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Chapter 641:

"So this knife is called Zhidian Zhana?" Shana didn't have it and felt that the knife was very suitable for her.

When she used Su Jin's power earlier, she discovered that there seemed to be a huge black long sword beside Su Jin.

That sword may be the weapon used by Su Jin's body. In the case that the contract demon king has a natural weapon, she can use a similar weapon to borrow more power.

Thinking of this, Shana stretched out her hand, held Zhi Dian Zhana, and said happily:

"In that case, I accept the knife."

Her voice fell, and a faint blue fire burst forth from Tianmu's body.

The fire was bright, and then it turned into something like oil and wax, sticking to the body of the temple, and gradually submerged.

At this time, Su Jin said:

"Do you mind if I give this knife a boost?"

"Okay." Shana agreed without thinking.

Intuition tells her that Su Jin is full of kindness to her, not to mention that they are now contract partners and accomplices, so there is no need to take precautions.

Shana agreed readily, and Su Jin also did it quickly, and secretly strengthened Zhidian Zhana, adding some 'material' to it.

In the days that followed, without Shana noticing, the terrifying force of destruction was constantly pouring into Zhana.

"Will Emina." Shana turned back and saw that she was actually an adoptive mother.

Will Emina looked at the location of the God of Punishment and sighed: "Let's go."

She has to ask the God of Punishment about the situation, and then determine the next arrangement.

Arrangements for the next generation of scorching eyes, and arrangements for Shana...

Chapter 0864 Things that are not easy to say

Huge silver plate before Kaina.

He was guarded in front of the Heavenly Earth Tribulation Fire on the altar.

Shana and Will Amina stand next to each other.

"The above is the process of the battle just now." Will Emina cleared her throat, then took a step back.


In the calamity of heaven and earth, Alastor's calm voice came out:

"Is there one Tianmu? The most vicious Misters in history, it is normal to have such a loss in the face of him."


It means 'treasure chest'.

Treasures made by the disciples of the red world - 'Noble Phantasms', are generally placed in special torches made.

And this torch is basically made by people.

The specific principle is to devour a person's power of existence, leave a little residue, create a torch, and then put the Noble Phantasm into the torch to create abstinence, which is a successful Misters.

The birth principle of Tianmuyi is this, but the difference is that Tianmuyi was once a human being and a famous swordsman. He took the initiative to make himself into a Misters in order to find a qualified user for his knife.

It's also a crazy human sacrifice!

Alastor does not approve of this kind of behavior, but it does not mean that he is not sure about the intention of the knife maker, so after understanding the truth, he said to Shana:

"Such a knife should be used well, and don't let down the intention of the knife maker."

"I will." Shana said with a childish little face, who was hugging the Zhan Palace.

Seeing Alastor diverting the topic, Will Amina couldn't help frowning and said:

"The calamity of heaven and earth, about the things I just reported, presumably..."

"Has Tiandao Palace successfully landed on the sea?" Alastor inadvertently prompted.

"Melichim has been asked to deal with it. Judging from the shock that just happened, the Tiandao Palace should have landed safely."

Willemina understood that Alastor was leaving the topic, but answered honestly.

"That's fine."

Alastor is very calm:

"Then the next step is to repair the Tiandao Palace and restart the cultivation function."

Hearing this, Shana couldn't help lowering her head.

Although she had made the choice to become a contractor of the Sun God, she still felt a little remorse in the face of Alastor at this time.

If it wasn't for her accidental contact with Su Jin in the morning, Alastor would not have to wait for another contractor.

"The calamity of heaven and earth is not the first problem to be solved now."

Will Emina was already a little **** off.

Your daughter was kidnapped, why didn't you, an old father, explain and keep avoiding the problem?

Are you with this Su Jin who kidnapped her child?

"Well..." Alastor faced the embarrassment with silence again.

Although it was for the sake of righteousness, Shana and Su Jin signed a contract, but to be honest, Will Emina has cultivated Shana for so many years, with such a deep relationship, it is really not very good to be finally decided by him.

Therefore, after being silent, he had to admit his mistake:

"I'm sorry about Shana."

"Xana?" Will Emina was at a loss for a moment: "Who is that?"

"It's me, Will Emina!" Shana pointed at herself with a displeased expression, "Shana is my name."

After she finished speaking, she curled her lips a little unhappily: "Although it was decided by Su Jin without authorization."

Hearing this, Su Jin was yin and yang beside him: "You don't even know how to name your child, do you blame me?"

