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Chapter 339:

Uesugi Kenshin explained in a nonchalant manner, then looked at Su Jin, his eyes flickered slightly:

"Speaking of which, I haven't congratulated you on your appointment as the leader of Arcadia, do you want a red envelope?"

"Gifts? Or cash?" Su Jin replied with a smile.

"You're really welcome too."

Uesugi Kenshin sighed like this, then took out a palm-sized silver alarm clock from his arms and threw it to Su Jin.

Su Jin took it, touched the 'alarm clock', and looked up at Uesugi Kenshin in surprise.

"The emergency contact device of the Tianjun. If you encounter a powerful demon, you can use this."

After Uesugi Kenshin finished saying this, he glanced at Athena next to him and said:

"If the Heavenly Army could not be dispatched at that time, the angels of the Crusaders, the twelve gods of Olympus, or the twenty-eight constellations of the heavens would take over the task and dispatch them urgently."

A life-saving prop... or something like 'the police, come out to wash the floor'? Most likely it's the former... Su Jin didn't refuse, and put the alarm clock into the gift card seriously:

"Hopefully I didn't use this one day."

"Everyone who received this thought so." Uesugi Kenshin said with a subtle expression.

"What? Why do you always say such serious things~"

Marta, who was still holding Su Jin's neck, laughed and scolded, and pulled Su Jin hard, almost pinching him under her arm:

"This kid is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and his speed is fast enough to grab what I have in my hand. No matter how you look at it, he is the one who can run away!"

While scolding and laughing, Marta suddenly lowered her voice and said in a hidden voice:

"Aris has just left Mount Olympus, and his whereabouts are currently unknown. The Shura Clan of the Eight Dragons also suddenly shrank their combat power, boy, be careful yourself."

Su Jin's pupils shrank slightly, but didn't say anything, just said calmly:

"If it's just speed, I'm still a little confident."

When Marta heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then smiled:

"Haha, you kid, you are so serious about running away."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Athena who had been staring at this place. She suddenly raised her eyebrows and said:

"Yoah, you care about this little guy so much, you won't come for real, will you?"

Athena's expression did not change, she just smiled softly, but the words she said were full of strong threats:

"If I see the gossip you wrote in the Chunwen Press newspaper tomorrow, I don't mind squeezing your tits."

Marta's face froze, her expression froze for a while, and then she said with a smile:

"Really, really, at any rate, take care of the goddess's face!"

"Sorry, but I have a few days of the month dedicated to disregarding the face."

"And, hopefully, I won't tell you a third time, Puri Devi Mata."

Athena still did not change her attitude and threatened again.

Marta's mouth twitched, and she understood Athena's attitude.

If there is any restricted-level gossip reported tomorrow, Athena, this woman, will really kill.

This female lunatic... Marta scolded and sent a text message on her mobile phone to ask the employees of the newspaper to stop writing, she didn't want to be targeted by Athena.

It's a pity that the fun this time can only be earned by other newspapers... Marta shrugged while thinking regretfully.

At this time, Athena glanced at Marta's arm that hooked Su Jin's neck.

"No, eldest sister, is this your business?"

Marta let go of her hand speechlessly, and then suddenly froze.

She sensed a hidden mark in herself that had not yet been fully formed.

The corners of Marta's mouth twitched, and she turned her head to look at Su Jin, who had a calm face, her expression tugging at her hips:

"Big brother, what do you mean by marking me?"

It's a pity, the time was too short, and the marking was not done well... Su Jin sighed regretfully and explained:

"It's nothing, I just feel that it is necessary to communicate with a well-informed person like you."

I think you want to beat up the unscrupulous editor... Marta twitched the corner of her mouth, that was not believing a word of what Su Jin said.

Good guy, if she hadn't just let go of her hand quickly and let the mark form, she was afraid that she would have been caught and beaten by Su Jin if she hid in the ends of the earth.

This guy, don't look at the good face, but the heart is fierce, no wonder he is liked by the crazy woman Athena.

"I suspect that you want revenge." Marta complained.

She reminded Su Jin just now, but the opponent's backhand was a mark of hatred, too cruel, right?

"Your Majesty seems to have misunderstood me a bit." Su Jin explained with a smile.

"Is there any misunderstanding?" Marta asked in surprise.

Su Jin was silent for a moment, then explained, "You can get rid of 'doubt'."

Marta suddenly lost her smile. She looked at Su Jin, then at Athena, and silently retreated behind Uesugi Kenshin.

"Deserving it."

Uesugi Kenshin murmured softly, then looked at Su Jin, looked at Sarah and said:

"The lower floors will be very chaotic recently, be careful yourself."

