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Chapter 350:

"Why do you say that?" Kalji asked in astonishment.

But then, he reacted again, and said with a shocked expression:

"No, you mean that Su Jin defeated Ares? How is that possible! That veteran four-digit figure is exceptional!"

"Why is it impossible?"

Mr. Mi jokingly smiled and said:

"Aris isn't here to take his life. He is afraid that this time he will only bring a few divine weapons of authority to keep his combat power at the upper limit of the lower level. Facing guys of the same level, is it strange to lose?"

"It's just an incarnation?"

When Kalji heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was normal for Su Jin to win if it was just an incarnation.

Although it takes only half a year for a debut, and the existence of defeating four figures on the first day of the official debut is actually very exaggerated, but it is still easier to accept than Su Jin defeating Ares, who has gone all out.

"No, Ares should be the main body, it's just Ares who doesn't have enough artifacts, but at least he should bring the two powers of war and battle, and it can be regarded as 80% of the heyday. But I didn't expect it to be like this."

Mr. Mi seemed to shake his head and said with emotion:

"And according to my speculation, he should have come to the main body for the first time, and the second time he appeared as the latest **** of disobedience. Oh, this little guy is also clever. If he doesn't win, he will lose first. It seems that Athena brought him the change."

At this time, Kalji was a little dumbfounded.

Ares is that the arrival of the main body is enough to impact his brain, but Mr. Mi said, is there a second time?

Could it be that Ares, who came for the first time, felt that he could not beat Su Jin, so he dropped an avatar to play two-on-one?

Or in other words, Ares's body was killed once, and he did not dare to continue to face off after being resurrected. He only dared to send an avatar to take advantage of the conflict between Su Jin and Asura?

But no matter what it is, it will only prove one thing.

That is, Ares really can't beat Su Jin, and may even lose worse.

"How could he grow so fast..." Kalji couldn't help muttering to himself.

Mr. Mi also said suspiciously at this time:

"I guessed a little, but I'm not sure. After all, if he really did it, then Athena would have done it to Su Jin as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Kalji's eyes moved, and his face changed slightly: "The troublemaker? How dare Su Jin? Isn't he a hidden member of Qianyan?"

"Oh? His allegiance to Qianyan?" Mr. Mi was surprised. It was the first time he had heard of this.

Then, he smiled and said, "Then I'm 30% sure that it's him."

"Why do you say that?" Kalji frowned and asked puzzled.

Su Jin's allegiance to Qianyan may be a troublemaker. Doesn't that mean that Qianyan, the ten thousand-year neutral force, is the original ghost of the troublemaker who disturbed the history of mankind and almost caused the war of the gods?

Hearing this, Mr. Mi smiled and said:

"Alpha and Omega were dissatisfied with the gradual loss of possibility of Hakoniwa for a long time. In this case, isn't it normal to choose to change?"

Hearing the sound, Kalji's pupils shrank slightly, and he basked in the vegetables in astonishment:

"Mr. Mi... You actually called the names of those two..."

In Hakoba, the existence of the two-digit full power field, its real name cannot be called directly.

Once their honorable names are called, they will be connected with them in destiny, which will lead to the observation of themselves by the other party.

This is deadly for anyone, and it means they will lose all their secrets in the eyes of the double-digit existence.

"Don't worry. When you take charge of a piece of authority, you will know that it is quite easy to call them by their names without being automatically induced by them."

Mr. Mi chuckled and then reminded:

"Compared to these, you should pay more attention to Su Jin's movements. Don't forget, your spirituality needs the sovereignty of the sun to grow."

Hearing this, Kalji's pupils shrank slightly, but he couldn't believe it:

"You mean, Su Jin may compete with me for the sovereignty of the sun? But he is not..."

"You mean to say that Su Jin already has a Leo?" Mr. Mi smiled playfully: "Don't think that only you need multiple solar sovereignty to grow!"

Kalji's expression changed, he was a little overwhelmed, and he said to himself in amazement:

"Is that so... Is he also a special type of simulated star chart holder..."