"I met a contractor who didn't even have a normal person's name and asked me to help me get it. Is it easy for me?"

This is a slap in the face, embarrassing both Will Emina and Alastor.

After all, it is indeed their responsibility not to have a name, and it is also a major gap for their "fire and fog warrior elite education".

At this time, they were still very ashamed when they were called out by the "foreigner" Su Jin.

"It's my responsibility, I'm sorry." Will Emina sighed and bowed.

"Will Emina, what are you doing, I don't blame you."

Shana became anxious when she saw it, and quickly helped Will Emina up.

Will Emina wanted to refuse to help, but Shana was pulled up abruptly, and the bones in her waist made a crisp sound.

Two quacks and quacks.

Shana looked embarrassedly at Will Emina's blue face, and quickly let go: "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to."

"No problem."

The corner of Willemina's mouth twitched, and after a few puffs, it lit up. While repairing her injury with a skilled free method, she frowned and said:

"Why did your strength grow so much?"

Shana lowered her head and looked at Su Jin's parasitic pendant.

Su Jin explained at this time: "My flame has the ability to strengthen physical fitness."

"That's it." Will Emina was stunned.

"Not uncommon."

Tiamat reminded that it is not uncommon for the flame of the Red Devil to have the ability to strengthen the body.

Alastor also felt something when he heard the words:

"I can feel that there is a power of existence flowing in Shana's body. It is estimated that it is strengthening the body, but I don't know how long it will take."

At this time, Su Jin said lightly:

"Probably wait until the child is five thousand times stronger, and it is estimated that the strengthening will slow down."

Will Emina: "..."

Tiamat: "..."

Alastor: "..."

Did they hear it right?

It's like this, and it is five thousand times stronger?

Wouldn't that be able to carry the Heavenly Dao Palace with one arm?

Thinking of Shana's petite body, which can lift an island with just one hand, the three people present were at a loss for a while.

Even if it is the **** of the red world, this kind of strengthening is too outrageous!

I, Alastor, is also the **** of the red world, but I am not so exaggerated!

"Exaggerated." Tiamat said angrily. She thought Su Jin was joking.

However, her contractor, Will Emina, looked relieved, and even said happily:

"Good thing!"

What if the youngest daughter of my family is strange? The strength is strong, the life is good, this is not a good thing.


Alastor saw that Will Emina's attitude eased a lot, and immediately said:

"Although it is because of the righteousness of the disciple and the fire fog warrior, Shana really failed to become my contractor. The responsibility this time lies with me."

Alastor named "Righteousness", and he understood that Willemina could understand what he meant.

Sure enough, Will Emina frowned after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

The sun **** joined the fire and fog warrior, which is a major benefit for the world that is still in chaos.

She was just worried that Shana would not learn well, and she did not shy away from Shana's better life.

What's more, it's something that's good for the world situation.

It's just a pity that the cultivation of burning eyes needs to be restarted, and the Tiandao Palace is damaged.

"Since things have developed like this, it is impossible to regret it."

Alastor makes the assertion:

"Now that the Tiandao Palace is damaged, Su Jin has just become a contract devil, and he doesn't know enough about the world, and Shana, who has just become a fire fog warrior, is not mature enough."

In fact, the main reason is that Will Emina is worried that Shana will follow Su Jin to carry out the usual tasks of the Fire Mist Warrior and maintain the balance of the world.

This is the willingness of the two to have a stiff relationship now.

After all, who would want their daughter to run away from a stranger who they met for less than a day?

But this kind of thing doesn't make sense.

Because the relationship between the Contract Demon King and the Fire Mist Warrior is even closer than that of relatives, Will Emina can be said to be an adoptive mother before, but now compared to Su Jin, she is only an outsider, so it is hard to say this.

"Alastor, you'd better say it straight." Su Jin held the court.

It's not that Su Jin didn't see through Will Amina's idea, but because he saw through it, he didn't break it.

He, an outsider, pointed out that this was not suitable, and it would be better for Alastor to come.

"Well...then I'll be ugly."

Alastor seemed to take a slight breath:

"The restoration of the Tiandao Palace requires some materials and a superb restorer. I would like to hire Wanjo and Shana to assist me in this work."

Hearing this, Will Emina and Shana looked at Su Jin at the same time.

Seeing this, Su Jin also cooperated happily:

"I have no opinion."

"Then let's act together for a while."

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