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Chapter 341:

Athena complained, then walked to the white table next to it, grabbed a white-haired red-eyed rabbit who ate desserts, and smiled:

"Good afternoon, Laplace."

Laplace's Demon. The class ruler of the Southern District, one of the cadres of Thousand Eyes.

With the back of his neck restrained, the rabbit who was secretly eating the dessert finished eating the dessert, and a mechanized voice sounded in his mouth:

"Lappzi Modified III is here to serve you wholeheartedly, Goddess Athena."

Hearing this, Athena smiled and said:

"Go ahead and hand over the basic information of the Arcadia leader's debut battle to the **** present."

"At your command."

The words fell, and in the void, red eyes slowly opened from all corners.

White-haired rabbits with parchment came out in groups and began to distribute intelligence.

At this time, Uesugi Kenshin, who was looking at Su Jin's back, sighed slightly and said:

"He probably won't have a good time tomorrow..."

"The new leader of Arcadia will obviously cause trouble than the previous generation."

Marta smiled and wrote in the notepad:

"Athena, don't accidentally let your first little lover die."

"Relax." Athena's mouth curled up and said: "He is stronger than everyone imagined."

"including me."

Chapter 0429 with a sentence

The castle where the headquarters of Arcadia is located.

Living room for guests.

Opposite the sofa, Su Jin looked at Vera, who had a magical appearance, pure and seductive, and lifted a glass of warm water to her lips.

When Su Jin saw a few drops of water flowing from the corner of her mouth to her neck and toward the deep ravine, she pretended to indifferently retract her gaze, tapped her index finger on the table top of the tea table, and said:

"You are a new community in the North District, members of Cang Yan, right?"

When Su Jin said this, he boldly looked at Vera.

The information of 'Blue Flame Demon' Vera is also sold in the Eastern District.

For a star person in a region like this, basic information is made public, even voluntarily disseminated.

On the one hand, it is used as a deterrent, and on the other hand, it is also to better gain belief.

Therefore, Su Jin can easily recognize that Vera is the leader of the Cang Yan Demon.

Vera didn't answer immediately. Instead, she put down the water glass and suddenly took out a white cross cane, which seemed to be thrown out when she raised her hand.

"Sister Vera!"

Aisha, who was sitting next to Vera, quickly suppressed Vera's hand and stopped Vera's movements.

Seeing this, Su Jin raised his eyebrows and looked at the two with a slightly surprised expression.

Suppressing Vera's bad habits, Aisha hurriedly turned her head and looked at Jack.

"Jack, I'll leave it to you this time."

In Cang Yan, although Vera is the leader, he doesn't care about anything, and sometimes even makes a lot of troublesome behaviors very willful.

Therefore, unless Vera takes the initiative to propose opinions, major events are all in charge of Jack.

Although Jack was a demon created by Vera, he had undergone a mutation in his spirituality when he was born, so his rank was higher than that of Vera, and it was a four-digit divine domain level task.

Facing the four-digit Divine Realm-level character Su Jin, who is also the new leader of Arcadia, it is the best thing to ask Jack of the same level to answer.

And in Vera's state, Aixia couldn't let it go.

Asura was deliberately hit out of curiosity, which did not mean that Su Jin would do the same.

Aixia thought she shouldn't provoke the other party on this occasion, but she also knew that Vera wouldn't listen.

This wayward demon is often more impulsive than thinking about things he is interested in...

Pumpkin Jack glanced at Vera helplessly, and then apologized to Su Jin:

"I'm very sorry, our leader, the hobby is a bit unique."


Su Jin nodded with a smile, and at the same time muttered in his heart, "It's really a unique behavior to actually want to throw something at me. ’

Seeing Su Jin's "consideration" for the helplessness here, Jack secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What he is most afraid of is that Su Jin is like Asura, a character who seems to be able to communicate, but actually goes his own way. If such a character is not stronger than the other party, the impact on them is too great, and it is easy to cause them to be like this. side in a passive situation.

It was as if Asura forced them to attend the banquet in the infield just now, but because after entering, he saw Su Jin socializing and suddenly sealed them, preparing to wait patiently for Su Jin to finish work.

Characters who go their own way always want to come out one by one, making it difficult to prevent.

"I think Mr. Su Jin wants to get the information of the Asura's crown from us?"

"No." Su Jin shook his head, then raised his mouth slightly and said, "If it's just intelligence, I've already got enough share from the Tianjun."

Jack's pumpkin face stiffened, and then he smiled bitterly:

"Information from the Heavenly Army? If so, there will be no more information here than the Heavenly Army."

The Ashura family belongs to Buddhism, and belongs to the eight-part Tianlong system. Similarly, most of the members of the twelve days of Dharma protectors belong to Buddhism, and they generally exist in the field of three-digit almighty.

Jack didn't delusionally think that what he had in his hands would have more information about Asura than that of the Heavenly Army who also belonged to Buddhism and had a detached personality.

Passive... Jack sighed helplessly, and then asked:

"With all due respect, we Cang Yan can't think of a reason for you to deliberately talk to us at such a time."

The gift game of the leader's debut battle is imminent, and Asura is staring at him, and there are possible attacks by some members of the Greek group of gods.

