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Chapter 639:

"Sun God, although I really want to communicate with you, the current situation is still unclear. At present, the Fire Mist Warrior and the Demon King who are responsible for defending me are in a hard fight."

"So, do you need my strength?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"Yes." Alastor admitted quickly: "As you can see, in this Noble Phantasm called Kana, I can only maintain a minimal level of manifestation. In this state, I can't The power of existence cannot be used."

"It has nothing to do with me." Su Jin said calmly: "But since the contract is signed, it is up to Shana to decide how to use the power I lent."

"Whether it's to support disciples, support human beings, or something else, even if it is to become the great demon king of the world, as long as she likes it, it will be fine."

Shana lowered her head and looked at the pendant in front of her in amazement. She obviously didn't expect Su Jin, the sun god, to be so talkative.

"Forgiving thoughts, but not cautious enough." Alastor breathed a sigh of relief.

He knows Shana's action logic very well, so he understands that the other party can become a very qualified fire and fog warrior.

And the other party met Su Jin who held the attitude of "supporting any ideas of the contractor", which can be said to be the most suitable match at present.

Although he lost the most potential contractor for hundreds of years, at present, in exchange for the support of the Sun God for the mission, such a loss is extremely valuable.

It's just a pity... Alastor regrets in his heart.

If possible, he would also like to contract with Shana and guide the child's growth like a father.

But the situation was sudden, and even he did not expect this situation.

At this moment, the vibration of Tiandao Palace became more and more frequent.

Aware of this scene, Shana immediately said:

"The shock is getting bigger and bigger, and I need to support Will Amina."

"Wear this one?" Su Jin's tone was somewhat subtle.

His will resides on the pendant, but that doesn't mean he can't see the outside world.

In fact, he saw clearly.

So Shana was wearing a big red slit cheongsam covered in dust, which naturally caught his eye.

And under the cheongsam are high-footed riding boots, which can no longer be a subtle match.

"It's a little inconvenient, but I'm running out of time."

As Shana said, she ran out of the temple in the depths of Tiandao Palace, and then said nervously:

"I don't know how the situation outside is, will Will Amina be in danger?"

"The situation is okay..." Su Jin's tone was very indifferent:

"Will Emina in your mouth is exchanging fire with a copper-green hooded man. The two sides seem to be fighting with long-range shelling. The shock basically comes from here."

"In addition, a samurai wearing Japanese armor was dragged by a bone man. Although the strength gap is obvious, the bone man is obviously very experienced. It should not be a problem to drag it for 10 minutes."

"Oh? There's a weak disciple lying in ambush ahead?"

Shana's footsteps suddenly stopped when she heard the words, and her eyes looked vigilantly at the narrow passage in front of her.

That is the only way from the deep temple to the outermost courtyard.

"Is it an apprentice..." Shana said excitedly and nervously.

Fighting against the disciples of the red world is the fate of the fire and fog warriors.

Shana is not afraid of fighting, but is very excited, even eager to prove her years of hard work.

On the other side, Vinay, who was hiding in the dark, looked at the girl with burning eyes, and her whole body became numb.

"A blazing crusader? My mother, I just pulled away that terrifying maid, and let her collide with Qian Zhengling, and as a result, this monster ran out of her hind legs... Wait, look at the appearance, It looks like you are still very young with burning eyes?"

The age of the Fire Mist Warrior's appearance is basically determined by the time she signed the contract, and after that, she will be immortal. Unless she is killed in battle or has a special spell, her appearance will basically not change.

So the moment he saw Shana's appearance, Vinay's mind was occupied by the words 'great credit'.

Youngness equals youthfulness equals unreliable work equals inexperience equals weakness, this is the equation in the minds of ordinary people.

And now, Vinay has formed such an equation in his mind.


"The upper right, near the corner of the ceiling." Su Jin said with a smile: "Stand on the spot, look at that fist, remember, wave gently."

Shana heard the words, took a deep breath, stood still, and threw her fist in the direction Su Jin said.


The crimson raging fire covered the girl's fist, forming a huge crimson giant hand.

And in the palm of the giant hand, there was a pitch-black giant sword that was over 100 meters away!


The huge flaming hand grabbed the giant sword like a scourge, and slashed out in the direction Su Jin pointed.

A sword wave flashed by.

Like Moses dividing the sea.

Huge vibrations, rubble crumbles, dust and bricks come together.

in about half a second.

The entire Tiandao Palace was directly divided into two halves by this split.

Shana opened her mouth wide, staring at the destruction she caused.

And on the periphery of the rubble ruins, the location of the courtyard.

