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Chapter 791:

With three two-digit combat power platforms, Su Jin is still willing to negotiate and negotiate, which is indeed a sincere act.

If it were Zeus, with the support of this kind of power, it would only be too much for ordinary people to imagine.

Hearing this sentence, Di Shitian immediately smiled.

"In this case…"

Before he could finish speaking, Hades interrupted:

"But that's not the reason I'm going to take it easy."

Di Shitian's smile was stagnant, and then he looked at Hades with an angry smile and said:

"Can't you just say it all?"

"Yes." Hades said lightly, "but I don't."

As he spoke, he slowly picked up the fruit wine on the side, took a sip and said:

"The opportunity to play with your fox doesn't come every year."

Di Shatian had a black line on his head, gritted his teeth and said:

"You old bastard!"

After he finished speaking, he sighed heavily and said:

"Tell me, what are the conditions, say it in one breath, so that I won't be happy."

Hades chuckled when he heard the words, then raised an index finger and said:


"I want to see what kind of benefits it will bring to all members of Greece after he incorporates Greece."

"It's like Zeus determined the relationship between the major gods in Greece by establishing a 'theogony', and provided the possibility of evolution for everyone's spiritual personality."

Hades said this with a very serious face and asserted:

"I have always thought that it is better not to have the Lord of the Gods who cannot bring about the future."

"Bringing new possibilities to Greece, that's what I'm asking for."

"If he can do this, I, and even Hestia, are willing to bow down and serve."

When Di Shitian heard this, his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he exhaled and said:

"It seems that you and Hestia have already discussed it!"

Hades did not deny, but did not admit, but tacitly acquiesced in Di Shitian's guess.

And understanding the conditions of Hades and Hestia, Di Shitian naturally does not need to stay.

He stood up, glanced at Hades, nodded slightly and said:

"I'll take your meaning to it."

Hades smiled back, then paused and said:

"If possible, let him come to Olympus."

"Huh?" Di Shitian looked at Hades in surprise, not understanding what this Hades meant.

At this time, Hades smiled helplessly:

"Eldest sister wants to see him."

Di Shitian suddenly realized that he understood, then turned around, took a step, and stopped again:

"Although it sounds bad, I still have a suggestion for you."

"Please speak." Hades nodded and gestured.

At this time, Emperor Shitian played with the taste:

"Meet me with a pure girl, then it's better to use a woman to greet Su Jin, otherwise, the girl will be 'injured'."

"I understand." Hades nodded, and then continued: "I will arrange for a girl to greet him."

The smile on Di Shitian's face froze for a moment, and then he scolded and descended to Mount Olympus.

Chapter 1072 The Mystery of the God Spectrum

Just after finishing the usual meditation, Su Jin walked out of the room and saw Alger on the sofa in the living room with her feet soaked in a wooden barrel, and also saw the large Athena standing behind Alger, kneading her shoulders for her .

Su Jin looked at the cucumber-colored liquid in the wooden barrel, stunned for a moment, and said a little speechlessly:

"You really went to Orpheus for tears."

It's Dragon Tears soaking his feet again, and the goddess of wisdom pinching his shoulders. Alger's treatment is much better than his.

"It just so happens that you can give you more supplements to make up your body's deficit, and both parties can take what they need, isn't that bad?"

Alger gently fiddled with the water with his jade feet, while squinting his eyes, he smiled at Su Jin comfortably:

"How about it, how does it feel to have Ar-chan blood in your body? Isn't it super beautiful?"

"I suggest you call it handsome." Su Jin said helplessly. What does he want a big man to be beautiful?

"As my man from Alger, why are you so tasteless?"

Algor murmured, then cast a glance at Athena, and said softly:

"People have come out, and there is something to say."

Hearing this, Su Jin immediately understood something, looked at Athena and said:

"Any news from Greece?"

Athena pinched Alger's shoulder lightly, glanced at Su Jin, and said:

"Di Shitian has just descended from Mount Olympus, and he's almost here."

"He really helped me convince Greece?"

Su Jin was shocked when he heard the news.

He had previously suspected that Marta was just fooling him. But now that even Emperor Shitian has personally walked on the holy mountain of Greece, this is no different from full support, right?

Seeing Su Jin's surprised look, Athena couldn't help but chuckle and hit the key point:

"Why not do the icing on the cake?"

"But Di Shitian represents the position of the Tianjun. Well, it is already a very important statement that he can add the icing on the cake."

Su Jin shook his head, walked to the refrigerator next to him, and took out two cans of beer:

"Looks like I really have to entertain him this time."

"Then you still take beer?" Alger said with a speechless face.

She raised her feet and shook the water towards Su Jin: "Go and get the divine wine on the top floor of the wine cabinet. Since it is a good treat, then go and get the first-class stuff."

At this time, Su Jin shook his head and refused: "You don't understand, the best way to get in touch in my hometown is to eat skewers and drink beer at the same time, and it's my hospitality, so of course I use my method."

