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Chapter 348:

Ares grinned, but couldn't help but said:

"There is a way to wait for Lao Tzu for 1 minute, wait for Lao Tzu to climb out of the coffin, and fight you again in a fair and just manner!"

Hearing this, Su Jinhe sneered and said sarcastically:

"The fairness of the Greek gods is that the twelve gods beat me up?"

Not to mention the possibility, Su Jin really had such doubts.

If Daoism, Buddhism, and Cross religion are the gods, Su Jin also believes that the other party is shameless, but Greece, then it can be pulled down.

More than half of the main gods in Greece are shameless people, which is almost recognized by Hakoten.

And among these shameless people, there is the name of Ares.

He had reason and motive to doubt Ares' integrity.

"I'm the only one, dare you? Boy." Ares defiantly defiantly.

However, Ares himself knew very well that he really lost miserably.

But he was not convinced, because if he was fighting for life and death, he felt that he still had a chance, even a great chance.

Through the power of war, he can seize the power of his own children and resurrect, he can consume his faith, and return from the history of mankind.

However, Su Jin may not be able to continue to use the tricks like just now.

He didn't believe that Su Jin could use the trick that exploded his own power hundreds of times.

Su Jin is not the kind of guy who manipulates the power of victory in Athena, so that he can't find any hope of winning, so why should he be counseled by Ares? Just hard to the point of death!

Give him Ares a minute, and immediately finish Su Jin, the kind that breaks three legs.

Su Jin wiped his hand, restored the clothes on his body, then glanced at Ares and said:


It's a childish trick done by a child, Su Jin is not in the mood to continue arguing with Ares.

Comparatively speaking, he is more wary of Asura. Although the outlier who first appeared was entangled by Ares's goddess, but at this time the power of war was forced, Ares was killed by him, and there was only a little left. Wreck of will.

Su Jin inevitably suspects that Asura has escaped the predicament and is hiding nearby, ready to attack at any time.

"Are you afraid?" Ares continued to play dead, provocatively.

Su Jin inevitably became impatient with this attitude of losing.

He even wondered if he had chosen the wrong tactics.

He should have used the scarlet needle for torture, not the stardust spin with violent damage.

Am I being too upright? Su Jin couldn't help but think so suspiciously.

And at this moment, a coquettish voice sounded from behind:

"Zeus has an order, the two sides will stop fighting!"

As soon as Su Jin heard it, he heard that it was Athena's voice, and was puzzled for a while.

At this moment, Lingge's apocalypse made him realize that something was wrong.

At this time, Su Jin, who was still focusing on Ares, clearly saw the playful look on Ares' face.


At the same time, Su Jin felt that he was locked by some kind of attack!

His pupils shrank, and instinctively, he took a step forward, trying to avoid it.

But after taking one step, the sense of crisis in his heart did not decrease, but suddenly increased several times.

It was predicted that the position where I appeared after dodging was the position where the attackers would attack with all their strength... Su Jin's heart was alarming, and he was about to put on the holy clothes and start the Leo's sovereign resistance.

this moment.

A 'sun' suddenly rose in the fictional world that was originally in a state of chaos.

At the moment when the scorching sun rose, Huanghuang Tianwei burst out brazenly, aiming directly behind Su Jin.

At this moment, a cold drink sounded.


The voice fell.

A pure white light cut through the space and attacked the rising sun.

In the dark, a will full of determination permeates.

In an instant, the blazing sun was split into two by the pure white light, cut in half, and the energy exploded, flooding the sky like a torrent of light.

Taking this opportunity, Su Jin got rid of the lock, and his figure was pixelated, suddenly blurred, moved tens of thousands of meters out of thin air, and then solidified again.

At the same time, Ares, who had won the time, silently recited his honorable name.

In the response through the Temple of War on Mount Olympus, he separated his authority from the air, and created his own avatar directly out of thin air through the unbroken connection.

At the same time, Hermes, whose attack was blocked, appeared where Su Jin was standing.

On the other side, pure white ghost horns and red eyes ghosts with white hair like snow appeared beside Su Jin and snorted:

"Obviously it's a one-on-one duel, but it always uses inferior means. Oh, the Greeks are always so shameless and love to play those intrigues."

Su Jin was silent for a moment, then said softly:


No matter what Asura thought, it was a fact that she helped Su Jin get rid of the lock.

Su Jin admits that he has to accept this feeling, but one yardage is one yardstick, and the dispute with Asura is still another matter.

But now, Su Jin doesn't want to be impulsive with Asura.

Su Jin turned his head slightly, glanced at Ares who came in the form of a **** of disobedience, then turned his eyes and looked at Hermes, who was holding a scepter and looked regretful.