It stands to reason that Su Jin should be busy with these matters, but he deliberately took time out to communicate with them. This behavior really puzzled Jack.

Seeing that Jack didn't play any tricks, but simply asked directly, Su Jin didn't bother to talk, and said directly:

"There are many reasons, but generally there are only two."

"One is that I need to use the relationship between Cang Yan and the Queen to let one of my subordinates enter the community 'Avalon', and the other..."

Su Jin said this, looked at Vera, and said in a low tone:

"My secret intelligence network reported something."

"The members of Cang Yan are suspected to have had contact with Kasugabe Takaaki, the former leader of our Arcadia."

"Eh?" Vera was surprised, and looked at Su Jin blankly and said, "I shouldn't have told anyone."

Vera never told anyone other than Jack about Kasugabe Takaaki, and Jack was not a human, but a demon she made, so to a certain extent, Vera never told anyone about Kasugabe Takaaki.

"Why do you know, little Susu?"

Little Susu... Su Jin's face froze for a moment.

For a moment, he suspected that Vera was deliberately arranging himself, but looking at the pure and innocent childlike face, and then at the devil-like parish curve... He briefly forgot the unpleasant little bit, and said as calmly as possible:

"I should have said that it was a report from a secret intelligence network."

The implication is that you can't say it, don't go into it, and go into it is to offend me.

"What kind of secret intelligence network?" Vera opened her eyes wide and asked very curiously: "Can it be used for peeping?"

Why voyeurism? Secret intelligence network, why do you think of peeping? Su Jin groaned fiercely in his heart.

"Sister Vera, don't ask more!" Aixia grabbed Vera with a big head.

She was almost scared to death by Vera just now. When Vera said Xiao Susu earlier, she thought Su Jin was going to turn her face.

Jack hurriedly coughed at this time:

"Lord Vera, I will explain this secret intelligence network to you in private."

What is Jack trying to explain? He didn't want to explain anything, he just wanted to divert Vera's attention.


Vera did not pursue this kind of problem any more, but said calmly:

"Avalon regularly recruits people from the alliance. Cang Yan does have this quota, and I can give it to you."

"As for Mr. Kasukabe, I came to you partly because of him."

"Oh?" Su Jin's face changed, half of it was relaxed, no longer worried about Vera asking strange things, and the other half was interested in Kasugabe Takaaki's affairs.

At this time, Vera still said in a soft tone:

"Mr. Kasukabe dragged me to send a message to the members of Arcadia."

Su Jin straightened his back, knowing that the next words would be the key point.

At this time, Vera said in a peaceful voice:

"Don't save me."

Chapter 0430 Status and refuge

Don't save me... Su Jin's thoughts stagnated for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

He interpreted this sentence and came to three possibilities for the time being.

One is that Kasugabe Takaaki is trapped by some force and cannot return to Arcadia, but there is already a way to escape.

The second is that Kasugabe Takaaki believes that he has no value to be rescued, and believes that the cost of the Arcadia members to rescue him is too great, and wants to remind his companions to give up the rescue.

The third is that Kasugabe Takaaki is actually a free body and does not need rescue, but for some reason, he cannot return to Arcadia.

Su Jin was silent for a moment, looked at Vera, and asked, "In what circumstances did he say this?"

"Ninety days ago, in the coffee shop in the capital of Huangyan, in the northern district, when he helped me get rid of Maxwell's tracking, he dragged me to convey it."

90 days ago...about 3 months ago...and 3 months after Arcadia was destroyed...Su Jin suddenly felt that Kasugabe Takaaki was approaching the third possibility.

Belonging to the body of freedom, do not need rescue, but for some reason, can not return.

And... Xiaoming is actually in the lower level of Hakoten, in the capital of Huangyan in the northern district... This is a little different from what I know in the original book, where he was exiled to the outside world and raised his daughter Kasugabu Yao... Unknown change? Or, after being exiled, he took the initiative to create a historical transition period to return to the outside world?

Su Jin frowned and thought, and asked Vera at the same time:

"What was his state at the time?"

"Very weak..."

Vera recalled the scene at that time, frowning and thinking:

"Ling Ge is weaker than me, and looks like a child."

"He used his wits to help me crack Maxwell's ability to track me, allowing me to safely escape the other party's tracking."

"is that so……"

Su Jin couldn't help but tap the table with his index finger and muttered to himself.

Weak, even weaker than Vera, this is inconsistent with Kasugabe Takaaki, who is close to an exception in life power in the four-digit legendary field in the impression.

If it's Kasugabe Takaaki in his heyday, Maxwell's kind of stuff, it's just the difference between wanting to kill or not wanting to kill.

May be hunted down, unable to use life power, can only rely on experience, rely on wisdom...

Is it the same as in the original book, giving the most important gift to Kasukabe Yō to maintain his life? Daughter control is terrible...

But having said that, in the short term, Xiaoming is afraid that he will not come back. After all, he has returned to the small garden by himself. It is very easy to want to come back. If he does not come back, it will explain a lot of problems...

Su Jin speculated about Kasugabe Takaaki's state, and at the end, he sighed and said:

"Your information is very meaningful to me. In exchange, I can promise you something that is not beyond my ability."

Vera excitedly picked up the white cross cane:



Jack snatched the cane from Vera's hand and said with hatred:

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