Alger curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just a formality? You pour out the beer and pour the divine wine into the empty can, won't you?"

"Otherwise, give it to Emperor Shitian and the wine that can't even be drunk, and spread it out. Be careful that you are rhythmized by those disgusting gods."

Alger said this and complained:

"I don't care anyway. After all, my reputation is going to die. What are you doing to be a leader?"

Hearing this, Su Jin shrugged helplessly and said, "I'll listen to you. Who made you the biggest here?"

As he spoke, he walked to the sofa, replaced the water in the can of beer, and poured it down the drain of the tea table.

At this time, Athena stopped, took out an exquisite wine bottle, and handed it to Su Jin:

"Use Soma's God Bar, which is Di Shatian's favorite."

"Yo, the preparation is really sufficient." Su Jin took the wine and looked at Athena while processing: "Di Shitian, who did you meet this time?"

"Hades." Athena explained softly: "Hades is a resident alternate in the Heavenly Army, and their friendship is not bad."

"So that's the case." Su Jin was surprised.

Because the Heavenly Army is composed of people drawn from the gods of the gods, Di Shitian, who is a front-line officer, and Hades, the alternate, are comrades-in-arms who work together, and it is normal to have friendship.

Although Su Jin didn't know whether Di Shitian succeeded or not, the probability of coming should not be small:

"Have you only seen Hades?"

"Yes." Athena nodded, and then continued: "I contacted Apollo and Hephaestus, they promised to accept the rule, but only if you ask Hestia and Hades As for Poseidon, he has one more condition than others to see you."

Su Jin raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. Hephaestus would do this, which surprised him a little:

"It seems that the Kitchen God and Hades have a very high status in Greece."

At this time, Alger sneered:

"Oh, if it wasn't for Zeus's creation of a simulated star chart, the position of the king of the gods should have been Hades."

She said this, and looked at Athena playfully: "Speaking of which, your mother's credit is also included. If she hadn't helped Zeus create the star map, you wouldn't have so many things."

"It's all over." Athena sighed and replied calmly: "What matters now is how to convince Hades and Hestia."

Hearing this, Alger waved his hand and said with a little ease:

"Don't worry, there is Halloween as the middleman to deal with Hestia, and Di Shitian is helping to convince Hades that you fox will deal with the other 12 gods. Isn't it easy?"

"Although that's true, I'm worried that Hestia and the others will be more demanding." Athena sighed.

"Harsh, how harsh?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows.

Athena looked at Su Jin, and said in a subtle tone: "For example, returning the simulated star map 'God spectrum', or ... the star map on your body."

Hearing this, Su Jin was instantly delighted: "I dare to give them something and dare to ask for it?"

"I think it's better to make some preparations." Athena calmly told her thoughts.

Su Jin frowned when he heard this, "If you say that, I also think I have to prepare something."

Alger, who was beside him, couldn't help but said, "You two suffer from paranoia, can you stop for a while?"

"I've already pulled the platform for Halloween and Baiye. How dare they ask for something from you? Are you thinking too much?"

Hearing this, Su Jin was also a little embarrassed, but he still replied:

"...Be prepared. Besides, wasn't Athena from Greece before? Don't she need to prepare for her guess?"

Alger was speechless when he heard this, and couldn't help but complain:

"Ask Athena what about the Greek gods? Are you kidding me? She'll just say that everyone wants to hurt her."

Hearing this, Su Jin looked at Athena, or his face paused at this time, and then nodded.

Do you really think that the Greeks are going to harm you... Su Jin thought with a little surprise.

He was silent for a while, and then asked tentatively:

"Then why don't you ask Di Shitian what he thinks?"

"it is good."

Not long after, Di Shitian, who came in a hurry, looked at the negotiation trial opposite the sofa, his face suddenly became numb, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop trembling and said:

"I didn't do anything to the women of your community, did I?"

Alger shook his head, but Arcadia had him to testify, how could Di Shatian hide from her what he wanted to do.

At this time, Di Shitian's face twitched:

"Is that an animal? A newly born elk?"

"Neither." Athena shook her head. All the animals in Arcadia were controlled by Artemis, and it was impossible for Di Shitian to start.

Hearing this, Di Shitian's eyes lit up, and he straightened his waist immediately, saying sternly:

"Then what are you trying to do with me interrogating me?"

"I'm an ally!"

Chapter 1073 Then Arrange

With what you said, who believes that you are a friendly army? Why do I always feel that I have to guard against you in the future? Su Jin complained about Emperor Shi Tiandao in his heart.

However, the spit returns to spit, but he is very clear that although Di Shitian is wavering, he can control his lower body. Not everyone can hold the position of the head of the Heavenly Army. If Emperor Shi Tianzhen was a devoted wife by any means, he would have been pulled down by those gods long ago.

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