Hermes smiled and didn't put away the murder weapon. Instead, he took out a roll of black parchment with golden arcs and said:

"Zeus has an order, the two sides are in a truce, haven't you heard my words?"

After he finished saying this, he slammed it down and pointed at Su Jin and shouted:

"Especially you, the head of Arcadia, what's your posture? Do you want to hit me?"

"2 on 2, how?" Ashura glanced at Su Jin and asked.


Su Jin responded, then narrowed his eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth little by little, until the smile gradually became hideous:

"Hermes, I have to congratulate you on one thing."

It was like a lion bent over and completely entered a hunting state.

Su Jin's figure was engulfed by the flaming golden flames, and the whole person seemed to be covered with golden armor.

"You really **** me off!"

"Huh?" Hermes' sharp gap was wrong.

At this time, Ares moved his arms and said cursingly:

"Cool, he used the trick just now, and he has long been bored."

Hearing this, Hermes' eyes lit up, but what he didn't notice was that Ares seemed to take a step back silently, exposing him closer to Su Jin.

At this time, 'Aris', who saw Su Jin raise his hand, kindly reminded:

"Be careful, his move seems to be a large-scale saturation bombardment, and it also carries a shattering force, don't get hit."

Hearing this, Hermes felt alarm bells in his heart.

But not to Su Jin, but to Ares.

You reminded me twice? Is this old Hanbi trying to **** me off?

Habitual distrust made Hermes subconsciously focus his defenses on Ares.

At this moment, Su Jin raised the tip of his right finger, and the coquettish purple light began to flicker.

That was the start of the corpse qi underworld wave!

Chapter 0439 There is such a good thing?

A purple glow lit up.

Ares stepped back for the first time.

And the premeditated Hermes immediately shot and stole the 'position' of him and Ares.

The two suddenly switched positions in the air and switched directions.

Doubt arose in his heart, and Hermes never believed any of Ares's words, and even took it as the opposite.

Ares said that Su Jin's attack was a large-scale saturation bombing, and Hermes believed that Su Jin's next move was a single-minded, personal lore move.

As a result, Hermes had a bad association with Ares' retreating behavior.

For example, Ares tried to use his Hermes as a shield to attack Su Jin at the moment when he blocked Su Jin's attack.

Ares has done this kind of behavior of using teammates as shields.

His war authority is said to be able to share the damage, but in the event of a mortal attack, Ares is often a member of the war legion.

He, Hermes, didn't want to be Ares' shield, or even on the contrary, he wanted to take Ares on the post.

That's why he stole the distance between himself and Ares for the first time, and completely changed the positions of the two.

At that time, no matter whether Su Jin is respectful for individuals or a large-scale AOE, with Ares in front, Hermes will have room to react.

However, what he didn't know was that Su Jin's tactics were not the two he guessed.

Accumulating corpse energy underworld wave together, purple light flickering.

Ares and Hermes froze at the same time, as if they were petrified, their thoughts began to stagnate, and their thinking became slow.

At this time, Asura's figure disappeared out of thin air, and a huge 'giant sword' appeared on the spot, as if it was going to run through the heavens and the earth.

The giant sword trembled slightly, as if it was held in the hands of an invisible giant. Suddenly, it slashed directly towards Ares!

It seems that because of the hatred that had just been hindered, Asura turned into a sword and immediately attacked ‘Ares’.

The giant sword swung down, and the gray world seemed to usher in the first rays of light between heaven and earth.

At this time, Hermes had already switched positions with Ares.

all of a sudden.

Feeling the absolute concept of 'cut off', the Hermeticians were almost dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that Asura would actually attack Ares, or in other words, he didn't notice Asura at all.

It's just a ghost with white ghost horns. It looks like a half-blood, and he is standing with Su Jin. At a glance, he knows that it is not a good thing.

Hermes thought this way before, and directly excluded Asura as a member of the ants.

but now……

What the hell, the authority to 'cut off'? This **** is a four-figure breakout!

The Hermeticians were almost stupid.

He moved quickly, and with the power of stealing, stole his fate of being hit, and then handed it over to Ares.

At the same time, Ares, who knew that his brother would definitely cheat him, started the war immediately, using the connection of the twelve gods of Olympus to connect the war with Hermes.

The 'giant sword' slashes!

The power of severing was deflected, and Asura noticed it immediately.

She tried to lock the target again, but she was stunned to find that Hermes and Ares were connected together, and attacking Hermes was attacking Ares.

In an instant, the queen of the Shura tribe was also stunned.

Hit one person, two people hurt together?

And such a good thing?

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