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Chapter 620:

'78502' Exterior door.

A flower garden city built in the sky.

Two tall figures in cloaks are advancing in the modern city.

Among the two, the leader was a dragon man covered in pale colors.

It was Azi Dakaha from the world of Demon High School who took the task of the Troublemaker Forum.

At this moment, Aziz Dakaha urged the next 'person' while walking:

"Big snake, what are you procrastinating about? If you don't leave, how can you blockade the stronghold of the Babylonian group of gods in the city center?"

"Don't tell me, Aziz, isn't there plenty of time for the mission?"

Known as the big snake, the purple-black-skinned man showed his forked tongue, licked the corner of his mouth, and greedily observed the crowd around him:

"Hakoti is good, there are so many people with strong vitality, which is much stronger than the Qidaotianji I was going to eat back then. It's a pity, why does the boss only let us attack the gods..."

Aziz Dakaha couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and said displeasedly, "Aren't gods better than these orcs?"

"Is the risk of eating orcs the same as eating gods?"

Orochi's reasons are very good, enough that Aziz Dakaha kept looking at him with gloomy eyes.

"If you delay the mission because of cannibalism, and you don't need the boss to take action, I will tear you apart first."

"Oh, what a terrible threat."

The snake letter child of the Orochi Orochi was constantly hovering in the air, showing a sinister smile:

"I'm also looking forward to you, the three-headed guy, who can tear off a few of my heads."

The two faced each other on the street for a while, snorted in unison, and then moved towards the city center unhurriedly.

Not long after, there was a sudden explosion in the city center.

Raindrops of pitch-black parchment fell from the sky.

A divine light rose from the city center, followed by a heart-piercing roar:

"Enemy attack!!"

"It's an evil dragon—"

Before the words fell, the voice suddenly disappeared, the vibration became more and more intense, and then, the sky city began to tilt greatly.

ten minutes later.

Sky City crashed into the wilderness west of Outer Gate 78502.

About ten minutes later, piles of stern warriors in black uniforms of the Heavenly Army arrived here.


The headed Valkyrie looked at the ruins of the city, and while arranging first aid, he cursed:

"The third time, within a day, the sky city controlled by the three Babylonian gods was attacked. Damn! It was the devil who did it, why is there no sign at all!"

At this time, a Martial God ran quickly and said eagerly:

"Captain, there is a situation! Some people heard the information sent by the guarding gods desperately."

The captain's face was overjoyed, and he quickly grabbed the Valkyrie and asked, "What information? Tell me now!"

When Wushen heard the words, he swallowed his saliva, sweating coldly, and stammered nervously:

"It is said that the Babylonian gods guarding here were shouting... evil dragons before they were killed."

"Evil dragon?" The captain of the Martial Gods murmured to himself, and then his face turned pale: "Impossible, he should have been sealed by Arcadia, it's impossible, unless... it is left behind. individual?"

In any case, the captain of the Valkyries understood that this was no longer something he could interfere with.

Only the class rulers, only the Heavenly Army, can intervene in this matter.


Tianjun [500] outer gate.

Di Shitian frowned and looked at the report in his hand. It was the report just sent from the lower level, and next to it, there was a copy of the intelligence urgently sent from Qianyan.

"What happened?" Uesugi Kenshin, who was holding the sword, frowned as he looked at Di Shitian's embarrassed face.

At this moment, Di Shitian sighed and said solemnly: "Azi Dakaha's clone seems to be active in the lower level again."

Uesugi Kenshin's originally curious face suddenly turned ashen:

"Do you want me to go down?"

"No, it's just you, I don't worry... I have a bad hunch."

Di Shatian opened the information of Thousand Eyes and looked at the photo above. It was the photo of Aziz Dakaha confronting Orochi on the street.

"Although the shape of the face is wrong, according to the photos and the atmosphere left at the scene... Orochi... The dead Susanoo will be brought down to the sky tomorrow, and thus will be crusaded..."

Di Shitian stared at the photo for a long time, then got up and said to Uesugi Kenshin:

"Go ahead and hold a Heavenly Army meeting!"


Chapter 0836 Tianjun Conference

500 Outer Gate, the headquarters of the Heavenly Army.

between arbitrations.

On the twelve huge thrones, light and shadow gradually formed.

Not long after, five figures appeared on the throne and gradually solidified.

Uesugi Kenshin, who was still in a suit and ponytail, looked around on the throne with "Kunshamen" written in ancient scriptures on the back.

Apart from the two acquaintances Di Shitian and Marta, there was a man and a woman sitting on the other two chairs.

One of them is a mighty man with golden hair, only middle-aged and exuding a sense of nobility, while the other is a mature and gorgeous woman wearing an ancient neon clothes and feather clothes of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Sunday" Surya.

"Rakshasa Heaven" Princess Iron Fan.

The former belongs to the Indian group of gods, while the latter is a member of Buddhism. They are all born gods and Buddhas with the highest godhead.

"Are there only five people present?" Uesugi Kenshin sighed.

She knew in her heart that this was not bad. In the twelve days of other Dharma protectors who did not come, there were even people who fell into a deep sleep, and she still didn't know when they would wake up.

But that's what makes Uesugi Kenshin so melancholy.

