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Chapter 718:

This is much higher than Zeus' status in Greece. You must know that Knight's identity is the undisputed boss in Egypt.

Even Alger didn't expect it.

Last month, due to the spiritual confusion of the godslayer world, the god-king 'Nate' who accompanied the five god-kings to the Olympus Mountain was actually Athena herself.

This woman is having a great time.

The thief shouted to catch the thief. The deputy leader of the tribe and the leader of the alliance were actually the same person. This ghost can guess her vest.

And such a vest, Alger is sure that there are not many Athena, but at least there will not be only one.

With such multiple identities, even if the identity of Athena is restricted, it is inevitable that the other party will give up the spirituality of Greece, switch to other gods, and then take revenge on himself.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome, after all, no one can guarantee that they can completely resist Athena's calculations.

Wasn't she tricked like this before?

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Alger transferred Athena's contract object to Su Jin.

Because she knew very well that the value of Su Jin was something Athena could not easily give up.

Unless Su Jin really touches the bottom line, Athena's character will definitely not turn against Su Jin, and she even doubts whether Athena's character will acquiesce herself to being succeeded by Su Jin under the temptation of various interests.

The possibilities of this man in her family scared her so much.

If someone had told her decades earlier that Alger would be committed to a human being in the future, she would probably have pulled the skin of that person.

But now, this is what happened.

Under the grace of being promoted to two figures, and under the grace of getting out of the cage, she really felt that it was not bad to be a woman once.

And Athena... As long as the relationship between Su Jin and Zeus is not compromised, she is probably hopeless.

When the kindness is greater than the limit of repayment, Athena either considers killing Su Jin, and it is over, or she meets Su Jin's biggest flaw, commits herself to him, and surrenders herself to repay, just like her Alger, accompany herself out , When the interests of the two are the same, when you have me and I have you, the kindness will naturally be unimportant.

And she, Alger, is actually very happy to see Athena change to this.

She is bigger and Athena is smaller, wouldn't that always hold this **** down?

And Athena had to accept it 'willingly'. After all, this was a choice she made.

Thinking of this, Alger patted Su Jin's shoulder with a smile, and a veteran cadre persuaded him:

"Work hard, anyway, I left her to you, and strive for next year, a little kid will call me a big mother."

When Su Jin heard this, his head was full of black lines:

"Fuck off!"

"What do you think maids do?!"

Hearing this, Alger asked rhetorically:

"Is there anything wrong with testing the props for the hostess's arms for the hostess?"

Haven't you tried it already... Su Jin wanted to say this sentence very much, but in the end, he still didn't say this sentence while holding Athena's waist.


Living Athena…

I originally thought that when I went to Shana's world before, that kind of thing was already the limit, but now, it seems that there is an upper limit...

Moreover, Athena does not seem to have the idea of ​​​​refusing.

Su Jin admitted.

At this moment, he is indeed an lsp.

Seeing Su Jin's appearance, Alger snorted a man in his heart, turned around and disappeared here, and even Bafengte, who was sensible, also left for an excuse.

At this time, Su Jin was silent for a long time, and suddenly said:

"The Greek side has a deep connection with Thousand Eyes?"

"Yeah." Athena replied calmly.

But Su Jin always suspected that the woman had just shaken.

"Then about the Tianjun's action against the Ouroboros this time, you should be able to check it, right?"

Su Jin said this and added:

"I don't know why, I'm just a little curious about the actions of the Heavenly Army against the Ouroboros."

As for this curiosity, why do you take the maid back to the room, or go to Su Jin's own room.

That's an unspoken secret.

And the bigger secret is the secondary damage of Black Rabbit's maid outfit.

In order to ensure that the black rabbit is not embarrassed, Su Jin decided to tear it apart a bit more this time, it is best to let it die without a whole body!

Chapter 967 Brahma Can't Be Said

North District, 7777 Outer Gate, inside a deep-sea cave.

Bear! sound.

Pale white flames burned in the cave, illuminating the dark green rocks around.

Choking sound.

Di Shitian put down his weapon, found a stone and sat down, took off the helmet part of the armor, revealing that heroic but somewhat decadent face:

"Huh, I haven't been so tired in a long time."

When he complained, why was a member of the Heavenly Army wearing quaint armor silently shuttling through the cave, carrying supplies one by one with the gift of space.

Under the pale glow of the fire, Emperor Shitian, who was wearing a simple armor, withdrew his hand armor, followed by his leg armor, and stepped on the ground with his bare feet.

At this time, a figure walked out of the cave and leaned over:

"Di Shitian, now is not the time to relax."

