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Chapter 752:

"Tsk, who hasn't been young yet, as for?"

Shiroyasha casually kicked the small stone next to him, muttered, then rolled his eyes and said:

"All in all, this time, you will cooperate with us and exchange the Linggu we stored in the Yasha Pond, okay?"

【Yaksha Pool】

This is the secret treasure of the Buddhist Yaksha family, and it is also the inheritance treasure of the Yaksha family who are born gods and Buddhas.

Its function is the same as that of Arcadia's Tamamo former, and its function is to continue the bloodline to give birth to the next generation of clansmen.

It's just that compared to the "self-replication" in front of Tamamo, the advantage of the Yaksha pool is that it can produce Yaksha in large quantities.

Of course, the higher the quantity, the worse the quality, and even requires a lot of security assistance. Naturally, the function is not as convenient as the prequel.

There is one function, but it is very important.

That is the 'Yaksha' spirituality that can give birth to the life born gods and Buddhas.

Relying on this, Bai Yasha temporarily stripped away the spirit of the White Night King with the help of Sakyamuni and the twin goddesses through a secret method, and was born from the Yasha Pond in a short time, thus changing the door, from a star spirit to a natural one. God Buddha.

White refers to the White Night King, Yasha, and worth is the spiritual and divine personality of Yasha.

This is the origin of the name Shiroyasha.

However, after going through so many things recently, being marginalized again and again, and even some cats and dogs dare to jump in the face, Bai Yasha can't help it anymore.

She intends to take back the spirit spirit stored in the Yasha Pond, the spirit spirit of the real White Night King, and return to the position of two digits.

"A share of sun sovereignty." The Queen of Halloween said lightly.

This sentence directly broke Shiroyasha's thoughts just now, making her mouth open:

"Why is it so expensive?"

"Didn't you promise to give me a little cheaper?"

The Queen of Halloween looked at White Yaksha in amazement at this time:

"You actually believed what I told you?"

The White Yaksha was dumbfounded and looked at the Queen of Halloween, and then looked at the Yaksha Pond next to her.

Grass, sloppy!

Counted by this woman!

Now even if we don't want to do anything, it's meaningless. What can we do by sneaking to Yasha Pond? Can those immortals still not know?


"You bastard..." Thinking of this, Bai Yasha gritted her teeth angrily, glared at the Queen of Halloween and said, "We still want to reconcile with you!"

"Make up?" The Queen of Halloween was really surprised this time: "Do you think you deserve it?"

When she said this, she said with a look of contempt:

"When you stole my underwear and put it on your head, I stopped seeing you as an adult, don't you know?"

Shiroyasha gave a "woo" and said with a red face:

"What you're talking about is what the White Night King did at dawn. What does it have to do with me, White Yaksha?"

Above Lingshan.

The corner of Buddha's mouth twitched while pinching his fingers.

He once wondered how the two conflicted?

But now that I hear the truth, I only have deep regrets in my heart.

Is this something my dignified Buddha can hear?

Sorry, very sorry!

At this time, in the Mahavira Hall, many Buddhas looked at the compassionate gesture on the Buddha's face, and suddenly began to whisper.

"Is the Buddha lamenting the fate of the Buddha's son again?"

"Isn't it? I don't know who did it, but he tied the white horse Karji in the trash can with tape and stole the Buddha's merit box. This is to be severely punished, it must be severely punished!"

All the Buddhas turned their heads and stared at the corners of the 'honest man''s wildly raised mouth, showing extremely knowing smiles, and said in unison:



On the other side, Shiroyasha, who understood that it was not too late, looked at the blond girl with deep eyes in front of him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Change! Isn't it a sun sovereign? Let's give it to you!"

When she got back the Lingge, she became a double-digit number on the lower floor, to see that she didn't steal the Halloween Queen's clothes and stuff them into Su Jin's closet.


One big and the other small, there is no good thing, and it will only fool this young comrade like us.

Let's remember this feud!

Hearing this, Halloween and the Queen gave Bai Yasha a deep look, thinking about going back and changing the wardrobe and Skaha's wardrobe, then squinted and smiled:

"it is good!"

Chapter 1015 Who wants to be your sister

[500] Outer Gate·Heavenly Army Headquarters.

"The above is the report of this operation."

Uesugi Kenshin, who was standing upright, spoke at a steady pace and reported towards the top Emperor Shi Tianhui.

Sitting behind the desk, the blue-haired youth in a black suit with a high ponytail held a white scroll, slowly rolled it up, and sighed:

"I already know about the conflict at the outer gate of 3345."

"In view of the special circumstances, this operation was sealed in the 'historical record belt' as 'results undecided'."

Speaking of which, Di Shitian squinted at Marta on the single sofa next to him, and warned:

"Remember to use paper documents."

"Hi~" Matara lengthened her tone and replied lazy sheep.

After learning from the previous incident that the 'historical tapes' and 'paper documents' implied the meaning of 'covering up the facts', Uesugi Kenshin lowered his head at this time and showed a shameful expression.

