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Chapter 647:

Seeing this, Xiu Denan frowned, and finally sighed:

"The reformers are always this crazy."

"But fortunately, at least I know the location of the magic capital."

Xiu Denan pushed the sunglasses on his face, and finally turned around and walked out.

Chapter 0872 Thoughts of God of Punishment

Morning in Modu·waiwaisu·hotel restaurant.

Carrying black tea and eating toast, Will Emina sat on the beige fabric sofa and asked the bracelet on the other side of the table, where the **** of punishment Alastor was staying:

"Because of what? Need to avoid Shana and the Sun God, and ask me to be alone?"

"The meaning is unclear." From the hair accessories on Will Amina's head came the doubtful voice of Dream Crown Tiamat.

"Well..." Alastor's calm voice came out from the bracelet.

"It's about yesterday, the Reformed Corps."

"Isn't that matter already decided?"

Will Emina finished the toast gracefully, then sipped her lipstick tea:

"Yuxuan released the news of the Sun God, and Shana decided to become the bait to lure Cai Piao, the head of the four seasons, to the prepared place. Isn't this a sure thing?"

"But I'm still a little worried about what happened yesterday." Alastor said in a mellow voice.

Willemina paused, then asked tentatively, "You mean... the sun god?"


Alastor sighed, and then said to himself:

"During the barren years, Yu Hongshi established the four seasons of day and night, the lofty **** in charge of the sun, the never-falling Haoyang, the master of life."

"If he was given the name of "The Sun of the Unsustainable" by the Red World, if he is willing to support the Revolutionary Army..."

Alastor did not say further, but Willemina had already guessed what he was going to say.

Thinking of Su Jin's attitude towards Ge Zhengtuan yesterday, Will Emina couldn't help frowning:

"It does require vigilance."

After confirming Will Amina's attitude, Alastor continued:

"The reckless Red World fighters, the fire and fog warriors who maintain balance, and the ignorant human beings, if in this fragile triangle, join the idea of ​​the Reformed Group, I am worried that there will be unprecedented riots."

"Especially if the Sun God decides to support the Reformed Regiment, it may lead to a huge war comparable to, or even surpassing, the great war in the fourteenth century."

In the 14th century, because of the death of the human contract object, Assis, the Ring of the Crimson Demon King of the Underworld, betrayed the Fire and Mist Warriors, and gradually the group of crimson disciples, the Burial Bell, succeeded in reviving the contract object. The terrifying free-style 'devouring the city' has caused the destruction of many ancient cities, triggering a large-scale melee between the Fire Mist Warriors and the Red World.

The one who ended that war was Alastor, the God of Punishment, and as the price, Yan Zhanyan of the previous generation sacrificed for it.

This is the most painful thing in Alastor's heart. Even if he recalls it at this time, his tone is a little unnatural.

Willemina, who is a close friend of Yan Yanyan, can hear Alastor's pain and understand the other party's worries.

Rather than worrying about war, Alastor was worried about the horrific casualties that would inevitably occur in war.

What he is worried about is not the casualties of the Red World disciples, but the casualties of human beings.

Because every disciple of the Red World, even if it is made by a scoundrel, has the terrifying power to transform human beings into the power of existence.

This also leads to large-scale human beings, even the army, in front of the disciples of the red world, they are still lambs to be slaughtered.

Under such a huge difference, if the truth about the human beings being swallowed up by the disciples is announced, the war and sacrifice will be on an unprecedented scale.

In the case of large-scale human sacrifice, the balance of the world will naturally be completely broken.

"It needs to be stopped." Will Amina stood up and asserted.

"An unprecedented catastrophe." Tiamat couldn't calm down.

When Will Emina was about to leave, Alastor hurriedly stopped her:

"Wait a minute, ten thousand skillful hands."

"Now these matters are just speculation, without any factual basis, and questioning the sun **** for no reason will only cause unnecessary conflicts."

Alastor's tone was very calm:

"Just relying on guesswork and asserting that others are wrong is immoral."

Hearing this, Will Amina frowned, sat back in her original position and said:

"The calamity of heaven and earth, what exactly do you mean?"

It was Alastor who said that Su Jin might be in favor of the Revolutionary Army, and now he said that he was only suspicious, and that suspicion could not be used to assert Su Jin's mistake.

You said good things and bad things, so what do you want to do?

"Well..." Alastor was silent for a moment, and then said, "I just want to make sure of one thing."

"One is the idea of ​​the Reformed Group. After encountering the Sun God, will it lead to huge sacrifices? If so, I will naturally try my best to stop it, but if not..."

Willemina narrowed her eyes, ready to listen.

Alastor sighed at this time:

"I want to check if a new balance can be achieved."

"New balance?" Will Emina wondered.

"I thought a lot after my contractor, your friend Matilda, died."

"Is the status quo that humans devour humans and know nothing about it, is it really a balance? I have doubts about this."

Before Alastor finished speaking, Will Emina said, "The idea of ​​the Reformed Corps is also."

Tiamat even complained: "The God of Punishment is actually a member of the Reformed Group, what a joke."

The biggest strength of the Fire Mist Warriors side has been seriously thinking about the thoughts of the Reformed Group. Isn't this a joke?

After all, isn't it the Fire Mist Warrior who has been preventing the reformation from chaos?