The mature woman wearing a feather coat and curly hair said in a scolding tone.

"Forgive me, Tie Fan, I think my Emperor Shitian is a lot of age, and I still exercised like this today, my waist is almost sore!"

While beating his waist, Di Shitian complained to the iron fan.

Princess Tie Fan looked at him indifferently, and just said calmly:

"The job you will be responsible for will increase by 20% later."

Di Shitian's face turned green, and before he could say anything, another figure came over.

"Di Shitian, you are really being lazy."

Brahma, wearing a plain white robe, came over and said as usual:

"But forget it, it's basically over."

Speaking of which, he added: "If there is no accident."

Hearing this, Di Shitian raised his eyebrows: "It's over for Shiva and Marta too?"

He remembered that those two should be going to catch the young savior.

And according to common sense, the Ouroboros should resist a wave of fierce resistance, and then "reluctantly" retreat, and "can only" hand Kalji into their hands.

Logically speaking, this process should not be fast.

At this time, Brahma closed his eyes and said calmly, "Maybe."

"Although I don't think it's going right, as far as the results are concerned, it seems to be good, but you'd better make sure for yourself."

Di Shitian suddenly had black lines all over his head, and said speechlessly:

"It's the induction brought about by your abominable foresight again? Can you speak clearly once again, and every time you have to collect information to guess, I'm very annoying."

In Little Garden, the most restricted is the authority of prophecy.

Compared with simple ones like Laplace's Demon, it can accurately predict the future of the Nether.

Hakoba, a place with many gods and Buddhas interfering, itself as a center for many cosmic observations, is simply a crematorium of the prophecy department.

There are too many variables, too many interference factors, the prediction is successful, some big bosses are provoked, and there is life danger.

Therefore, there are really few talents in the prophecy department in Hakoten.

Because it's almost dead.

And the creator **** Brahma.

As a three-digit number with prophecy authority, it is one of the very few monsters that has survived successfully.

His predictions are very accurate, but there is a stinky problem. You need to gather information to guess the real content. Unless you guess it, he will never say it.

In his words, this is the virtue of a prophet.

"A virtue like shit, every day makes me waste my money to buy information from Thousand Eyes. Damn, but I am the leader and can't report more reimbursement."

While scolding his mother, Di Shitian took out the information sent by Thousand Eyes.

He first customized the information related to Kalji in Thousand Eyes, because once there is news, the intelligence department of Thousand Eyes will directly transmit it to him through special gift items.

This channel is mainly protected by the double goddess, so I am not afraid of things leaking.

After taking out the information scroll, Di Shitian opened it and read it again, his eyes gradually became weird:

"Using the power of destruction, the quality of divine power is extremely high, and the unknown three-digit number suspected to be the three most powerful species pretends to be Kalji?"

"Ouroboros still play this hand?"

"Didn't they claim to give us an explanation before? Is that an explanation?"

"Obviously agreed to hand Kalji to me for trial, but are they still doing this? Are they still sincere? Are they still shameless?"

Hearing this, both Brahma and Princess Tie Fan looked at Di Shitian with expressionless faces.

This guy doesn't even look at where they are?

This is the secret warehouse of Ouroboros on the lower level!

When your Emperor Shitian communicated with Ouroboros before, did he not say that he would attack here?

There must be a limit when a thief shouts to catch a thief.

However, as an old colleague.

Whether it is Brahma or Princess Iron Fan, it is very clear.

Di Shitian is such a shameless man!

The thief shouting to catch the thief is just a basic operation for him.

After cursing for a while, Di Shitian squinted at the information and muttered:

"Shiva and Marta were stopped by two three-digit battle strengths, and in the end they could only let the lurking Amon Ra and others attack Kalji?"

"And looking at the information from Thousand Eyes, it seems that they deduced that the other party's spirits are 'Hermes' and 'Waleslana'?"

Welles Laner? ?

The corner of Di Shitian's mouth twitched fiercely.

Isn't that his old vest?

How could I, the dignified leader of the Heavenly Army, become your subordinate to the Ouroboros?

Intentionally vicious people, this is!

"Who did it, can fit the identity of Welleslana, and still hasn't appeared... Hercules?"

Hearing this, Brahma nodded slightly, expressing his approval.

"Oh? It's actually this kid!"

With Brahma's confirmation, Di Shitian showed a dangerous look.

Go to Hercules and give him some medicine? This is looking for trouble!

Hmph, I'll write to him later and ask him to close his wife's door a little tighter.

"The other... Hermes... Forget it, let's just assume that Hermes did it."

Di Shitian, who was still trying to guess, immediately gave up his guess.

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