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Chapter 656:

It's not that Su Jin is cold by nature, but that Cai Piao and other apostles have no place in Su Jin's heart.

And she is a partner with a common body and shape, and this is the truth.

"'s hard to hear, but I can understand what you're thinking."

Alastor can easily understand Su Jin's idea, which is the same as the phosphorus made by the disciples and disciples of the red world.

Who will be treated as a human by the phosphorus they make? Not a fetish.

Therefore, it is natural that Cai Piao is not favored by the Sun God.

"In this way, I will be relieved to give this child to you." Alastor said the same words as an old father.

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin couldn't help but complain in his heart: Did you just test your son-in-law with the mentality of an old father?

"While it's not completely certain, preliminary approval is."

Will Emina spoke like an old mother in a calm tone.

After confirming Su Jin's attitude and handing over the 'daughter' to Su Jin, she felt a lot more relieved.

At the same time, Will Emina also considered when to let the two move freely.

Just as adult lions are driven out of the pride, young fire fighters are often left free by their instructors to develop their independence.

Although it is a bit early, Shana is already an adult in the eyes of the Fire Mist Warrior after the contract, so the conditions for traveling alone have long been satisfied.

I didn't let it go before, it was entirely because Will Amina didn't trust Su Jin.

But now, her attitude has naturally changed a little.

Thinking of this, Will Emina glanced at the bracelet and thought silently:

'Next, we only need to arrange for Tianyang's robbery to follow. ’

Thinking of this, Will Emina raised her head and said to Su Jin:

"I still need your help about persuading Cai Piao to give up the alliance with the Reformed Group."

Su Jin replied at this time:

"I can't guarantee that Phyllis will be obedient."

"It's good to be willing to cooperate."

Will Emina doesn't care if Su Jin guarantees or not, as long as there are people.

"Let's go." Will Emina said towards Shana.

The latter nodded, then followed Will Emina to a nearby homestay.


The gap between the two worlds.

In this place without the concept of distance.

A pitch-black giant snake the size of a mountain range with its body twisted slightly opened its eyes.

At the same time when He opened his eyes, in those huge and red eyes, concepts were woven in a free style, and then they formed a wonderful free method.

The source of the law of freedom is the eye with golden pupils on the head of the giant snake.

It was a device used by Belupeo to locate the ritual snake when it was exiled by the warriors of the fire fog with the secret method of no return.

And now, under a certain function, some information is transmitted through this eye.

At the same time as the transmission, the thick and magnetic voice of the sacrificial snake came from the giant snake:

"Why don't you use the shrine maiden to contact me, doesn't Bellupeo know that the Psalms of Great Destiny urgently need a lot of power of existence? To use such a high consumption method?"

And when the information was transmitted, the sacrificial snake who had just woken up was stunned:

"Hecate was taken away by the sun god?"

I'm tired from work, sleep in, and my witch is gone?

For a moment, the Serpent Serpent fell into a speechless silence.

Chapter 0884 Pop!

"The Sun God broke into the Xingli Hall, took the top seat, and the connection between the masquerade and the imperial life was derailed. This..."

The ritual snake that just woke up was a little stunned.

Are you kidding me?

If this news hadn't come from a loyal subordinate of Belupeolu, he would have wondered if his subordinates had been ripped off.

"It's just... what did the Sun God do with Hecate? I remember that their relationship seems to be quite good..."

The thinking of the sacrificial snake is still stuck in the ancient times.

in his view.

The current situation is like 'I haven't gotten off work yet, when my youngest daughter called and cried and said that the beautiful aunt next door took my sister away. ’

And this beautiful aunt, in the eyes of the sacrificial snake, is just like the godmother of the 'eldest daughter'.

The godmother takes her daughter out to play, can this be considered a robbery? Should this matter be dealt with?

That's all, letting the masquerade party riot will only affect the progress of the royal life.

Thinking of this, the sacrificial snake no longer hesitated, and spent a lot of existence power to spread the message in the gap between the two worlds:

"There should be some misunderstanding here that you are not sure about, please stop for the time being, and don't have any more disputes."

The Serpent Snake has high trust in Belupiolu and takes good care of each other's face.

If someone else said that, He would politely say, ‘Go back to sleep and wake up and come over and talk to me. ’

I have accumulated the power to create the existence of "Nowhere"... In a burst of heartache, the sacrificial serpent dignifiedly communicated:

"Prepare the tyrant, and soon I will project my will and negotiate with the sun god."