She didn't care about anything else after saying that, she grabbed Marta by the back of the neck and was about to take her away.

"Uesugi, what are you doing~ Let me go, I'll go by myself."

"What are these two doing?" Sarah said with a strange expression, looking at the backs of the two.

"I'm here to remind you."

Su Jin explained, then looked at Galoro and said:

"Boss, after the banquet, do you want to sit with me?"

After Su Jin finished speaking, he suddenly sensed a surge of energy.

He paused for a moment, looked at Galoro with a dignified expression, and at the same time he turned his head and looked towards the corner.

There, a white-haired girl with pure white ghost horns was sitting on a sofa, looking at the two of them impatiently.

"Who?" Su Jin asked.

"The queen of the Ashura family." Galoro replied in a low voice.

After speaking, he added:

"You're too young, the comers are not good."

"I see."

Su Jin nodded, then apologized slightly to Athena, saying that he would leave alone for a while.

Then, with a natural look, he walked over to the woman opposite him.

Chapter 0427 Discuss

"Good afternoon, ma'am."

Su Jin, who walked in front of the ghost girl, showed a standardized smile:

"I wonder if I have the honor to know your name?"

The white-haired ghost girl restrained her impatience, and even laughed, and then said with interest:

"Asura, you can call me Asura."

"But then again, do you human men like this kind of aristocratic tone?"

She seemed to be so amused by Su Jin's use of this wording to approach her, so much so that there was a bit of ridicule in her eyes.

Hearing this, Su Jin calmly picked up a glass of champagne from the table next to him, smiled and said:

"Generally speaking, there are only two kinds of people who will use this tone at this kind of banquet."

"One is a man who has an excessive desire for women, and the other is a man who is trying to assert his identity."

"Then who are you?" Ashura asked in a curious tone.

"I am both, and I am neither." Su Jin replied with a smile.

"Oh?" Asura opened his eyes slightly, with a little curiosity in his eyes: "How do you say?"

At this time, Su Jin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile on his face:

"In the face of a beautiful guest, of course both, in the face of an enemy, of course neither."

Asura froze for a moment, then clutched his stomach and laughed heartily:


She laughed loudly, with a special charm.

"You came here to threaten me~"

Ashura wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his fingers, then said with a smile:

"Because of my dissatisfaction just now?"

When she said this, she couldn't help but smile:

"There's no way, who made you stand with those strange people all the time, so that I didn't even dare to approach."

Strange person... refers to Athena... Su Jin thought with a subtle expression.

"Well, logically, I should be angry, but considering that I was the first to threaten, so let's write it off!"

Asura smiled and patted the sofa beside him:

"Hey, human, how about sitting down and talking?"

Su Jin took a serious look at Asura, and after making sure that the other party was not too hostile, stepped forward and sat beside her.

"It's okay if you don't answer a bold question."

After Su Jin sat down, Asura looked at Athena who was talking to Galoro not far away, and asked curiously:

"What's your relationship with that strange aunt?"

"Strange auntie..." Su Jin twitched the corners of his mouth and sighed: "This kind of title will make Her Highness the goddess angry. In other words, why do you use this title to describe Athena?"

"Ah, obviously I asked the question first."

Asura frowned, and after being distressed for a while, explained:

"Because her authority is very contradictory, order and war, creation and destruction, justice and conspiracy, she holds opposite and conflicting authority, and maintains a high degree of rationality. Don't you think she is a very contradictory god?"

"As for why it's called Auntie, because she's older than me!"

A contradictory god... Su Jin narrowed his eyes and glanced at Athena, who noticed the sight and smiled back.

"Okay, I answered your question, now it's your turn to answer mine."

Asura turned his head as he spoke, looked at Su Jin and said:

"What's your relationship with that aunt?"

I don't understand what you said... Su Jin snorted in his heart.

At first, Athena's attitude was just a sharp weapon, the kind that could be used to stab Zeus.

To this end, she is willing to cooperate with Qianyan, conceal Su Jin's affairs, and even offer to help.

The identity of the agent, the blessing of authority is given based on this idea, and it is all to win over the early investment made by him.

And Su Jin also observed the world of the godslayer afterward.

In a sense, it did meet Athena's expectations, disrupted the faith of Crusaders, and even exceeded it, messing up the deployment of many gods.

Of course, here, Athena, who was tragically changed in spirit, did not benefit herself.

In general, Athena is still at a loss.

After Su Jin clearly refused to stand in line, Athena, who could withdraw, gave Loki Lingge, and at the current banquet, used her identity to suppress the bad influence of his killing Hermes.

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