Ten Thousand Skilled Hands Will Emina, Red Wing Melihim, and Qian Zheng made Organ and Tianmu all stop, or looked at the girl in the ruins in amazement or confusion.


It was the sound of the cracking of the ground of Tiandao Palace.

Shana's throat surged, and then she showed a mourning face towards Will Amina:

"I did not do it on purpose."

The words fell, and there was a bang.

Half of the Heavenly Dao Palace, cracked!

As for Vinay, who was at the center of the target, he had already been split into nothingness under the violent and rude attack just now.

After more than ten minutes of fighting, the Tiandao Palace, which was standing still, began to crumble under the attack of Shana.

Chapter 0862 she's just a child

In the girl's weak apology.

Four powerful powers fell into a mysterious silence.

What broke the silence was Su Jin's helpless voice:

"Didn't I tell you to wave gently?"

"I..." Shana opened her mouth and lowered her head like a pupil who made a mistake.

The excitement of just becoming a Fire Mist Warrior, and the joy of fighting just now, all disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"Your control is completely useless... You have to speed up your practice. At least you have to condense the attack of destroying the stars on one finger, so that you can say that you are getting started."

Su Jin sighed like Versailles.

Hearing this emotion, Qian Zheng made Orgon almost lose his waist, and Melisheim, who was in a state of bones, kept his chin pounding.

Condensing the star-destroying attack on one finger is the beginning of control training?

Who would take this kind of thing as an entry to learn!

"Abnormal." Tiamat, the dream crown, noticed the pendant in front of Shana.

"Alastor?" Will Emina asked accurately.

She knew very well that the voice in the pendant was definitely not the voice of Alastor, God of Punishment.

That steady and reliable Demon God's voice is not yet young enough.

"Did something happen during the contract?" Will Amina frowned.

At this moment, a low roar sounded.


The samurai holding the sword flickered and swept towards Shana quickly.

"Oops!" Will Emina frowned.

"Emergency!" Tiamat reminded at the same time.

The sword that has the ability to resist spells and reduce breath—Zhidian Zana, this is a Noble Phantasm possessed by Tianmu.

It is also a unique trick used by the opponent to slaughter the disciples of the Red World and even the Fire Mist Warriors.

For those who are good at weaving concepts and use the power of existence to write "freedom" spells to fight, Tianmu is the worst enemy.

However, the worst thing is that most of the people of the red world and the fire fog warriors mainly rely on the "freedom method" to fight.

Although Willemina didn't know what the big flaming hand and the huge black giant sword were just now, it seemed that it should also be the effect of the Freedom Law.

And the method of freedom is just useless to the third eye.

"Support!" Will Emina rushed towards Shana without even thinking about it.

At this moment, Organ waved his hand and rushed up to block Will Amina:

"Want to leave? We haven't decided yet?"

Will Emina, who was stopped, suddenly turned fierce.


Only Tianmu, whose head was fighting against the strong, charged up with a knife and approached Shana's surroundings five meters.

"Gada, Gada, Gada!" The bone-like Merichim caught up, but it seemed too late.

"This time, be gentle, don't break others." At this time, Su Jin was still reminding him casually.

"Long-winded!" Shana scolded with a blushing face, glaring at the incoming Tianmu with a stern face.

The tachi flashed a silvery-white band of light in the air, which was the trajectory of the blade cutting through the air.

"Chance..." I don't know when, Shana, who had a clear view of the attack trajectory of Taidao, ducked sideways, clenched her fists, jumped up, and blasted directly at Tianmu's head.


The sonic boom exploded directly.

What followed was a small cloud of sonic booms and shards of red ghost-faces that exploded.

Gada sounded.

Shana fell to the ground, looked at the headless Tianmu, and blinked:

"Apprentice, are they all so weak?"

Merichim, who was still in the running position, slumped his foot and fell directly to the ground, making a babahah sound.

When Organ next to him saw this scene, everyone was stupid:

"How is that possible? How can one Tianmu be so weak!"

He was stabbed by Tianmu just now, and now the cloak is still more than half torn.

Why in the hands of that scorching-eyed little girl, Tianmu is like a chicken?

Is the inflammation and burning eyes too strong? Or is he too weak?

The times have not changed, have they? !

"Unbelievable." Tiamat sighed with emotion.

"Weird." Will Emina didn't know what to say.

Is Tianmu a weak one?

how is this possible? If it is weak, it will not be regarded as a natural disaster by the Red World and the Fire Mist Warrior.

The Taidao that broke the free-handedness method and eliminated the breath, and the ghost-like figure that flickered and appeared, was simply the nightmare of any free-spirited teacher, like an existence like an assassin.

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