"No wonder, no wonder Mr. Mi, you want me to be careful about Su Jin..."

There are very few simulated star creation charts that need to be awakened by the sovereignty of the sun, but less is less. Once they appear at the same time, it is a very normal development for the holder to become an enemy.

There are only 25 copies of Sun Sovereignty, and each copy corresponds to a different inheritance. If two simulated Star Creation Maps require the same Sun Sovereign at the same time, it is not impossible for the two sides to compete and fight for it.

So, does he need to be careful about Su Jin... Because that is the enemy that he will inevitably encounter on the way to complete his... Thinking of this, Kalji fell silent.

After a long time, he sighed:

"Mr. Mi, my subordinates and I are separated and may need your help."

"Small thing." Mr. Mi said easily: "But what are you going to do next? Go ahead and steal the flag of Arcadia?"

"Do not……"

Kalji's eyes flickered, and he sighed:

"Faced with an exceptional four-digit original holder, it is beyond the usual combat power. It is impossible for the Ouroboros to take anything from Su Jin's hands without using his hole cards."

"After the Ares incident, even if the people of the First Union want to blame me for not doing things well, there are not many excuses, and I can even accuse them of bad intelligence. The flag of the community, we can't do it with our combat strength this time."

Mr. Mi asked meaningfully at this time:

"Then what are you going to do? Even at the expense of asking me to find your subordinates?"

Kalji took a deep breath and said seriously:

"Taurus Sun Sovereignty, I think, it's time for me to take it."

Chapter 0442 is it coming too fast

The capital at the end, the civic center.

Black Rabbit rushed into the office with a stack of documents, turned his head to look at it, and found Leticia in front of the floor-to-ceiling window:

"Lord Leticia, our Miss Athena has given a new detection report."

When the black rabbit said this, there was obviously joy in his tone:

"The strong shock born in the fictional world has ended, and Su Jin's spiritual detection is normal."

"If there were no surprises, we won."

Hearing the sound, Leticia breathed a sigh of relief in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

When Su Jin entered the game field and looked for the trace of Asura, Arcadia temporarily asked Athena to contact the clone of Laplace Demon to monitor the movement in the game field together.

Of course, due to financial problems, the monitoring method is to detect the power reserved by Su Jin and perceive his own changes, and the accuracy rate is not very high.

In comparison, due to the cooperation of the Soul Society Technology Development Bureau in the fictional world, the intelligence gathering after the incident will be much better.

There is no way in advance, the price of real-time monitoring is too expensive, and Arcadia's capital chain does not allow such expenditures.

And even if it is the current monitoring method to monitor the changes of the spirit, it was only borrowed by dragging the past with the Laplace Demon.

Fortunately, the monitoring results seem to be paying off well.

Regardless of the final result, at least Su Jin did not suffer a big loss in the battle with Asura.

And that's enough.

A draw against a four-digit outlier, no matter which way the result is obtained, can greatly raise Arcadia's evaluation in the lower level of Hakoniwa.

Not to mention the restoration of the previous grand occasion, but at least it can be guaranteed that the next development will not be affected.

But the most important thing is that there is no accident... Leticia thinks like this, and reminds the excited Black Rabbit:

"It's not over yet, keep monitoring, but not at the current frequency."

After she finished speaking, she paused and added:

"Prepare a report on the gift game. It doesn't matter if it's rough. I think Su Jin will like this."

"Is it the admission report of the True Spirit Academy!" Black Rabbit understood Leticia's statement.

For Arcadia, the most difficult difficulty has passed, and the next thing to do is to obtain 'resources'.

And the 'enrollment fee' of up to 1,000 gold coins of the True Central Academy of Spiritual Arts is a very good reward.

Not to mention that all the nearly 1.8 million contestants who entered the game venue were all interested in the "Death God" system, as long as one tenth of them were willing to buy it, Arcadia's tight financial situation would be greatly relieved.

And no matter how bad it is, a gold coin that 1.8 million contestants need to pay when they retire can greatly supplement financial problems.

"I understand, I'm going to retrieve the corresponding data."