After the crusade against the evil dragon Aziz Dakaha, has the Dharma Protector been so weak for twelve days that he can't even get half of it together?

After hearing this, Di Shitian, who was on the throne, explained:

"And Brahma, but he bought his own counterpart from a certain stinky boy. He was very close to the place where the accident happened, so he went to investigate first."

"Some brat?"

Princess Iron Fan swayed the banana fan in her hand, and said with a smile on her bright eyes:

"Is it the fourth-generation Greek **** king who has been in the limelight recently? Hestia and I mentioned a few words."

She said this, with a lively look, she said meaningfully: "I just don't know which way he will choose to construct the universe view in the end."

Marta 'Ditian' next to him held an apple and took a bite and said:

"I don't know how, but it's definitely not the system of the Three God Kings a day later."

"I think Zeus and Poseidon must be in a hurry, maybe Hera will also act..."

"Okay, let's talk less about irrelevant gossip." Sun God Surrey sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, several goddesses chuckled and stopped discussing.

This kind of private gossip must be chatted in a suitable place, otherwise it will be bad for these stinky men to hear a little bit of private words.

Seeing a few troublesome goddesses settle down, Suriya couldn't help but look at Di Shitian:

"Is there any news from Brahma? Are you sure it's the dragon?"

"Not yet, it should be soon."

Di Shitian tapped on the table and closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

The members of the Twelve Days next to them naturally would not urge them. For them, the time of a meeting is not important. What matters is whether there is a solution.

And now, when there is not enough information, waiting for news is not necessarily impossible.

After a long while, Di Shitian finally opened his eyes and spit out a turbid breath:

"Brahma went to confirm that the seal of the evil dragon is normal."

After listening, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The deterrent power of the three-headed evil dragon Az Dakaha is evident.

Even if it is in a sealed state, the Dharma Protector has even obtained information about his avatar's activities outside for 12 days. He must first confirm the status of the seal before he can reasonably judge the situation.

Uesugi Kenshin, who was at the end of the twelve days, even more relaxed:

"In this way, the riots at the lower level should only be at the level of avatars."

Although Aziz Dakaha's evil dragon clone also has a four-digit level, even a high level, but without the most troublesome simulated star creation map, it can be solved only by the lower-level stratum dominators, not to mention the sky army. .

After all, as long as the target of the siege is a god, the simulated star creation map 'Asveta' that can copy the opponent's power and impose it on itself is really too lame.

It should be said that it is worthy of being one of the seventeen people, the handwriting of Angela Manuel, the "Mother of Evil"?

For a once-ordinary three-digit figure to be so powerful that even the entire Heavenly Army can't do anything about it, it's outrageous!

Emperor Shitian agrees with Uesugi Kenshin's words very much, without Aziz Dakaha, some clones can be destroyed at will, but strategically contempt, tactical attention should be paid:

"Azi Dakaha's clone still needs to be vigilant, but as long as the main body doesn't move, the situation is still under control."

Speaking of this, Di Shitian hesitated for a while, and then explained:

"However, in my opinion, there is also the guy who is in trouble with Az Dakaha's doppelganger."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a stream of water droplets appeared in front of the guardians of the twelve days, and then suddenly swelled and turned into a water mirror.

In the water mirror, the eight-headed serpent paralleled with Aziz Dakaha caught everyone's eyes.

"This is it!" Sully frowned suddenly.

And other people's faces are not very good-looking.

Obviously, they all recognized the identity of the eight-headed snake.

Seeing this, Di Shitian sighed and said:

"Orchid Orochi, the former human being who had been descended into the sky by Susanoo at the dawn of time, and who directly attacked it, was the final test."

"Although the possibility of resurrection is not impossible, or it is more likely to have the same spiritual identity, but according to the news of Brahma..."

Di Shitian said this, crossed his hands in front of him, and said with a heavy face:

"The slain Babylonian **** is in a state that cannot be resurrected!"

"This!" Marta's eyes suddenly changed, becoming extremely fearful.

"The characteristics of the final trial!"

Princess Iron Fan shook the banana fan lightly and sighed:

"The re-emergence of the cracked final trial is a joke."

Hearing this, Emperor Shitian, who knew many inside stories, immediately said:

"The origin of the final trial of the Orochi is derived from the flooding of rivers, such as the Nile, Ganges, Yellow River, Yangtze River, and various floods, which destroyed human tribes many times in ancient times, causing disasters that almost destroyed human beings. "

"And the natural disasters he represents, Noah of the Crusaders, Deucalion of Greece avoided in various ways, and Xia Yu of the East limited his spirituality to the smallest scale due to his achievements in managing the river, and then It was picked up by Susanoo for a bargain."

Uesugi Kenshin heard this and immediately tasted it: "You mean, because of improper means, the final trial has not really been crossed, and the Orochi is resurrected?"

If these words were released, it would be equivalent to scolding Susanoko for being shameless.

Dayu managed the flood well, but seeing that the Orochi was going to die, Susano's man came to pick up the bargain, and the 'recurrence of serious injuries' was simply not a human being.

Of course, it is more likely that Emperor Shitian throws the pot and leaves the responsibility for the resurrection of the Yaqi Orochi to Susanoo.

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