's face? Isn't this a four-figure show?

At this moment, Athena turned her face slightly and asked:

"What did you just say? Huh?"

This wave... is really kissing, even if it's just profile.

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, his eyes were a little dull, but soon, he recovered and said with a smile:

"You got something on your face, I'll help you sort it out."

He smiled and raised his right hand, pressed it on the spot he had just kissed, and smeared it evenly, with deep malice in his eyes.

play tricks with me? See if I don't disgust you.

"do not do that."

Athena said with a bit of resistance, but this performance seemed to outsiders as if she wanted to welcome it and refused.

The reaction is wrong... I've been tricked... Su Jin just had such an idea in his heart, suddenly agitated, turned his head and looked at the corner on the right side of the hall.

Within his line of sight, the crowd had dispersed, revealing the woman in a purple kimono sitting on the edge of the French window on the right.

It was a tall woman with white hair and golden eyes, with a pair of pure black ghost horns.

Su Jin, who recognized the other party, twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely.

That is Shiroyasha in adult form...

Chapter 0422 Then carry it out to the end

The White Night King... The onlookers at the scene finally discovered the important culprit.

They looked at Bai Yasha, and then at Athena, who tactfully turned Su Jin's arm. While the smile gradually changed, they also moved away and hid aside.

It's not what these 'pleasure animals' want to see when the angry White Night King uses it as a living target.

They prefer to see other people having fun, rather than participating in it themselves.

"I didn't expect this guy to be hiding there..."

Among the crowd in the corner, Galoro's tone was somewhat emotional.

Beside him, Sarah showed an expression of interest, her eyes sometimes looking at Su Jin, sometimes at Bai Yasha, her eyes gradually becoming presumptuous.

She also seems to feel the charm of 'watching fun'.

"I always feel that things have become complicated. When did the White Night King hide there."

Uesugi Kenshin said in a distressed tone, who had lowered his presence.

But beside her, the white-haired and brown-skinned Mother Marta covered her mouth happily and snickered:

"Hehe~~ This is a wonderful scene, it's worth noting that I specially informed Bai Yasha to enter the venue secretly."

You are the initiator of the co-authorship... Uesugi Kenshin's mouth twitched, and he moved away from Marta calmly.

She just noticed that Su Jin's eyes seemed to be looking here... Is this man so perceptive... Uesugi Kenshin couldn't help frowning.

At this time, in the crowd, one after another spiritual thoughts intertwined.

"Shiroyasha went mad at the scene, 10 for 1! Shiroyasha killed her lover on the spot, Su Jin died on the spot, 15 for 1! Athena succeeded in protecting her husband, 1.5 for 1, if nothing happens, the banker will take it all, buy it and leave!"

"What kind of strange multiplier is this?" A **** scolded, and then said, "I bought a rage to kill my lover for 100,000 gold coins."

"I'll be steady and buy Athena's guardian for fifty thousand gold coins."

"Recently, the economy is tense, and there is a panic on the spot. I bought 200,000 gold coins."

"You still buy it when the economy is tight? Kill your lover for 100,000 gold coins."

One after another, the spiritual senses communicated frantically, and the eyes looking at Su Jin became more and more teasing.

"What grudge do I have with you?"

The corners of Su Jin's mouth wriggled, and she said to Athena next to her without smiling.

"Before you care about that, take care of the person on the other side."

Athena smiled and held Su Jin's hand, not letting go at all.

She's fighting the fire... at least in the eyes of outsiders.

But in Su Jin's eyes, it was different.

After all, Su Jin himself knew that his relationship with Bai Yasha was not as deep as outsiders imagined.

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