As for when this day will be, let Belupiolu guess, anyway, the time is set by Him.

I am an old creation **** with a poor concept of time and cannot remember the passage of time. Isn’t that a matter of course?

It is estimated that the eldest daughter is going to play at Aunt Ai next door. It is rare that she is interested in going out and exercising. Let her play for a while without affecting the royal life... The Serpent Snake can't help but think so.

On the other side, in the Xingli Hall.

Bellupeo, who received the reply, couldn't help but be ecstatic, and hurriedly asked the professor to prepare the acting body 'Tyrant'.

It didn't take long for Professor Dantario to come to the prayer hall with his strange tone and equipment, and it didn't take long to get ready.

For the first hour, Belupeo looked ecstatic.

On the first night, Belupeo appeared bewildered.

When the sunlight hit her face the next morning, Bellupiolu looked at a large group of subordinates who thought that the sacrificial snake was coming back to greet her, with a very embarrassed expression:

"It's sloppy, I forgot to ask the leader of the specific time, this is troublesome."

Looking at the impatient subordinates who were already waiting below, thinking of the price of expelling them, Miss Belle Peoru, the staff advisor, was in a bad mood.


Magic City, a homestay controlled by the outside world.

As Will Emina opened the door with the key, a whistling sound of wind came from inside.

When she couldn't dodge in time, Shana only felt that her face collided with a soft mass.


An affectionate call rang in Shana's ear.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of tender arms wrapped around her head and clenched it tightly.

"Shake off the nest (let go of me)!"

The voice of the girl's changing tone of struggle followed.

While standing at the door, Will Emina, who was pulling the door handle, saw this scene, looked at Caipiao Feilaisi's figure wordlessly, then looked at her own, and suddenly said decadently: "Unwilling to lose. "

Her contract demon king Tiamat said at this time: "Papaya milk is urgently needed."

'Old Father' Alastor did not understand the logic of the two at all, and urged:

"What are you still looking at, aren't you saving people? Is it hard not to see that child?"

Hearing this, Su Jin only reacted from washing his face and killing, and coughed twice:

"Cough! Let her go, Phyllis."

Hearing this, Cai Piao Fei Lei Si released her hand with a look of reluctance, and took two steps back.

Shana, whose face was flushed red, couldn't help rubbing her flushed face, and stared at Philees angrily and said:

"You bastard! Are you trying to be cut in half!"

She was so angry that she wanted to jump up and kick Phyllis's knee. If this guy didn't explain anything in front of the meeting later, she would directly attack him as a chaotic gangster.

However, Caipiao Phyllis's attitude was even worse than hers.

"I hug my father, what does it have to do with you?" Felice looked at Shana with indifference, not as excited as before.

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? I almost got hit by your..."

Shana looked at Felice's figure flatly, and a burst of anger poured out in her heart:

"It was me who was almost suffocated by your inferior figure, okay?"

When she said the word 'next work', she felt a bit gnashing her teeth.

"I am holding my father, and you are just the medium of contact."

At first glance, Fei Lei Si's cold and delicate face was full of "It has nothing to do with you".

In her opinion, Shana is just a medium for Su Jin to appear in this world.

Just like the clothes Su Jin was wearing.

When she hugs Su Jin, does she still care whether Su Jin is wearing clothes?

"You bastard!"

Shana angrily took out the Zhan Dian Zhana:

"Stand there and don't move, see if I chop you to death!"

Phyllis curled her lips in disdain, obviously not caring about this small threat.

Seeing this, Su Jin said directly:

"Will Emina, please take Alastor and wait outside the door for a while."

Without waiting for Will Amina's response, Su Jin said, "Xia Na, go in with Cai Piao and close the door."


Shana was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Will Emina and closed the door.

Taking a few steps back, Felice, who entered the living room, looked suspiciously at the pendant in front of Shana:


At this time, Su Jin said with a sense of majesty:

"Lie down on the sofa and pout up."

When Felice obediently walked to the sofa, Shana couldn't help asking, "Don't you want to discuss business affairs with Cai Piao? Why do you want her to lie down on the sofa?"

"That's the business."

Su Jin replied to Shana, and after Phileas had set her position, she said directly:

"Xana, now you slap her for me."

Phyllis: "???"

"What?" Shana was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, her eyes seemed to light up.

"Father..." Felice wanted to get up and say something, but was stopped by Su Jin.

"Lie down well."

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