After the attack on the Ouroboros, the power of the Heavenly Army finally regained its strength, and it was damaged again in the failure of this operation. Although the result was nothing, it was a bad start after all.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency."

"Can't blame you."

Di Shitian shook his head, then said with a smile:

"Faced with the White Night King, not everyone would dare to step in."

Speaking of this, he laughed at himself: "After all, I didn't let the deity hide in the three thousand worlds to hide from the group of Ouroboros."

"That's it."

While eating the grapes, Marta said with a smile:

"If it weren't for this old-fashioned embryo's simulated innovation map that wasn't Su Jin's type, we wouldn't have to be caught in the middle, it would be so painful."

Hearing this, Di Shitian's face turned black, and he said speechlessly:

"What if it's not defensive? Can you say that my Fan Shi gun is not strong? It's the treasure of Lao Tzu's bottom of the box. Once you swing it, you can win!"

"But it doesn't want Su Jin's person to be fearful."

Marta shook the grape in her hand and retorted with a smile:

"You will definitely win, it doesn't mean you won't die, and Su Jin's one means 'you will never lose', there's a big gap, isn't it?"

Speaking of which, Marta added:

"And the most important thing is that the simulated star creation map can't be used by anyone except the corresponding qualified ones, which is interesting."

Di Shitian raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but didn't say anything to refute.

In fact, this restriction is the reason why Su Jin is now gradually regarded as the 'safest person'.

Two-digit numbers can’t be grabbed, three-digit numbers can’t break defenses, Su Jin is stuck with a four-digit spirituality, staying on the lower level, and he has a three-digit legendary level of combat power, he is simply an African flathead brother, strong I don't want to offend, the weak can't afford to offend, and it really makes him a climate.

Thinking of this, Di Shitian couldn't help but say strangely:

"How do I feel that although Zeus is dead, a new Zeus has appeared again."

"It's a coincidence, I think so too." Marta responded with a smile.

"It's still a little different."

Shiva, who was occupying the entire sofa by himself, supported his cheek with one hand and said lazily:

"At least that little guy's moral level is higher than that of Emperor Shitian, let alone Zeus."

How do I feel that you are pointing at your face and scolding me... Di Shitian looked at Shiva with a black line, and was extremely speechless in his heart.

"Speaking of which, is there still no movement in Greece?"

While eating the fruit, Marta said in surprise:

"I made a good bet before. Now that the fourth generation of God King has successfully ascended the throne, it is strange that there is no movement again."

"I guess I'm waiting for the situation to settle down."

Di Shatian put the scroll on the side of the desk, put it in the pile of files, and then played with the taste:

"Now there is a lot of noise over there in the temples."

Shiva, who had an avatar in the temple of the gods, said lazily at this time:

"The people on Athena's side seem to be lobbying the lords of the gods. It seems that they want Su Jin to safely receive the interests of Greece in the lower classes."

"Those immortals may not be willing." Di Shitian muttered.

Marta ate the last raisin, licked her fingers and said:

"But they don't want to and can't do it. Could it be that they can still find someone who is enough to kill that little freak?"

"Some people in the temple of the gods call him 'invincible' and regard him as the number one powerhouse under the heavens. Can they find a powerhouse who can eat Su Jin steadily at the lower level?"

Hearing this, all the Martial Gods fell into silence.

Unlike in the past, who was regarded as a cutting-edge powerhouse, Su Jin now can be said to have truly gained a firm foothold and displayed his majesty...

Whether it is the victory over Zeus, or the rare simulated star creation map in the world, and the terrifying combat power, it is enough to attract the attention of various super-large groups of gods.

Even within the Heavenly Army, there were only two or three people who had the confidence to pass Su Jin on the top.

And if it is at the upper level, even if Di Shitian holds the Brahma Spear, he can't do anything about Su Jin.

It is true that he can win unconditionally through the Fan Shi gun, but Su Jin can never be defeated by relying on the great secret treasure. When the two sides fight, it is the strongest spear against the strongest shield. No one can do it.

At this time, Shiva suddenly said suspiciously:

"How did I hear that someone wanted to call him 'the world's number one poisoner'? To declare his record of poisoning Bayeli with blood?"

When you say 'someone', do you mean St. George? Di Shitian complained in his heart, then patted the table and said:

"Forget it, it's not our responsibility to deal with this."

When Emperor Shi arrived here, he looked up at the crowd, and then said:

"At least for now, that stinky boy is still on our side, and that's enough."

"The core of the next work of the Tianjun is to deal with the Ouroboros..."

Before Di Shitian could finish his words, a brown-and-white Peng bird about the size of a hamster appeared on his desk with a small scroll in his mouth.

Seeing the Peng bird, Di Shitian's complexion changed, and the faces of the other twelve days also changed.

There is only one person in this small garden who uses Pengniao as a messenger and has the authority to enter the core area of ​​the Heavenly Army unconditionally.

That is the present Buddha of Buddhism, Shakyamuni.

Di Shitian was silent for a moment, took off the scroll in Peng Bird's mouth, opened it, and his face suddenly became extremely pale.

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