"Well..." Alastor was silent for a while, then sighed: "Maybe..."

He did not deny that he had indeed thought about the ideas of the Reformed Group, but he had always given up because of the huge sacrifices that would inevitably be caused.

But if the sun **** also supports that idea, plus he is the **** of punishment, and the two gods of the red world join forces, maybe, maybe, as long as there is a certain probability, a new balance can be achieved.

A better balance, a new order, in which the disciples can no longer devour human beings wantonly, and human beings do not have to linger in blindness.

As the **** of punishment who maintains order and balance, Alastor has a lofty sense of mission to maintain a reasonable order.

Thinking of this, Alastor recounted:

"I'm going to give it a try. With as little sacrifice as possible, I can solve the current situation where the people of the Red World wantonly devour human beings."

The sacrifices here naturally only include fire fog warriors and humans.

As for the disciples of the red world?

Is there a good thing about the people who came to reality?

For thousands of years, Alastor has never seen a few disciples who came to this world alone, but did not eat people. There are not even ten such rare people.

Pull out the people of the red world who appear in the body, kill nine out of ten, and the remaining one has a 90% probability of slipping through the net.

This is the cruel world.

This is the distorted and fragile order of the red world and the present world.

Alastor did not want this order to continue, but in the past, he could only try to maintain this fragile order when he saw no hope.

And now, the sun god, the "unsunshine sun" has brought him a new possibility.

Although it still feels vague, it is not necessarily impossible to use the power of the two gods to restrain the disciples of the red world and reduce the sacrifice of innocent people.

That's what Alastor thought.

Willemina fell into silence, and Tiamat couldn't laugh anymore.

Once the God of Punishment, Tian Rang's robbery is serious, that thing is no joke.

And if it is the legendary sun god, the **** of gods also agrees with Alastor's idea.

The alliance of the two Pillars of the Red World means something more terrifying than a war.

Will Emina asked solemnly, "What the **** are you trying to do?"

"There is no need to do anything right now."

Alastor's answer was vague:

"It's just that I hope you can find a way to keep me by the side of the child and observe the sun **** after repairing the Tiandao Palace."

"I need to determine his attitude, determine whether he supports my ideas, and his attitude toward ordinary humans, to avoid accidents like the sacrificial snake."

The ceremonial snake Fuxi, the first pillar in the red world, is also the **** who affirms all the desires of the people of the red world.

In the long past, for the sake of the Red World disciple community, he wanted to act recklessly. He once tried to devour the territory and human beings of a human country, creating an inexhaustible force of existence, allowing the Red World disciples to be active as much as possible. Paradise, such a ridiculous and terrifying plan.

Although the plan was desperately blocked by the fire and fog warriors of the ancient times, with such a record, Alastor doubted whether there was a problem with the brain circuit of the God of the Red World.

Alastor was very worried that Su Jin was also the God of the Red World, who treated people like a must-have like the Serpent Serpent, and was only willing to protect the disciples of the Red World, so he had the idea of ​​observing the other party for a while.

And for this idea, there needs to be a reason to stay by Su Jin's side.

That's what he wanted to get rid of Will Amina.

"..." Will Emina frowned deeply, and after a while, she sighed:

"I see, I will work together."

Alastor was silent for a moment and said:


Chapter 0873 Shana's Cognitive Error

The hotel where the outside world is staying, the suite on the top floor.

Shana, who had just woken up, hung the bedside pendant around her neck and yawned.

"Nice guts."

In the pendant, Su Jin's smiling voice came out:

"In a place where Cai Piao will attack at any time in a deliberately arranged trap, you can still sleep peacefully. Your courage is indeed very big."

"Ah?" Shana lowered her head, her expression dazed, and there were traces of saliva left on the corner of her mouth, looking very confused.


Su Jin didn't know how to describe this silly sleeping face, and after a while, he reminded:

"Go wash your face, brush your teeth, and if you can, take a shower and stay awake."

Hearing this, Shana's dazed eyes regained a bit of focus, then reached out and squeezed the pendant, and drew a picture on the void with her free hand.

However nothing happened.

"Huh?" Shana wondered for a moment, and her mind finally cleared up a little: "What about the flame of purification? Su Jin, why don't you use the flame of purification for my power of existence?"

Cleansing Flame, a free-spirited teacher developed by a fire-mist warrior to cleanse the body a long time ago.

Obviously, Shana, who got up early, planned to use this method to solve the hygiene problem that Su Jin had just mentioned.

However, Su Jin, who understood Shana's thoughts, was extremely speechless:

"...I thought you just wanted to blow up this hotel."

"How can I have such an idea." Shana people were all stunned, what did she do when she had nothing to do with blasting the entire hotel?

Su Jin couldn't help but complain at this time:

"The power of existence you just mobilized doesn't look like you just want to wash your face."

It was just a cleansing flame, and Shana's mobilized power of existence was more than enough to destroy this hotel.

Otherwise, how could he deliberately get stuck or the other party would use it.

When Shana heard the words, her face immediately blushed, and she quibble: "Impossible, I only called a little bit."

"It's really only 100 million points." Su Jin said yin and yang strangely: "Some people are a little self-aware of the scale of their own existence. Comparing your little points with others, isn't that '100 million points'?"

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