After Black Rabbit finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, Leticia stopped her:

"Let Inoue take Lily and the others to do it. It just so happens that they all need to be familiar with the process."

After speaking, Leticia looked at the black rabbit with a little persuasion and said:

"It's been a few years since the older group reached the age of competition. It's good for them to get used to the atmosphere. After all, you can't help them solve everything, can you?"

Hearing this, Black Rabbit stuck out his tongue, then stood to the side obediently, and informed Lily with the contact device to bring Orihime Inoue to retrieve the data.

After doing this, the black rabbit looked at Leticia again, suddenly remembered something, and said nervously:

"Speaking of... Lord Leticia, what about the Ouroboros members who may attack the headquarters and steal the flag as Su Jin explained before?"

Perhaps the members of Ouroboros didn't know either, but Su Jin relied on the influence of the remnants of the original book in his previous life and concluded that the flag of Arcadia was the key to unblocking Az Dakaha.

Therefore, he made a series of preparations in this matter, including redrawing the Union flag.

For example, Shiroyasha was notified, Athena and Lancelot of the Godkiller World were arranged to guard the stronghold, and the flag was deliberately placed in the stronghold to 'fish'.

But now, although the gift game is still in progress, the most crucial dispute, the conflict between Su Jin and Asura has ended.

If the Ouroboros really want to be dispatched, now is probably the last chance.

Leticia thought for a moment, then frowned and said:

"According to the established plan, but be prepared that they will not show up."

"It won't show up, but..."

The black rabbit dared to say something, and suddenly said:

"That's right, that Lord Ashura has lost. Even if the Ouroboros wants to do something, they have to re-evaluate the strength on our side. It is indeed possible to retreat directly."

No, with Su Jin's character, it is very likely that he could hide from us and solve everything, like secretly trapping the members of the Ouroboros into the game field and directly arresting this kind of thing, he is very likely to do it... Leticia thought so, but it was not easy to speak directly to the black rabbit.

Guessing it is one thing, saying it to make Black Rabbit worry in vain is another.

And this is just a guess, she is not sure that Su Jin will do it to that extent.

Forget it, if it really is such a development, it would be better for Su Jin to explain herself than to explain it to her, lest Black Rabbit mistakenly think that she is an outsider and suspect that Su Jin and I are secretly colluding behind his back, although her character Not likely to think so.

Thinking of this, Leticia sighed, turned and walked to the wine cabinet, took a bottle of sherry on it, took three more glasses, and shook it:

"Although it may be a little earlier, I think it might be good to stay here to celebrate when Su Jin comes back."

"Wouldn't it be a little bad, after all, the kids are still working hard."

Black Rabbit rubbed his little hands, his expression a little shy.

It can be seen that she really wants to celebrate. Of course, the focus of the celebration is to celebrate privately with Su Jin.

"And... Su Jin may have just succeeded in repelling His Majesty Asura. Isn't it a bit bad to celebrate this kind of thing?" Hei Rabbit said awkwardly.

Repelling four-digit breakers, such a record is dazzling enough at the lower level.

To put it further, in the old Arcadia Major League, only Kasugabe Takaaki and Canary did such a thing.

One of them repulsed head-on with force, and the other broke the other's gift game with ingenuity, forcing them to make concessions, and it was precisely because of this that the two of them were firmly established as the leader and chief of staff of the old Arcadia.

And once Su Jin also achieves such a record, then whether he is outside the community or among the alliance allies inside, he will be firmly on the throne of the new generation leader of Arcadia, and there is no suspense.

Such an achievement is indeed a memorable event. Even Black Rabbit inevitably has the idea of ​​wanting to celebrate with Su Jin in private.

That's why she's acting like this now.

Hearing this, the corners of Leticia's mouth curved slightly, she smiled, and said with a glass of wine:

"It's just a drink, and it's just to fight off four-figure breakers, it's not a big deal."

Leticia, who understood Black Rabbit's worries, naturally wanted to keep things small to alleviate Kuro Rabbit's unnecessary guilt.

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